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Hello, first I want to apologize for missing some days that was suppose to have updates. I'll try to explain things and set a new schedule for a bit.

Last week I had a dental emergency, my wisdom tooth became infected which caused me not to sleep and I wasn't able to draw much. Luckily I got to be seen by a dentist Friday and they gave me medicines for the infection and pain so I could finally sleep again. The medicine finally helped the swelling and pain over the weekend so I could begin drawing again this week. I also learned I will have to have surgery to have two teeth removed. I have an appointment to see the surgeon on the 28th. So, I will be trying to catch up on drawing and release as much content as I can till then and hopefully stockpile a few pics. I'm unsure if I will have the surgery that day or if I will have to schedule it for another day. This has all be sudden and unforeseen. So, the stress of not knowing how much it will cost to have the surgery or not knowing if I will have enough saved to have the surgery has made focusing on drawing difficult. I'm also unsure once I hopefully can have the surgery done how many days I will have to take off drawing to recover. I will try my best to produce a lot of content while I wait to have the surgery done and I will try my best to begin back as soon as it's over. Again sorry for missing updates, I really hope I can get a lot done before the surgery. Thanks so much for all the support I've gained. I just wish I could've stayed on schedule. I hope to see you all soon with some more new updates!

P.S. I think this is my first time drawing Temari x Raikage. It's strange to know there's still Raikage pairings I haven't drawn yet.




Temari is training her pussy in order to surprise Shikamaru :3


Great pic, I always like seeing Temari. Sorry to hear about your tooth, dude, that really sucks. I hope the surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery!


Thanks. I gotta have 2 removed. I've never had surgery so I'm unsure of the process and how much it'll be. So, I'm gonna try to draw as much as I can until then so I have some content to release.