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This one sat around in the rough sketch phase a long while. Hope to have it done too.



Jinchuuriki Jay

YESSSSSSS Finally ! I could hug you Studio Oppai ! Thank you for doing more Heroines material since i thought the wonder woman one was the only one we would be getting for a long time. Hope we eventually get Power Girl, She Hulk, Black Widow etc etc


Power Girl I've already drawn a couple times in her New 52 design. I'm a DC person when it comes to comics. So, there's no plans for SheHulk or Black Widow. But, Black Canary or Zantana are the current possible comic girls to be Blacked next. However my mind could change by then so don't hold me to them. Miss Martian, BatGirl, and Wonder Woman again are all on my mind too.

Net Conner

You should do the DC Superhero girls version.