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I'm making this poll for all Patrons since I want some input. I'm considering starting a 2nd doujin to go alongside my current doujin "RESIZE". But, I'm unsure of which series is in more demand for a doujin. So, I figured I'd ask. I don't really have a doujin idea for either series in the poll at the moment. But, I wanted to see which series I should consider thinking about a doujin for. I'm unsure of which characters and other details as well. This poll is just for me to see what my fans would like to see me draw. I'm sure it'd take a couple weeks for me to think of a story even if I decide to try to do 2 doujin at once. I just know my "RESIZE" doujin has been a flop so far and hasn't been liked much so I wanna try to do something my fans would like more. I'm still going to finish "RESIZE" because it's a doujin I really want to do. Thanks. 



I always say a raikage x sakura you're the only guy that do that cople so i don't think you can go wrong, either way I'll be ok whit what ever you do so give it your all, FIGHT!!!.


Where is ur resize doujin to at I haven't seen you post it is it not available for 5 $tier


Right now Doujin are currently B Rank exclusive. I've been considering making them to 5 tier. But, half of my total finacial support comes from the few 10 tier patrons I have. So, until I can gain a lot more support I may have to keep doujin exclusive to the upper tier. I'm not a very popular artist and don't have a lot of support. Ideally I'd love to make all content for just like a 5 or less tier. But, I'd need many many more Patrons before I could possibly make that happen. I hope I can in the future. Thanks.


I wish Sakura was more popular. Haha. It'd probably be a doujin that at least has Hinata in it since Hinata brings in way more fans and support than any other character. I'll have to see what I can think up.


Np I cant say ur doujin was a flop I didn't read it but knowing ur work it was good