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Well, since today is the anniversary of Cowboy Bebop I figured now is a good time to draw Faye. I've wanted to draw her for a long time so now seems like a good time and a good reason. Might be able to finish her today I hope.

Also, I haven't been active because I've been searching hard for a job since drawing isn't profitable enough anymore at all. Today I finished some tests and stuff for a job and am waiting to get my start date. I really hope this job happens. Things are really stressful right now with bills and such. Once I start work I'll continue to draw as much as I can. Probably can still do 1-2 pics a week. But, I'll be working 60+ hour weeks and probably working one or both days of the weekends as well from what they've told me about the job. Anyway, I'll always continue to draw as inspiration and time permits. See ya again soon!



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