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Finally! The new Studio Oppai has arrived!

I'm very happy to announce the new Studio Oppai Primary Divisions!

What is this exactly?

Well, mainly just Studio Oppai expanding in the content that is produced. With the new Divisions there will be more variety and pairings while still keeping the old content you've come to enjoy. This is just step one towards the new Studio Oppai as I'll be spending the remaining week finishing the updates and overhaul of all the Studio Oppai accounts. Not just Patreon. Pixiv, Twitter, Youtube, Deviantart, etc will all be receiving overhauls. I felt it important to update everything and make it all more uniform.

What do these Divisions mean?

Overall it'll just mean more variety in content. As I'll strive to create more than one update to each Primary Division each month, more details on what the Divisions will offer below. I'm confident I'll be able to provide 1-3 updates to each Division of Studio Oppai each month. There will also be Sub-Divisions of Studio Oppai that will be announced later. Those will not have set updates as they're not the Primaries. But, expect a lot more news to come on them later once they're ready to announce. Again it's going to take days to overhaul my accounts and get everything running smoothly. However Patreon updates will be rolling out very soon. Starting tomorrow. I've been stockpiling a lot of sketches to finish up and get a boatload of updates out this month. Better late than never I guess. Haha. As for how this will affect the Patreon Tiers I'm not fully sure yet. The NarutoSluts Division will definitely remain in the 5+ Tier. However, I'm considering making the ComicSluts and HentaiSluts Divisions in the 10+ tier to offer those Patrons even more exclusive content since right now they don't get much. I would like feedback on this and hear opinions on which road to take with it. Also moving forward the upcoming Doujin Division will be 10+ tier so there's that as well.

What does each Primary Division offer?

NarutoSluts will offer just that. The usual Naruto pics you've come to expect from Studio Oppai. Nothing much changes here. Maybe I'll try to do a monthly poll for it? Not fully sure yet. But, expect to see some more characters as well as the usuals. With at least one or more Kumo pic each month since I enjoy those and my fans seem to enjoy them most as well. 

ComicSluts will offer content of all the lovely comic girls. Mainly DC and Marvel. Though Image or DarkHouse can't be ruled out entirely. Haha. However, mostly expect to see girls like BatGirl, SuperGirl, WonderWoman, Storm, StarFire, BlackCat, etc. Also the main purpose will be to draw these lovely ladies in interracial pics. With some pinups. However, mostly expect to see them get Blacked. 

HentaiSluts has the broadest potential. As it will cover hentai and pinups of all anime, video game and cartoons. Newer anime like Kill la Kill or AoT as well as classics like Outlaw Star or Sailor Moon are all open to be drawn. Video Games will mostly be JRPG and fighter game girls. Cartoons will be the ones along the lines of Avatar or Korra. With this Division I really want to expand and draw more variety of stuff I enjoy outside of the usual Naruto stuff you see.

In conclusion my goal with the Primary Divisions is to expand and draw even more. I want to spend my time drawing stuff I really enjoy since I'm no longer planning to do commissions much or pursue drawing as a full time job like in the past. It'll be about my passion for drawing. Which I hope will bring higher quality pics, more variety of stuff to enjoy and me being able to do the stuff I've done in the past as well(Kumo Naruto stuff. Haha). My plan is to update NarutoSluts once a week. Then Alternate weeks for updates to ComicSluts and HentaiSluts. But, it'll come down to if I have time for updates as well as what ideas I come up with. It's possible some weeks all three may have new updates. Or some weeks only one may be updated. I hope you all enjoy the new Studio Oppai moving forward. I'm always open to suggestions and ideas to make Studio Oppai even better. Thank you all for the continued support! Expect to see lots more changes and lots of updates up through the weekend!




Awesome Work 👍👍👍👍😸😀😆🤗😇😎 I Ask You Something


Maybe having both hentai sluts and comic sluts in 10+ tier is a little to much. I'm just thinking that it might hurt your chances of getting new patrons instead of helping it. As a 10+ tier member myself I'm fine with just having the comic sluts, doujinshi, animations, (exclusive polls?) benefits. I just don't want your potential new patrons getting scared away by the limited options they have when they look at your tier rewards list. May I suggest maybe moving hentai sluts to 5+ tier or perhaps making a new tier that still profits you but doesn't overcharge the average consumer? Like a 3+ tier (if you're feeling generous) or 7+ tier (if you're looking to get some extra money). Of course this is just my opinion. Do whatever you like and what you think is best for your patreon.