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Hello, sorry it's been no updates. I've started a new full time job and have been working 12-15 hour days every day with no off days, not even weekends. And I was giving up sleep each night to finish my final Whentai commission it's done now. But, my boss says we're taking off Sunday and Monday if things don't change. So, what type of content would you like to see? I've worked on a list of possible ideas and pics to draw. So, what genres/ type of hentai would you like to see most? Please vote below and I'll try to work on some pics for the highest voted ones when I'm off work. Thanks and I hope to have new content really soon.


Jinchuuriki Jay

I'm always is going to want your Naruto artwork above all since thats your one of the aboslute best in that. But I would also love to see other anime occasionally get some shine you know too =) like ex:Soul Eater, Sailor Moon, etc etc 👍👍


Would love some more Naruto stuff but can we get a break from the interracial please? it's kind of stale.


I think new CGs about popular series such as Shokugeki no Soma, Hajimete no Gal, Inuyasha or Fairy Tail would be an awesome idea (I like the Naruto pics a lot, but I have to say that it´s becoming a little cliché to see over and over again the same kind of pics). Just my opinion ^^ Keep it up, man!!!


Also, I understand that many of your supporters are here because of the Naruto pics, but sometimes I think you have to try new and different ideas if you want to grow as an artist and gain more support...As the saying goes: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"


There are ideas planned for other anime. Just right now I wanna focus on getting some new Naruto pics out since I haven't got to draw in awhile. I've been working so much at my job I haven't been able to draw.


Well, the only 2 real choices for Naruto hentai are with Naruto as the guy or Raikage. Haha. Those are my most popular pics. If I draw Naruto in a lot of pics people want Raikage, if I draw Raikage a lot people want Naruto. If I draw other random guys like Rock Lee, Choji, Sai, etc nobody likes it. Haha. Sorry. For now I only have Raikage pics planned at this moment. But, I am going to get some other naruto ideas and other series too. I've been really wanting to draw some Fullmetal Alchemist hentai for weeks now but first I gotta do some Naruto pics since that's what most of my fan base is here to see and I enjoy drawing it most. Thanks.


Tsunade please


Um more Sasuke, I hate Naruto and Raikage insertion pictures, they are too overused. Please don't use this poll to consider when drawing naruto women with a man. Please focus on more Sasuke or Itachi content, because the fanbase likes these ideas and feel left out.