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- Attempt to fix the toddler custom drinks from fridge issue ( Now I can finally make more toddler drinks XD)

- Prepared drinks are all multi servings now. For single servings look under the other fridge and pro bar options

Custom Drink Interaction (Alternate Link)


Also Updated the Custom Food Objects for Toddler food


The toddler food ( especially custom food) via high chair is really troublesome. I managed to fix it a bit for custom foods.

Click on Fridge --> Custom food Interactions --> grab Food for 'Toddler name'

The sim will take the food out and place them on the high chair and then go get the toddler to place in the high chair.

Make sure the high chair is empty and there are no empty dishes on it. Also make sure that the toddler is not sleeping and are in an accesible position.

Custom Food Interaction (Alternate Link)



I'm getting an exception alert for the new foods [cjiang] Error invoking TunableModelWrapper._factory (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_model')


Hmm..do you have the latest custom food interaction package ? Is it just that pizza or the others too ?


it's all the pizzas according to better exception. the custom food interaction package is the one I have but a little x is next to it? ver 7.4


Send me the lastexception.txt ( not better exception). post it on discord issues channel....i will take a look tomorrow. That error occurs due to a missing model and most commonly occurs due to the utensils not being loaded from custom food interaction package. x next to it ? Redownload it from the alternate simfileshare link Also make sure that no previous versions are hiding in your folders


Is there a reason i can't click on any fridge, stove, or grill that i don't own to cook in another sims house? Am i missing something?


The custom food interactions are not appearing in non-owned homes ? What about community lots ?


Yes, community lots is fine. Not sure what's up with other sims fridges.


Hmm...i need to check.There should not be any restrictions in place but I have to see if any code changed in the most recent patch


I don't know if this makes a difference, but before downloading your stuff I also had SCCOR, just the resource with Srsly's food recipes, which worked fine. With yours added in then the fridge etc didn't work at all. Not clickable, etc. So I changed to SCCO the full mod, and then all the recipes for both mods were available as expected. So I don't know what happened, but downloading SCCO did seem to resolve whatever it was. Thanks.


Oh its a known issue with SCCOR. She is aware of it and I think she is working on to it afaik


Do I need to download all the recipes individually? Is there a way that I can get all of them in a zip file?


https://patreon.com/posts/38106255 Updated till may. I will update till August at the end of this month


Can you show me how much of your mods are updated ice? because when I install your mods, I seem to get LE's?


You must be missing some base file! But send me the Lastexception.txt. I will take a look

Raelyn Huschle

i cant seem to have my sims eat or drink


You have outdated CC beds. You need to update them for the high school patch


Hmm this seems to be a common problem post high school patch where sims cannot eat or drink any food ( EA and custom) .Most commonly it is an outdated cc bed ( ALL cc beds require updating post patch). For the CC beds you can also run the sims 4 studio batch fix. May also be an outdated mod...one which deals with cleaning, sitting, grabbing tuning.

Raelyn Huschle

Do you have the link for sims 4 studio batch fix. I’ll try that and see. Cause the lady 4 days I been moving mods to different folders (household, hair, clothes and accessories) I can double check to make sure none of yours is in them but just in cause I’d like the link



Raelyn Huschle

thank you, I did use it I had some that fixed. But still isnt letting me eat. so ill if I delete them from you and try to download them again and see


Can your sims eat EA food ? You can redownload the all in one folder + latest custom food interaction. Make sure your eating/drinking/cleaning etc mods are updated

Raelyn Huschle

no they cant eat anything. Ill do those mods next. I just did the all in one


Hmm the issue is an outdated mod. All mods which deal with relationships, whims etc + xml injector needs to be updated post the high school patch

Sophia D

Not sure if it’s been mentioned but the new spinach pizza doesn’t show in restaurants. 🥺


I have a question, are all your mods updated with the most recent patch? 1.91.186


Hi there! I have been getting LE errors for the following items: BBQChkOnionPizza.package HawaiianPizza.package PizzaMargherita.package SpinachPizza.package The error is: cjiang] Error invoking TunableModelWrapper._factory (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_model')


@JoMcWan You are missing the MAIN custom food interaction package file