September Diary (Patreon)
So what I am doing for this month - Oktoberfest themed German food - Sides, Entrees and desserts.
Since the beer crafting would take a while, I have decided to make 3-4 different types of beer glasses, which you can grab from the fridge.
What are the most common types of craft beer served in Oktoberfest ?
Would you also want me to add the food and beers to this stand I made a while back?
Otherwise, I was planning to make a cute menu board with hand drawn icons from where you can self checkout food
Other mods -
A. Cheesemaking
I have made 14 different cheeses. But I want to add 10-15 more varieties ( total of 25 - 30) before I upload. Aiming for the end of the year. Also, I made it an add-on to the dairy crafter mill/mill to make things more integrated.
B. Gathering Mod -
Planned 20 different buffs and outcomes to date, but there will be more! Will take a fair bit of time to write the buffs and draw the icons. Wanna make little stories if possible 😅
About meat and hunting - I am not sure what I will do. I will definitely include it , but ( maybe not dead animals per se)
C. Winter Carnival - more on this later