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and colored some!
All this so I can draw a variety of them without abandon. If you saw the bkue ring octopus character, thats essentially what the vulva looks like, and i wanted to compliment it with its counterpart. So I also added some tendrils too, but they don’t all have them nor in the same place. All the little bits and potrusions are meant to maximize stimulation and arousal rather than anything offensive Or even defensive. some “armoring” is just more so if it gets intense and sessions are -uh- longer than expected or more than anticipated. (Roughing it out if you will) it doesn’t do jack shit for the spurs or spikes. Even so, it still doesnt stop the other result: instant spermicide. Ultimately the hands of procreation are largely at the disposal of the egg holders. Also true in real life counterparts, like octopus males outnumber females 10-1 and often have to fight as much as possible just to even have a chance at the female that spared them a glance. Even then they have the choice to use their sperm or not.
though I don’t think I’ll be keeping in the rather morbid outcome, females dying soon after laying a clutch of 10,000+ eggs and in other cases, their bodies also used as extra nutrition for the hatclings. I kinda want my characters to continue existing you know?

armored bits are not common, but the happen more if your cephalopod class is nautilus. It’s not just there but all in The face and parts of their bodies, making them unwittingly a walking tank. though the pieces make them a bit slower if it covers allot of their body.  Ive found A perfeect quick guide in cephalopod classes and what tentacles, and beaks they have. ive found that octopuses and nautiluses are the only ones with beaks that are meant to crush armored animals, while squids and cuttlefishes are more on the soft bodies, so their beaks are meant to tear.  Squid boy kinda is a mix of (to be specific specific) of cuttlefish eyes and octopus beak. 

also fun fact! Nautiluses don’t have suckers! They have these retractable quI’ll like structures that kill and Pierce prey!



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