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Hey, it's time to show you full roster of next Release.

The Everdark Elves are bloodthirsty and enjoy dominating others in a show of superiority. They are masters of dexterity and technique. They can even influence their own aura to aid them in battle. Constantly under attack from the ever-spreading swamp, the Everdark Elves are hardened warriors. Yet for every seasoned veteran, many more fall in battle or get lost in the swamp, only to join the ranks of the Swampfolk. Only on the mountain slopes where the swamp will not reach are the Dark Elves afforded the luxury of pursuing arts and crafts, although these aspects of life are rarely fully removed from battle and usually take the form of finely crafted blades, bows, and arrows. Venomous creatures from the forests and swamps are hunted and drained of venom to become powerful poisons used in combat.

TF Crew




I really like the inclusion of some stand alone basing bits.