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Hello everyone,

In October, the Kingdom of Equitaine is rising against a common enemy, bringing a massive amount of troops enlisted from every corner of the empire. Following the determined people, come mystical figures brought to life by small-town gossip and fairy tales. The new reinforcements will complete this new 9th Age collection and allow you to bring a full loadout of bows, swords, and cavalry to the battlefield.

As always, thank you for your continuous support, which allows us to keep bringing these incredible stories and characters to life. We can’t wait for you to experience the new depths of the Kingdom of Equitaine.

TF Crew



Sean Malone

Aww no foot knights! Everything looks great! There's enough between vol1 and vol2 for a nice rounded Bretonnian style Frostgrave warband. That's my plan anyway


Maybe I am not knowledgeable enough but for me all the knights in the first and second release look (and feel) very similar. That makes the whole affair rather dull. Especially since I play skirmish games and the use for cavalry is relatively uncommon. Can we have more infernal dwarfs? I think that has a lot of untapped potential… or the Verminkin! Those where cool.

Sean Malone

I'd love to see a full cultist release. We've had single models here and there that would work but never enough for some minions.


Love the knights!

owen matthew Aurelio

2 months of knights and none on foot? Please please please give us some dismounted options, please.