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Hi all.
Its time to show full might of Kingdom of Equitaine.

The thunder of hooves, the clink of mail, the sounding of horns: a great cacophony accompanies an army of knights riding to war. Yet steel and sinew are nothing without valour. These noble fighters crusade for faith, for virtue, for their beloved Lady - yet most of all, for the honour of their home, the Kingdom of Equitaine.

A nation established on noble principles, yet built on a foundation of peasant labour and sweat, Equitaine is a land of myth and superstition. Yet it exerts tremendous military might - Crusades for the lost Grail have brought the Lady’s grace to many foreign lands.. In all things, Equitan nobility is expected to lead from the fore, and victory often rests upon their individual successes. These are lessons for the young king to learn, and learn well, if his dynasty is to endure against other strong, noble Houses and the perils that lie beyond his lands.
The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles

TF Crew




They are looking very nice. Really like the griffon. Had hoped for a second release for the chaos dwarfs before this(with warmachines, two handed troops etc.9 Are there plans for a second release ?


Wonderful set!

Studio Silvernale

Nice. I haven't printed much TF stuff in over a year

Aldwyn P.

Those wraiths are really cool!