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Hello Everyone!

Next month we will take you on an expedition to cleanse the frontier of all filth monsters that should remain dead, and you will be accompanied by tireless Hunters.

"As word spread, warriors began to congregate in groups and pool their knowledge. They called the pale, supernatural predators Vampires, they named the shambling corpses Zombies and Ghouls, and they identified the incorporeal monstrosities that plagued the cities as Wraiths and Shades. They studied their enemies and recorded their weaknesses, learning to hunt and kill the Undead.
Emboldened by their successes, these Hunters ventured forth from the safety of their fortifications and stalked the battlefields and wildernesses beyond. They sought out other besieged locations and survivors and reinforced those who defended them. The Vampire Hunters spread out from every city, creating intelligence networks, harrying the Legion of Death, sabotaging their supplies, and assassinating their leaders in daring raids."

TF Crew




I like the inquisitor one. Might try to kitbash one that a bit for 40K

Brandon Ryan

This should be really cool! Thank you for sticking with releases that are compatible with The IX Age and just army building in general!


Think I’ve been a patron of TF too long. Lots of repeat themes recently, losing the variety a bit. The one vampire Hunter release from a few years ago was enough. And I think we’ve had 4 or 5 sets of elves now. Hoping for something new and exciting from August 🤞

Aldwyn P.

YES not elves! Now I can re-bloodborne my vampire hunters squad XP still hoping for werewolves or wendigos sometime~


Haha. I joined because of the awesome looking Wood elves.


Awesome! Can we get a stylish Solomon Kane…pretty please 🥺?

Aldwyn P.

Like don't get me wrong, the wood elves were pretty cool, the problem is that I have like 7 sets of elves from titan forge and have almost no use for them, VAMPIRE HUNTERS on the other hand, while...in terms of bloodfeilds are just a 3rd set in a set of 5 of the Spanish inquisition, are at least have the flavor I want~ and the whole...elves twice in a row thing.. Not trying to be demoralizing or nothing.


Loving the Bloodborne vibes. Wish we’d get more new releases rather than additions to older ones. Some Kobolds or Mindflayers would be cool.

Chris Czaikowski

Glad to see new models for existing ranges - would absolutely love to see more Midnight Goblins in the future, that range is fantastic 😊

Zack Noone

When will the full preview be released? Last month it came out on the 23rd so I was hoping that meant today haha