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Hi, In January, we invite you to the depths of the jungle, where a mystical kingdom awaits you until now hidden from the heroes who have ventured into these regions. Where a race of lizardfolk is preparing to expand into other regions.

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This platform offers a great and affordable way to get a ton of miniatures and support artists.

  • Subscribe to Titan Forge on Patreon for just 10$ and instantly download the entire Monthly Release content. You can easily opt-out at any time, even right after you download!
  • Stay with us and at the start of each month, you will get the newest full set packed with thematic fantasy miniatures - heroes, monsters, terrain, scenery, and big WOW models!
  • Collect endless free Patron bonuses! We are always looking for innovative ways to surprise you and bring you the best 3D printing experience!

Right after you join, you receive 9x Free RPG Hero Models! Each month, 3 new heroes will join your fantasy tavern! You must gather your party before venturing forth!

As a signing bonus, you receive a Welcome Pack with our most iconic miniatures to get you started! And as a bonus Starter set for Bloodfileds.

By joining Titan Forge Patreon, you automatically enter our Loyalty Program! Stay with us for 3, 6, 9, and 12 consecutive months. Each time, you are going to get a huge, special, unique, awesome fantasy model that won't be available anywhere else!

All our miniatures are ready to go - just Plug&Print! And in order for every print to go flawlessly, we provide you with two versions of pre-supported models: in 32mm Heroic Scale and in 28mm Heroic Scale. Click here in order to learn more about getting the best 3d printing results!

Each month, you can win an Anycubic Photon 3D Printer and many more additional rewards!

Browse our entire offer in MyMiniFactory Store! Become a Patron to get -50% Patron Discount for all orders!

If you are looking for science-fiction minis for your collection, be sure to check out the Cyber Forge Patreon! Cyberpunk, Marines, Mechs, Vehicles, Aliens, Post-Apo, all in one place! Share the real passion for all future genres!

We love 3D Print ♥ Join the millions in the 3D revolution and take your hobby to the next level! It's so simple!

  • Reduce the costs of getting new minis on your table.
  • Have the freedom to choose from endless models to print.
  • Get creative and learn a new skill, 3D printing has countless applications.

Make the most out of your RPG sessions! The Titans of Adventure and many models from each release come with dedicated 5E statblocks. Use the miniatures to create an immersive experience for your players.

Don't have a 3D Printer yet? You can get all Titan Forge miniatures delivered straight to your home! We offer thousands of models at the best prices and a 7€ worldwide shipping! Check out our offer!

Have any questions? Want to meet the biggest 3D printing community on Patreon? Leave us a comment. Join us on Discord or Facebook!

Happy Printing!
TF Team




Is it possible the 28mm unsupported files of the brontomonster are missing the Engine Top


Been a member since Late january i only printed one file and i no longer have access any way to receive the january files?


Hi, I've been subscribed for several months now but I am unable to access these January files.


Love it, thank you. So glad to get a PC with a torch, as an OSR D&D player there can never be enough miniatures that have torches :)


Great ! I can't find the warrior champion with the wonderful helme in the files. Removed or reworked ? And the drumer ?


Sweet! I was looking forward to these!


Hmm, that's weird ;) I will upload them asap and will let know in the changelog. Thx for pointing that out.

Brett Lee

Can confirm that as of Jan 6, the zip file (32 mm at least) on MMF doesn't contain the warrior champion body/head or the musician parts. Can't wait to print out that unit!


I love the phase cat, already printed off and on the paint table. Thanks TF for always producing high quality minis!

Christopher Sharp

I agree. Awesome sculpt for the displacer beast, and love the additional rocks it is slinking down as well!


Lol, I didn't realize Artisan Guild *also* released Lizardmen this month

owen cooper

Anyone having issues with printing the cat beast? Several supports failed ad the rock and skeleton print pulls off of its supports. Second time tried by increasing the exposure to 10sec hoping that would cure the supports making them stronger. Just wondering if anyone else had any issues and what they tried. Using an Anycubic Photon S. Thanks. Love the models!


perdona que no te lo ponga en ingles aunque te entiendo yo la bestia gato la imprimi en una anycubic photom mono se y ningun problema

Christopher Sharp

I printed two of the displacer beasts using the Mars 3 and they printed perfectly. I had to be VERY careful removing the supports off the skeleton on the rock though - I almost broke off his armbone.