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Hello everyone!

With Titan Forge miniatures you can play out countless clashes on Bloodfields. The game is fully 3d printable and features a dynamic skirmish wargaming system that we continuously design. 

Join the battle today!
In order to play, you will need an army. Some of them have been released on Patreon and you may already own the required minis. Others were available exclusively through our Kickstarter campaign. 

With 27 distinctive armies, there is a massive amount of content and combinations that you can dig into. In order to pick the army that best matches your playstyle check out the dedicated section on our website. There, you will find the army models, rule introduction, and complexity rating. We are currently updating this section but you will find much useful info there right away.

Bloodfields on Titan Forge Patreon
After the launch of the 2nd edition (the Eternal Sorrow campaign), we have been focusing our efforts on adapting all the previously released armies to the new, improved, and streamlined environment.

We are happy to announce that this process has been completed!

With the last army (the Roaming Barbarians) currently leaving the testing phase, we can finally and immediately get back to what many of you are waiting for. Creating the brand new Bloodfields content related to the Patreon releases!

1. Patreon - New Characters
We are starting today, with 2 Lost Crusade characters joining the Bloodfields.

Ezekiel will reinforce the ranks of Wildwood Brotherhood and Gorin Thunderclap will fight along with the Metalbeard Dwarves. From now on, each month, you can expect a  part of a release to get incorporated into the existing armies.

2. Patreon - Bloodfields in Welcome Pack
For the next month, we are also planning a significant addition to the Welcome Pack. A Bloodfields Starter Set with 8 miniatures, terrain, and accessories will get in. With this set and an included starter scenario, you will be able to introduce yourself and your friends to the game. Save some time and printing power in June for your first Bloodfileds match!

Bloodfields Communication
In order to consolidate our Bloodfields communication, we invite you to join the new Facebook fan page. From now on, everything new regarding Bloodfields will always be posted there first.

We will still be here to answer your Bloodfields questions on FB Group, Discord channels, Kickstarter DMs, and Patreon DMs. We have reorganized our communication a bit to be more present in all outlets, so if you need any kind of Bloodfields support, be sure to get in touch!

Bloodfields Resources
We can provide you with everything you need to join the battle.

The rulebook has recently been updated and is now live on our website. You can browse it here: 

In order to begin a battle, you will need to create a roster for each player. A convenient roster creator is located on the official website. You can create an account in order to have all your rosters saved online, or use a 'Quick Roster' feature to create them on the fly. After adding all the units to the roster, click the 'PDF' button in the upper right corner and get a 2d printable version of your army with all the traits and army rules listed below.

Once you have your warriors ready and listed, set up the game by choosing a scenario that you will play. We are constantly testing additional scenarios and variants and the list will of scenarios will be further expanding.

Except for miniatures and rosters, there are some extra accessories you will need to play. All accessories and terrain models can be 3d printed. However, for your convenience, we also feature a lot of them in a 2d printable version. You can browse the resources here:

Finally, for those that would like to get official Bloodfields gaming products, you can order them here:

Armies Overview
The range of available armies to choose from is quite wide. We would like to offer you some more information about each army's unique playstyle in order for you to be able to find the one that suits you best.

For a long while now, we have also been cooking up a Realm Book in which you will find all that information along with each army's lore already created by artistic writers. We will now be putting it together and will aim to present it to you as soon as possible.

Bloodfields Tournaments
With the last restrictions having been lifted, some first Bloodfields leagues and tournaments have been launched. If you are also interested in featuring organized play in your local gaming store, be sure to contact us through our official website and we will be able to provide you with a Tournament Kit.


We are glad that we could bring you up to speed and that we can form some new direction in the game's development. With our current efforts, we expect a lot more to happen around the game now and we invite you to check it out and become a part of it.

Cheers, TF Team




Great news!!! quick question, for Bloodfields should we use the 28 or 32 mm version? Example Ezekiel


Anyone else having trouble finding the starter set in the welcome pack? Keen to get my friends hooked but cant find the files.