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Greetings Citizens!

Army of Highborn Elves has arrived and you can admire in the whole glory! Wall off living Mithrill created from young elf clerics. Those warriors will set up in unbreakable ranks to stop every intruder. On the flanks, ready to charge Highborn cavalry. Noble riders on faithful mounts.  

The sky over them is controlled by Phenix and eagles, eternal allies of Highborn's. They are always ready for swift attack to crush enemies.

All soldier needs a leader to follow.  Highborn heroes are livings legends, a true inspiration for generations of elves.

To complete this picture see Highborn Mages, masters of elements, who will dominate over every battlefield.

Next month CyberForge will have 1 year anniversary and they preparing special models for that occasion. Remember to check them :)
CyberForge Patreon Link 

Cheers TF Crew



Tyler Hurst

AMAZING! Can’t wait to print these up and paint them!


Why do all your large wings have a double row of flight feathers? I first noticed this on the griffon rider. A double row would make the flight line weaker, not stronger, and at best looks awkward.

Frank Lee

It may not be great for every month, but I do like these full proxy army releases.


Just amazing models this month! Going to be printing and painting a lot of elves it seems.

Amber Jordan

How do you guys know?! I was looking at starting this army literally an hour ago.


Looks truly amazing, and you could totally do a full army, but is there any chance we could get a couple of different bow poses too, I mean elves are supposed to be epic archers, makes sense to me if you want to make a unit


Don't care for any of the elves. But that Dwarf Druid...Amazing


This is amazing, such amazing work. Titanforge you are the best 3d printing patreon in my opinion


Would it be possible, for the races that have teams in Blood bowl like the elves, to have some hands without shield nor weapons? Or even better, with balls?


I love seeing the concept art. I know I'm a grown-up and can pick any colours I like, but it's great to see some ideas


I absolutely love these. My only wish was there were more archer parts/poses. I feel like any elvish army needs a line of badass archers


Love the diorama base


These are AWESOME! Love these long shields. That release will be awesome to practice nmm

Bobby Blanding

first group of high elves i like seeing. normally never liked the play style or look but these really have a great sense of fantasy mixed with function.


This looks awesome! Very lord of the rings. Could we get an orc release sometime?


Say what you want about the set, which is gorgeous, but I'm all in on the Dwarf Druid!!!


One of the best released so far imo. Really gorgeous ! Bravo people. Can we have more poses for the panther/tiger? Please, pretty please...


I love this set SO much. I much prefer the depiction of elves as in touch with nature, lots of organic leaf shapes, while still clearly using proper metal armor and weapons. And of course, the Titans of Adventure models are just stellar as always. Great job! PS - That Highborn Mage bears a striking resemblance to a certain LoL character, not that I'm complaining.

B. Griffith

I agree. I would definitely like to continue seeing releases full of interesting unique characters, like the youkai, because I use them mostly for roleplaying and not wargaming, but lots of modular models like these are still very cool.


This set is great, I love the aesthetic, I love the eagles, the pheonix, but what would make this set *incredible* would be some more dynamic archer poses.


Humble request: Could we get the Owlbear Cub from the Drawrf Druid as its own sculpt? It's perfect.

owen matthew Aurelio

Now this is a freaking RELEASE! Excellent stuff coming up, very well done!


This is the coolest set ever. Never been happier with this service!


Well done Titan Forge your best release to date.

Sean Abel

This release is amazing work, I look forward to printing and creating characters and armies from this set. Just blown away with the options and details.


Great model as always. One thing though... I like dwarfs, elves, and tiefling as much as the next guy but could we get some variety in the titan heros. Like another dragonborn, or bird folk. What about tortles, genisi, warforge.


Just perfect for what I wanted! Love them all!


Beautiful work - looking forward to these.

Josh Helton

Honestly I'm really not a fan of elves. I'm just glad June was my 12 month so I'm not out anything if I skip a month.

Abdul Rahman Khan

These look awesome! I might use them for my High elf spearmen!

Joey D

Absolutely adore this set, fantastic work on everything! Massive fan of elves here, and love every bit of it, especially the shield that is very LotR High elf in design :D I'd like to add my voice to the people asking for more archer poses/pieces (like drawing/firing a bow, nocking etc) I'd also love to see more panthers/tigers, especially in elven armour in battle poses (attacking, pouncing etc) in the future, both as free-standing battle-kitties, and in a larger form too as alternate mounts for elven riders.


I love this set. Any chance for one of the empty hands to haveaspell effect added? To make some battle mages.


Not to downplay your work here, but that Dwarf Druid is better than anything else you have ever produced.

B. Griffith

Oh, you poor man. If I understand the new loyalty program correctly, your plans are doomed. 😉


i cant wait for this set, oh my god its beautiful


There have been a couple months that I've only printed one or two models. I will be making up for that this month. Good thing resin was just on sale.

Heinz Krämer

I love these elves, but shooty archer poses would be great.


Awesome so excited for this - is there any chance for some more archer poses though? And a ballista or some form of artillery? Definitely my favourite set so far!


Cool if I post a collage of these to tiktok? Will tag and such, of course.


These are nice! Will the panther be a standalone model?

Tom Fossell

The elven heroes/leaders are awesome. This is easily the best set that I've subbed for so far.


if ever a release made me consider going back to playing Warhammer, this release has done it


Can you let me know what base / pillar combo is best for the Birds? I have printed the armored Bird and the Officer w/throne but I can not tell which pillar and base it is actually using. That semi top destroyed pillar doesn't seem to be one of the default but I could be being blind. This set is amazing!


has anyone managed to print the firestorm (pheonix) yet? I tried slicing and printing the presupported body and head together, and its just completely failed twice (did a recalibration of the bed between them just in case). Bases I supported from previous months have been printing absolutely fine for ages now, so just not sure what Im doing wrong.


Great designs. Just painted the mage and absolutely love her. Do the Hoghborn receive rules for Bloodfields at a later date? That would be awesome.