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First things first. The long-awaited loyalty model is here and will be added to your MMF libraries this week but in the meantime, we have a small explanation of how Loyalty rewards will work.

When we decided to introduce the loyalty system, we meant to reward people who stay with us for longer periods and to give a new exciting model every three months to all of you who continue to support us. We wanted to have those models pretty exclusive but still available to people that join later so every long-time supporter would have a chance to get to all loyalties eventually. It turned out that the way we designed it, ended up causing a lot of frustration. Lack of surprise element and very long waiting time for newly presented loyalty models is not was not very appealing in the end. We also did not have the right tools to keep track of who is supposed to get models and it turned into a small nightmare for us as well. 

We decided we had to make some changes and we came up with the idea of introducing a loyalty points collecting system and allowing you guys to spend those on any loyalty model from the collection, still adding one new model every 3 months.  Unfortunately, that turned out to be too complicated to implement and synchronize with the MMF. Therefore, after almost 2 months of trying to implement that, we were forced to abandon this idea.   

After another brainstorm, we decided to change our loyalty system into tiers with annual seasons.

- There will be 4 tiers (3 months tier, 6 months tier, 9 months tier, and 12 months tier)
- All new models will be added to one of those tiers accordingly to the month they are released in.
- Patreons that manage to reach 3/6/9/12 months in a row will get access to all models from the 3/6/9/12 months tier.

Hydra will be added to the 3 months tier as the first model in loyalty season 2.

We are also aware that recently many people have struggled to receive access to the prizes, please know that we are trying to carry out further iterations of tests so that we can sort this out the earliest possible so that everyone will have the opportunity to receive their so well deserved prizes.  




Wa Tran

Still waiting for my 3 months reward.


No loyalty rewards:/


So when does season 2 start? I for example am at 9 months into what is "season 1". Do I continue on with season 1 for now?


Ohhhh damnnn im excited for these dudes!!


This is a cool system! Glad you guys could figure something out that seems like it’ll work!

Gideon Curry

Maybe I am a little slow on the uptake, but I am not understanding this. So when you hit 3 months you get both season 1 and 2 minis? Or you pick one? Same with 6/9/12?

Tomás López López

This could be better but still hard to track, it would be better to make it by seasons and parts, for example the first trimester of a year would be season X part 1 and if you've been subscribed that period of time you get the reward from that season, and next trimester would be season X part 2 and so on, its much easyer to track but lacks of the part where people that are more time get a greater reward but sincerely a free reward and with this quality is more than enough almost all of the times


I think you guys are doing a great job! Keep it up!

David Ammann

I find this system confusing, but thank you for all the sweet models however this works. I think I have everything, though I have not checked for the hydra yet.

Gideon Curry

Both is excellent, looking forward the these epic bosses


I think I've been signed up for 6 months (December-June) but I don't have any of the Loyalty models on MMF yet. That Hydra is awesome though, so I would love it if I could get them soonish =)


A loyalty reward is a welcome bonus, thank you for all you do. Just checking when does the bloodfields kickstarter launch?


I appreciate that you are willing to improve your system and make it easier for us to access also loyalty bonus. And, BTW, you do an awesome job! However, I am a bit confused by the new system. Would I also get the loyalty rewards, when I'm in for 3/6/9/12 consecutive months on a monthly basis (or 4 times the 3 month tier to get the 12 month rewards), or do I have to change the tier accordingly. I'm not sure, whether I wanna pay for 12 months at once. That's quite a lot of money to be afforded :/ Furthermore, what I asked myself for a while: would I receive also the loyalty rewards, when I make a pause for one month, or would my counter restart from 1? Thanks for elucidation.

John Elliott

Sweet!!! Next month (July) will be my 6 mo aniv!!!!


This is a really great solution. Thank you for everything you do.


I haven't gotten the Dreamweaver file yet but I like the new solution


What about > 12 months ?


If I continue to get those fantastic beasts every three month, i'm OK with the new system :D


Basically, if you support us over 12 months, you will get a new epic miniature every 3 months as long as TFM will opperate.


We count consecutive months, so each "skip" will restart counting. And to be available for 12 months tier you have to support us for 12 consecutive months. (so 4 times the 3-month wont count) and you don't have to pay it at once ;) just stay subscribed with us :)


Looks really cool! So, those who already hit the 3 months loyalty will or will not receive the hydra? Or do they have to wait another three months? Thank you for all your work!

Alan Crooks

Love these Loyalty Rewards - I'm not going anywhere based on the quality and creativity of you monthly releases but these are amazing bonuses! Thank you!


Where are the download links for 6 months?


I just hit the 3 month tier. When I hit the 6 month tier, will I get the Samurai [really hoping so!!!!] or is there another model that will take it's place? Thanks! Keep up the amazing work!

Pistols O'Brien

Will Cyberforge subscribers qualify for these? I've been a sub since the very beginning of it.


Hey, this post gives some insight on what's going on with the reward's. I was going to contact, since I noticed a few days ago that I only have gotten the 3-month reward sofar, eventhough I've been a patreon since September last year. It's not a big deal for me, because I'm sure that shooting you a message would fix the problem. I'm really looking forward to the 12 month reward though.


I assume there is a mistake in the picture for 9 and 12 months... it says "6 months reward..." and I guess it should say "9" respectively "12" - or not?


I'm having flashbacks of playing God of War with this new one.


So even >12 months will get new epics? Dam im not going anywhere anytime 👌


hi, I love your models and have been a subscriber for three months now, where can I find the extra model? it doesn't seem to me that it is present in the mmf account


When did Season 2 begin? I'm at 9 or 10 months on the original system right now, so I'm curious how that timing works.


Me encanta


I joined back in Feb and I still did not get Udon for 3 months in may, this is confusing because other people are getting the new hydra model. Is season 2 for patrons that are starting their second year?(Season 1 is first year, season 2 is second year, etc.)


So what if, rather than do a 3/6/9/12 system, you just do a three month system. Anyone who has three consecutive subs during a given reward release get the new hydra model. Then, anyone with three consecutive months during the next phase gets the next reward model. This might have some salty people who really want the Root of Doom, I get it, FOMO is real, but not everything can be gotten all the time. This will probably make it way easier for you guys. If you wanted to allow people to get back models, maybe after a certain timeframe, maybe a year, make each model available for sale through a secure page on your website or MMF? Or if maybe you get a token after three months to spend on any released Loyalty Reward? Just tossing some ideas out there. Thanks for all the work you all have been doing each month, bang up job every time and as one of the fastest growing Patreons for STLs, I bet it can't be easy.


I joined in April and was wondering if the 3 month kicks in after your third month, or during the third month. June is my third paid month. Just curious! I want to use both of the 3-month ones in my campaign soon!


So, wait, someone who backs for a year gets the same loyalty value as someone who backs for 2 years? Seems a bit like a bad deal.


Maybe it is some kind of compensation, because they missed 12 TF collections.

tyler dockery

This is a great idea! I've already backed for 9m, and the EPICS are awesome. Some of you out there may be saying: "Should I back for month #3, I'm not sure I'm feeling it..." but then if you see there are more exculsives, that's just a straight win. Some people might be considering joining JUST because of that enormous Samurai. if they'd normally pay to get it, but now get multiple rewards... that's only going to increase and sustain patreons.

tyler dockery

More patrons, more money, more quality and items produced. This is a win all around. If this doesn't seem like a fair shake because you're paying for longer... you've probably gotten some great minis on the way! you already recognize the quantity. If you're still feeling unappreciated though, let them know and they may name a model after you! That's a joke. Please don't inundate them with requests to have models named after you.


how do i link my patreon and mmf?

B. Griffith

Love the new model, and as a subscriber that it just a little short of the 6 month mark, I couldn’t be happier!


I'm so lost lol


I have been a patron since December and I have non of the loyalty rewards in my MMF.

Michael Abraham

lol me too, you're not alone. I think its in the wording of how the months are accumulating and what models will be available when


I joined in April do we get the loyalty award on the 3rd month or on the 4th month? I haven't received anything yet, was I suppose to?


I was wondering if I could have my mmf library updated as well. I need the 3 month reward.


Same I am a patreon since march and haven't got a loyalty model yet


I think I've been with you guys for awhile can you check and see to add my loyalty award to my MMF library thanks


As the others i'm with you from febuary and don't receive the invitation...


Same prblem here been with a while and no loyalty on mmf. Love this idea though and the hydra looks amazing


Same problem as the others. I love all the work you made with the june release, they're all insane!


Hi, I have been a member since 5th June 2020 but have only ever received the 3 month and 6 month loyalty rewards. Why haven't I received a 9 month and 12 month model invite? :(

Andrea Caroli

Like 3 and 6 month reward i didn't received the 9 month reward. I have sent a PM but i not received response. Guys your work is awesome but you need to fix this problem. The people can't ask the reward any times.


We know that our system is not perfect for everyone. We are working on the case, hopefully, with the new season system introduction we all see significant improvment. For now, I woul like to know taht your account was updated.


Same as the others. :) Member since August 2020, I haven't received the 9-month reward. And soon the 12-month reward, which I'm looking forward to. :)


Hi! i've not recived the 12 reward in may.. :(


Hi, have not recieved the 3-month rewards yet (though not sure when it ticked over to three months as a supporter.)


Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and say I love you models, you guys are one of the best out there, and I've been a supporter of CyberForge since January, and TitanForge since February. Don't think you have a loyalty for Cyberforge, but I've not gotten the reward for three months, and next month will be my sixth here. Here's hoping you can get the kinks worked out with the system!


When do my rewards get uploaded, i think im at 6 moths and have got none


June was my third month. is there a notification, or something?


heya loving all the new models.. June was my third month but haven't seen a link come over - is it possible to have a look into it please.

War Mammoth

Love the hydra! Keeping me loyal. :)


Hello! I have not received the three month loyalty reward. Thanks for working to get all this updated!


Hello, first of all my best compliments for the work you are doing with the models, they are awesome. But I'm not clear on how this loyalty thing work... have been a supporter since october 2020 (so in june it was my 9th month)... i received both the Udar and the Hydra rewards but neither the ones from the 6 and 9 month... don't know why...


Hello, love the models youve been making! I have been a member since Januari, sadly I haven't received any loyalty reward. Thanks for your work and looking into it!


I'm over 6 months but only see the 3 month loyalty reward? Started back in November.


how do I link my patreon to my mmf, I have been with you guys for three months and am not sure how to get the three month mini from mmf


Hi I have also not received the 3 month reward thanks!


Heey! Same here I received both 3month rewards and the 6 month samurai, but the 9 and 12 one is missing 😊


Same as above, Have received all monthly downloads on MMF but no Loyalty rewards yet, been with ya since Dec of last year. Keep up the great work!


The only one I'm missing in my library so far is the 12 month reward.

owen matthew Aurelio

lol don’t think I’ve received any of my loyalty rewards, I just completely forgot about it. I MIGHT be here for 5-6 months, I don’teven know how to check. I’ll say this, I trust you guys, you’re the best around and I know whenever I write to you it will be straightened out quickly. Have a great day!


Hello, i have been a patron for 10 months now, and i have only received my 3 month loyalty reward. Could you update my MMF library please ?


As long as you use the same email to log in to MMF as you registered with us, the account should be linked. If you need more assistance drop us a PM.


Not to pile on here but I have been subscribed for 6 months now and have yet to receive any of the loyalty rewards.


I have been subscribed for 3 months and didnt receive the hydra on mmf. I did get the Elves link twice.

Jeff Anctil

I also have been subscribed for 6 months and have not received any of the loyalty rewards. Thanks in advance for your help on this! :)


I have been subscribed for 6 months (since jan 21) and have not received any of the loyalty rewards. Thanks in advance for your help on this! :)


Hi I have also not received the 3 month reward thanks! And i dont get the Cyber-Forge Miniatures in MMF


Hi, I've been subscribed since Dec 2020 and have not received any of the loyalty rewards. Thanks


Yeah I haven't gotten a loyalty reward. Is there a better place to ask than here? Or find them? sorry if its posted somewhere, i tried looking.


Hello, I have been a patron for 6 months and I have not received any loyalty reward. Thanks for all your work !!


I've also been subscribed for 3 months but I don't think I received the Hydra reward.


I don't want to tag on, but I've been subbed for 3 months and also lack the Hydra reward. Thank you for everything that you do.

Don Colucci

I have subscribed for 5 months and have not received the Hydra


3 months here as well and no unlocks.


hi, likewise i've been here 3 months and no loyalty rewards yet. cheers


Yep, same here here since februari, but no loyalty rewards yet...


How do I get my Hydra reward?


Hello, I have been a member for a little while now and I am having trouble accessing the loyalty rewards, could you please help? Thank you vary much and keep up the fantastic work, I love you minis.


Hi also nothing to me, 6 months


I have subscribed for 8 months and have not received any rewards


I have subscribed for 5 months and have not received any as well.


I’ve been subscribed since the Arabian nights release and I haven’t received a reward? Where do I find them?


hi. i have been a member for about 8 months but still no rewards in MMF. where do i find them? thanks.


I have subscribed for 4 months and have not received any as well.


I've been a member since February, and haven't found any rewards yet - I looked in my email, but nothing! (I did get a notice about Bloodfields, though)


I havent recieved any loyalty bonus.. This loyalty thing is confusing


I seam to have the same issue as most here, been here for 8 ish months, and haven't to my knowledge gotten any invite to the loyalty reward program either.


I messaged them after not receiving the 3 or 6 moth rewards, they were prompt in giving me the 6 month reward but i am still missing the 3 month reward. so message the managment.

Richard Conley

I'm at 8 months and only have the 3 month loyalty stuff - not the 6.

Joe Watkins

I'm currently at the 7 month mark, no emails or notifications received- should I send a direct message?


I've been subscribed for 6 months I think and I have received no rewards.


This seems to be an on going problem, I have also been effected.

Robert Liebert-Hereth

I've been a loyalty member for 10 months but have not received anything past the Samurai.


I've been subscribed since February and I have received no rewards unfortunately. Love that hydra btw.


I have only access to the 3 month rewards through MyMiniFactory despite being subscribed since 12 months now.


Figured I'd throw my name into the mix as well. Not sure where I'm supposed to receive the Loyalty Rewards, just hit 3 months myself and have nothing on MMF library. Thanks.


Hi, I've been subscribed for 7 months now, and I've still yet to get the 3 months or the 6 months rewards. Am I waiting for an email, or do they just appear in my library on MMF?


We did send all of you a belated invitation from MMF to download your loyalty rewards!


I have also been a subscribed for 6mo but have not yet seen anything for the loyalty models


Hey guys, looks like I received two messages for July - my third month as a subscriber - but they were both for the Highborn Elves. I haven't received anything about the loyalty rewards. Thanks!


Hi there, I am a subscriber since August 2020 and have not received a 9 month or a 12 month loyalty reward. Ich checked my MMF Account, no messages regarding those two rewards.


I've been subscribed for 12 months and have only received Udar and the Hydra.


Hi I am a subscriber since April 21 and I didn´t get any loyaltiy rewards and wanted to know how to claim them

Nico Ossirion

Hi, I've been subscribed for 6 months now, and I've still yet to get the 3 months or the 6 months rewards. Am I waiting for an email, or do they just appear in my library on MMF?


I'm in a similar boat. I've been subscribed for 15 months and have Udar, Samurai, and Hydra. How did I miss the others (Root of Doom and Dreamweaver)?


Hey i'm a subscriber for 7 months and i didnt receive any loyality rewards. Would be cool if you can send them to me :)


Hello! I have been a subscriber since July 2020 and I don't have the 9 or 12 month loyalty rewards. Would you please send them to me? Thank you!


Hi. I have been a subscriber for 9 months Since (Dec. 2020 to Aug 2021) and recieved the Udar on 2 separate months and just now recieved the Hydra last month. Any way I can get caught up please.


Last paragraph gents, "We are also aware that recently many people have struggled to receive access to the prizes, please know that we are trying to carry out further iterations of tests so that we can sort this out the earliest possible so that everyone will have the opportunity to receive their so well deserved prizes." Not the good news or easy fix we were all hoping for but it is being addressed so kudos to them for already working on it.


I've not gotten any notices either. Looks like you guys are working on it already though? So cool. thanks. I'll be patient.


hello it's been 10 months that I'm subscribed and I don't have the rest of the files thank you




Hi, I just hit 3 months. How do the loyalty models get delivered?

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

I'm at 7 months now. I have the 3 months loyalty but not the 6 month loyalty rewards. How do I go about collecting the mission reward? Thank you.


Been subbed for 7 months, Haven't received a message or anything.


subbed for 6 months have not got loyalty rewards

Nick Dillingham blais

Hi, Ive been subscribed for a long time now and Ive never received any of the loyalty rewards


Been a subscriber since Dec 2020. I just got the link to 9 month reward but don't have anything for the 3 or 6 month.


I've been a patreon for 6 and havent received links to any of the loyalty rewards


I've been a patreon for 6 and havent received links to any of the loyalty rewards too


How do you check your loyalty status

Von Woozle

Clearly you need to fix this rather than ignoring all the messages..


Well we are trying to fix those asap, and we are not ignoring that issue. We adding people mannuly each day.

Vincent Hudon

Thank you for your hard work, please add me for my 3 month reward.


Quite satisfied with my contribution. Rather, my link is already pending for the 6th month of subscription.


I've been a patreon for 5 months now and i don't have the loyalty rewards 🤠


Also need the 3 month reward


To all of you who were waited for loyalty awards, we did update your library on MMF! Apologies if it took longer than expected. For future reference please try to contact us via Patreon DM as we do check that massages every day! Comments under the post are good but not the best way to reach us! Happy printing everyone!


I've just checked my mmf library, seems no update was done for the loyalty rewards on my part. I've been a Patron for 6 months !


I've checked my mmf library as well, haven't been updated either. I've been a Patron for 3 months.

Sergio Brunetto

Hi, I have been a supporter for four months and have not received anything. If you can do something


Salve, questo è il mio quarto mese di iscrizione ma non ho premi fedeltà, si può fare qualcosa?

Matthew Wells

When do these typically come in? I've been subscribed since September but haven't seen anything in MMF yet.

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

I've been a supporter for 9 months (Mar. '21), when can I expect to see the reward? Thank you.


Hi there! Supporter since September wondering when MMF invitations are typically sent out for Loyalty Rewards. Thanks for the awesome STL's so far!


I've been a supporter for 3 months , when can I expect to see the reward? Thank you.


3 months here! Not sure if I need to check in or not. Love your work!!!


I have not received the invitation for the 3 month loyalty model


Hi! Could you you please add 9 and 12 month loyalty? I just got to 12 months.


Buenas!! no he recibido la invitación para el modelo de fidelización, creo que llevo 3 meses o más seguidos con vosotros, un cordial saludo ^^

Richard Conley

I should have the 12 months reward, and don't


seeing all the comments, I haven't seen the rewards in MMF? nbd still love the releases, really looking forward to those knights for Jan. Idk if I can even print all this big stuff haha


Should the loyalty rewards be automatically added? I have been subscribed for 5 months.


I haven't received my loyalty reward


How do I link my MMF Account to patreon?


I also don't have the 3 month loyalty on MMF

John Larkin

Still have not received my 3 month loyalty, and next month I'll be at 6.


Hi, I haven't received my 3 month loyalty