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Hello everyone!

We are happy to announce a new collaboration swap with our friends from Mini Monster Mayhem!

Create a magic finale of the Arena battle with the promo Greater Fire Elemental STL model! Check out how it is done over at MMM and combine the miniatures from our studios in new, epic settings! 

Mini Monster Mayhem's creator is a 3D artist since 2005, a character artist for over 12 years, and is sculpting minis for print since 2015. You can clearly see the personal love for sculpting in their wide variety of DnD monsters for tabletop gaming and painting in 32mm scale ranging from "medium" to "gargantuan". The creations are greatly inspired by the MMM community and painting competition winners.

By signing in each month you get a new, themed, fully pre-supported release that is chosen by you and the other supporters! Check out the content of the May Release - Aspects of Terra and grab it before the month ends!

Download the file here:
Get it now! The model will only be available until 31/05/2021!

Mini Monster Mayhem Patreon - Get the full release!
May Open Post - All miniature close-ups here!
Mini Monster Mayhem MMF Store (40% Patron Discount)

Mini Monster Mayhem - Physical Models
We are proud to announce that collaboration between TF and MMM is getting a new aspect! Soon you will be able to get the MMM physical models in our official online store!
Get the printed models straight into your hands!
Check out our store offer! We have recently added 200+ new models and the entire Amazon Collection!

***The model is shared between TF and MMM Patreon as a cross-promotion. It will not be available in the TF store later and is not a part of a Titan Forge Release. This file is protected by Mini Monster Mayhem terms and conditions of use. If you would like to merchant the file, join the merchant-tier at Mini Monster Mayhem Patreon.

Happy Printing!
TF Team



John M

I love the mini swaps. Even though they all aren’t for me, it does give me exposure to more creators.

Richard Conley

I really like them - but wish there was a way to hand them out through MMF so I didn't have to archive/keep track of them.

Walter Puchalski

it says the link has expired even though its 5/31/2021


Same I tried to download but says expired.


Yeah, same. Still says expired even though it's still very much 5/31/21


11:49pm EST on 31/05/2021 and i couldnt download the file :(

Alan Crooks

I couldn't download the file either - doh. Didn't notice before today.


Same here, couldnt download them even during the correct time period


No better way of notifying your patrons about these files to grab? I've missed more colabs because I have to continuously watch for posts here