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Hello everyone!

Support us in May to get the latest Pitfighers Collection,  and all the Patreon-Exclusive Bonuses to come!

Today we are presenting the full roster of the warriors of the Arena and revealing some new cool concept arts that made this collection possible!

Stand and fight! There can only be one winner!

Remember about our brother sci-fi Cyber Forge Patreon

This month on Cyber Forge you get:

  • the industrial space ship crew, the best from among us
  • the monster thing that killed, morphed, and mind-controlled all of us
  • the galaxy defenders from the guns'n'roses clan whose destiny is to save us
  • the very new, high-tech, almost manga-like robots because.. who can stop us?


Thank you for your on-going support and making it possible for all those miniatures to come to life. You are truly the best!

Happy Printing!
TF Team



John Elliott

Are you not entertained??!!! Love these!


Really looking forward to this!


So awesome!!!


These look amazing!


Seems like it's Titans of Adventure anniversary :)


They look amazing! Is just one Miniature for Bloodfields?


Home run guys! I really dig it!


I am staying subbed strictly for that bard with a HURDY GURDY!!

הראל פמיליה

This minis are so awsom that I want to save material but I must print them all


Love them all and I'm not usually a fan of gladiator type stuff


Absolutely love that tiefling! Please more tielfings in titans of adventures (a sorcerer one? :))


Wow, amazing


I love so many of this month's characters. Well done again and thank you!


The arena is awesome ! :D


Great stuff!

Kamil Stolarczyk

I am dazzled. Srsly this is epicness in its pure form!


Well, that's one way to clear out my filament shelf...


Amazing work! But only one is Bloodfields friendly?

Boss Salvage

HELL YEA what a release <3


Hah, my new Mordheim Band is rolling. You guys amaze everytime.


Hurdy gurdy bard is amazing!

Brian Clymer

Okay, that colosseum is the first thing I'm printing!

Erik Waring

These are dope! Its hard to pick a fave but armored Owlbear is a strong contender.


These a fantastic! Also I love the Base Sets you guys put out, but may I make one small request - could you guys make them available as base-toppers? Most of them look like at some point the sculptural element are made seperately and then added to the blank bases. I would love to see those sculptural elelment supplied as seperate toppers. Thanks!

Frank Lee

These are some very fun designs. Another good quality month.


Keep'em coming nice work.

Aaron Morgan

Only one Bloodfields figure? These guys would make a great "Spartacus slave revolt" band.


I love those skeleton fighters! I'm gonna have to figure out how to kitbash the rest of the generic warriors into skeletons too, get a whole undead warband here

Christian San

This is just great. You outdo yourselfs everytime.

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

Out standing. The only thing you need is a male and female Oni Katana wielding fighters! Oh yeah.


Sweet, now I just need more time to paint.

John M

Some months I just need one figure to keep me going. The Ogre with goblin is that figure this month. I love them !!!

Matthew Town

Looking great and def getting back on cyber forge next month. Though why do the skeletons still have abs?


I love to have dinner reference colors... Looking great, still far behind.


I meant, some reference...


Is that... an armored Owlbear?

Tyler Hurst

These. Are. Amazing!

Jared Rutledge

Yeah, I have been on Cyber forge last month, this month, and next month. I just got ahold of a few scifi war games and I have like zero minis for it.

Andrew Beymer

*scrolls past to check Cyberforge relase first* *stops* "Wait- was that an armoured gladiatorial owlbear??" I have zero disappointment in this more character based release. I may go as far as to say I like it. XD It feels vaguely like the Goobertown releases in that each character is brimming WITH character, but it also feels like a whole month of hero minis which I feel is it's own new cool thing. Ten points for Titan Forge.

Erik Waring

A modular net option instead of one of the shields would be nice.

Michael Abraham

I love everything about this release!!!!!


wow, i'm loving the content! my 4th month now and i'm suprised each and every time i see the new characters :D i'm still waiting for my third month subscribtion reward on myminifactory though, maybe if you find the time you could look into that Thanks a lot for your service it's a pleasure ! :)


This set looks spectacular! My head is already spinning with ways of how to incorporate all of these in my D&D game. That's an armoured freaking owlbear!


Only one miniature for Bloodfields? These are very nice models, but I'm not sure how to use them in a skirmish game. The giant scorpion would have been a fine addition to the Cursed Sand army. :)

War Mammoth

The coliseum and models are grand! Thanks!


Amazing release ! Great work


finaly a hurdygurdy!! great job nice models.


I love that coliseum! What’s the diameter? I’d love to use that as a Blood Bowl 7’s stadium! Might not need to change the scale

Alan Crooks

These are amazing!!!! Thank you!

Andrew Beymer

Have you direct messaged them? They usually respond to this sort of thing pretty quickly once you DM them.


Is there a rule set for the gladiator arena or is it just a large piece of cool terrain? Love the release btw

Kamil Stolarczyk

Net! There is No gladiator with a net!


Amazing set, one more month of suport please!

Ryan Smith

Would it be possible to get the Ogre/Goblin without the weapon? It would make a great blood bowl model.


Yours jobs are amazing ! And your team find always " THE " good idea, the good concept .... I would have only one little request : Could you please make available separate versions of the shields, battle lion icons on the arena backdrops? All these incredible elements we would also like to have them without an arm's length, or a fused wall Thanks for all !


I am sure pit fighters II would be even more impressive!! Please**

Micah Raymond Maloney

Hurdy-gurdy bard and the arena itself are worth renewing, though much of the rest is going to be something I won't likely print without kitbashing. I'm a bit less interested in Roman Gladiator styled things than other styles, so it isn't the quality, just the style.


that scorpion looks incredible i am loving the implied skull on the stinger that is a nice touch

B. Griffith

I really like the necromancer and her friends.


That arena looks amazing. Hopefully the files are organized and there's actual build instructions.


Cool Miniatures, especially the armored Owlbear! I would Love, if you could integrate at least some of them as additional mercenaries in Bloodfields!


No offence i like your models but the welcome pack in sync ? thats a crime -.- sync is shiat :(