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Hello everyone!

In case you have missed it, this month we have published the first free 5e RPG adventure! In this post, you can download it, learn more about it, and help us decide how to publish further adventures in the future.

In The Spirit and the Charlatan, the heroes will stumble upon a local village ravaged by strange disappearances and apparent possessions attributed to dark magic. Despite a witch being convicted and drowned by the village ruler, the earthquakes, hailstorms, and supernatural happenings resumed soon after with reinforced power. The local kitsune will seek out the heroes to help solve the case. Get ready for action, mystery, and plot twists!

In the adventure you will find:

  • ADVENTURE: Narrative points and roleplaying tips for the GM.
  • STATBLOCKS:  Monster rules and interesting combat encounters.
  • MAPS: Beautiful, ready-to-print locations created by our partners from Spellarena.


This adventure is a perfect setting to use your Titans of Adventure collection!

DOWNLOAD HERE Begin your adventure right now!

By becoming a Patron today, for just $10, you get access to all 3d-printable models from the adventure.  This includes: 

  • 15 miniatures from the April Yaokai collection (NPCs + Monsters)

  • 9 miniatures from the Titans of Adventure collection (RPG Heroes)
  • Access to more adventures, special bonuses, and surprises coming!

The free April Adventure is a pilot. We are really counting on your opinions and feedback to decide how and if to follow up on this kind of content.  Share your thoughts and cast a vote in the poll to help us bring you more exciting Patreon rewards each month!

Happy Printing!
TF Team


Erik Waring

I'm honestly more interested in the stat blocks for the creatures. The adventure was well written and when my PCs make it to the asian lands of my game I'm very likely to use it. Because I print and play on the table and only own a laser jet printer the maps are a little less useful to me personally but were beautifully rendered. Stat blocks with each release and a new adventure every 2-4 months would be ideal in my opinion.


I think I'd enjoy an adventure every other month or something like that, when it fits the models for that month


I like having adventures in my back pocket for my D&D games so I can mine them for content or convert it a little to work in my setting. Mostly I would love to have some stat blocks for the models if at all possible just because that can make my job as a DM so much easier.


I'd say for me personally the order of what would be the most useful is stat blocks > maps > adventures but having all three to form a story/encounter is really great too.


That's was a great surprise to found this bonus! I really love it and I can't wait to play it with my players.


I liked the adventure and mostly the Stat blocks. It gives me inspiration on how to use the minis and I look forward to them next release


Thought the adventure was great! I’m not the best at writing them so I’m always on the look out for new and exciting quests. Maps are no use for me as I print/craft all my terrain so I rarely use them. And of course stat blocks are an absolute must.


Agreed! Stat blocks and pictures I can show my players on ROLL20 would be absolutely perfect!


Even without the adventure, I would love stat blocks and pictures of each of the models in the release! Allows me to easily use the cool concepts you guys have created in online DND games. Maps and adventures are an added bonus


The adventures are a nice addition, but I'm always wanting to find stat blocks for these minis so I know the best way to use them in a game!!


I'm just going to join the club here chanting "stat blocks" over and over, though I'd love a new adventure on the regular too. But having Stat Blocks on stuff means I can use thme in other ways, without the adventure,s o you don't have to do a new one every time.


I now have one more reason to remain a Titan Forge patron for life. You guys are the best!


I'd really prefer the time and effort be spent elsewhere. Besides the point that DnD holds no yota of appeal, few people I play ttrpgs with use maps let alone minis regularly enough that matching stats, even if they were for systems we use, would still see little to no use. Then again I personally use the minis from TF near exclusively for wargames, or as hobby pieces to paint, so ymmv.


Please every month an adventure 😊

Sergio Gonzalez

If you were to make a more expensive tier (say, 2-3€ more expensive) that also included a monthly adventure, I would 100% join that tier. I have just started running the adventure with my friends and at first glance I saw very little of it, but reading the adventure in depth and seeing just how carefully the writer chose to have as many options as possible for what your players could do is brilliant, and I am a huge fan.


Titan Forge is the only real decent Patreon I like for skirmish games. There are already tons of other Patreons for people using miniatures with TRPG, especially DnD. I play TRPGs, but not with miniatures, and not DnD. (Although I've GMed DnD for 25+ years). Hopefully it's not gonna be detrimental to the future releases if you keep going with these DnD adventures. You should focus your effort on Bloodfields scenarii, and create cards for older models from your ranges.

Daniel Sanchez Torres

I really like the adventures. They are useful even if you don´t play DyD, because you can always adapt/modify what you need. And good maps are always handy


As a counter to all the people that say that they only do wargaming and have no use for the adventure (which is a fair remark, not calling anyone out), I only use the miniatures for DnD. Sometimes a theme does not work in my setting (like the Japanese stuff, I would never use), however if there is a small adventure attached to it I will be more likely to run it as a oneshot/couple sessions.


I also don't play D&D, so 5e specific adventures are not so useful. However, if they were in a low-fantasy 'grim dark' setting (Witcher, LotR, GoT, Warhammer Fantasy, etc) it could probably be adapted.


I'm always ravenous for stat blocks. They make my role as the DM so much easier if I can pluck a ready-made stat block instead of devising or modifying one on my own. I would greatly appreciate their inclusion with future releases. That being said, I'm here for the great miniatures first and foremost obviously. The stat blocks are a nice bonus for me so long as the miniatures don't suffer for it.


have to agree with this post. I don't have much use for adventures especially since I have my own settings and my own set of rules. I like Titan's products of course, would not have remained here otherwise


Yes I am on the wagon for STAT BLOCKS also. I have been using the ones from another patron for the minis I get from them in my custom campaign that has been going for 5 years now. I love minis WITH STATS :)

The Weezel

Having an adventure available for specific minis is a Hell Ya from me. Having minis is great but being able to have an initial adventure to introduce them, see mechanics and then stat blocks for later so I can add them into home brew is perfect.


I mainly just like printing and painting minis, setting displays and such, but at the same time I like reading stats and stories behind the characters

Aaron Morgan

5e-specific content isn't something I'd even download. Generic stat blocks or descriptions of creatures and their powers would be useful, but I'm not a WOTC supporter.


Joining the stat block crowd!


An adventure isn't nearly as important as the stat blocks. PLEASE give me more of a reason to print these guys and use them in my homebrew D&D. I'll probably never use an adventure, but I'll most certainly use stat blocks.


I don't need the adventures, since I don't play 5e, but looking forward to take a look at it tonight.


As someone new to d and d these are super helpful and a great way to help newbies and get your minis on the table


Acertado para mi. Mis minis son para 5e

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

The primary focus should always be the figure/miniatures but I would absolutely love 5e RPG Adventures that incorporate the figures of the month or any previous figures. Stat blocks are great too. It's awesome sauce spread over kickass steak of beautiful figures!


It's nice, but personally, I would rather see all the miniatures get stats for Bloodfields. I can always find a module for DnD/Pathfinder/13th Age that can use the minis, but it would be awesome to see that time used to bring these dragons, mounted, and other minis to Bloodfields.


Personally, the adventures are less of a selling point than the stat blocks themselves. I'd definitely use the stat blocks if they were provided monthly

B. Griffith

We had fun with the adventure and I would love to see one every month as long as it didn’t take away from the miniatures themselves. I have the opposite opinion of a lot of people, though. I don’t play D&D so I have almost no use for the stat blocks. I care more about the adventure’s plot and setup!


I would definitely use the modules. Always looking for ideas to include. Stats, Maps, story lines, ideas. All good!!

Jared Rutledge

I just don't want this to take away from Bloodfields. I do love the adventure and I did run it. I am a big 5e nerd.

Garrett Parker

Adventures, especially when they contain stat blocks for creatures, are super useful for me


Same here but it's still helpful to give me some ideas for homebrew pathfinder stuff


I love minis, I love TF minis, I love printing , painting, and setting up a detailed table. But, I am horrible at thinking up stories or adventures to give my players a reason to interact with them. I think everyone agrees that statblocks are useful - maybe a D&D one and an alternat generic one for people running other systems to have something to go off other than starting from scratch? I really enjoy the adventure, but the reason everyone is here is the minis. So as long as adding the adventure / statblocks / whatever else doesn't take away from that I am all for it.


I have nothing to use 5e things for. But the map is nice.


I really enjoyed the adventure, and I think it fits well with what you're already doing. Including a setting for the creatures and characters to exist in really helps the monthly themes and helps us to understand a little more about the models. That can be so useful in inspiring ideas for our own ways to incorporate the theme in our own games, or settings, and spark inspiration for painting or dioramas. It's a big thumbs up from me =)


Honestly, I think sticking with your own Bloodfields IP is the way to go. Instead of 5e, why not focus on scenarios for a Bloodfields Skirmish RPG?


To me they're getting thrown out there way too fast without thorough playtesting. Maybe throw out an adventure quarterly to give time for playtesting and artwork.

Studio Silvernale

I don't play 5e. If it were 3.5 I might be interested.

Andrew Beymer

Yeah maybe like a every three month loyalty reward for this would be cool- like, make a compendium of unit stats and related character plot hooks + places that have matched the terrains and themes. I feel like no matter what Ed. you use, stat blocks can be largely translated. But I also feel like I’m not here for the RPG- there are frankly a load of really good RPG patreons out there. Right? Like you guys already do Blood Fields (which is really cool to keep up on even though I dont care to play personally) and I feel like finding ways to do MORE of what the fanbase is here for would be the best? Like I paint your minis and love every second of the sculpt but I rarely use minis in my narrative heavy campaigns. I do like them and I’d like more of them- or maybe presupported and hollowed terrains and bases? Maybe wounded versions of characters or a moreso module monthly ‘large sculpt’ something like your Tianlong or Your chaos dwarf-forged giant beast gundam guardian guy. I think these models are so rich in inspiration and character that monthly adventures would just clutter the already wargame driven paper-side of your releases. :) but just my thoughts. You guys do beautiful work!

Jared Rutledge

Are you familiar with 5e because you can mod the encounter to be 3.5. I grew up on 3.5 and the changes aren't too bad.

tyler dockery

I'd like to see something quarterly. Bigger adventure, nice sculpts, won't be too distracting from the work for your team. It would give you time to build one month, test and adjust one month, build up excitement and drum up subscriptions for a month when released.


Occurred to me only drawback I see is being stuck having to reduce the model's size to fit D&D and redo the supports.

B. Griffith

One of the things I love about Titan Forge is the big size of the minis. Not sure what size it officially is, but I love it so much I’m going back and reprinting all of my Cyber Forge minis in the bigger size.


I’m all about having adventures to toss in to a game but if the creation of the adventures takes away focus from the modeling aspect, I would prefer not to hinder the output of your amazing models. I’d rather have more models for the value than fewer and some text behind them.

War Mammoth

I love the deadly encounter dioramas with the stats.


I'd love the addition of an adventure as a bonus, but if it involves paying a higher tier, I would not partake.


I'd love more mid level stat blocks, most of the stuff I've seen so far has been lower level.