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Hello everyone! We are in the middle of the month so it is time to show some more miniatures from the upcoming release! 

Cursed Sands - February Release

The Sandstorm from December has uncovered the long-forgotten Great Pyramid. The Cursed Sands have awakened desert deities and undead rulers buried within. The team of ostracized tomb riders (brave adventurers) is now the only hope to break and delve into the ancient burial site to lift the curse, so everyone and everything can finally rest (except your 3d printer).

We invite you to GirdWars: Age of Cyberpunk!

Right at the beginning of February, we will be launching a Kickstarter campaign for another of our 3d-print-it-yourself tabletop wargames!

This time we are advancing into the future to explore The Grid, which is a dark-net site of the Titan City. The Grid is a place for live cyber deals and bloody confrontations, where one big score can change your fate forever. A place where lowlife criminals and high-tech corporations can meet on equal terms to compete for influence!

In GridWars two squads will be clashing for RPG objectives on the battlefield filled with an interactive environment and terrain. Your focus will be not only ripping your enemies apart with futuristic power attacks (which is always satisfying) but you also get the possibility to hack your way through The Grid by manipulating the sentry guns, mines, and mechs. Not only that, you will be also able to invest your resources into engineering to assemble and deploy combat and specialist robots to change the tide of the battle!

The game is a hex-based skirmish with clear rules, quick, customized combat, and a lot of strategies involved. Each of the seven factions - Corporation, Yakuza, TC Police, Cyber Cult, Gangs of TC, Borderlands, and Smugglers have different characters and unique gameplay. 

What we are looking forward to the most is releasing a big bunch of new cyberpunk and sci-fi miniatures, so if you are always looking for more stuff to print be sure to check out what we will have to offer on Kickstarter and get ready to play with friends!

Have a great weekend!
TF Crew




Sounds cool. Is Gridwars a 28mm system?


Bleh. Sorry to say. This is he first month since your start you wont get my Money. Sorry about it. See you In the gridwars starter and march release :)


All new figures look neat or ok. Except for the cocodrile, looks to rough, not estilized right now, sorry but for once I am not sold on one of your figures. Loving the Anubis one though!!!

Brian Clymer

I don't run any desert-themed scenarios right now, but some of those models would make really pretty display pieces on my shelves! And I am STOKED for Grid Wars! <3


Great sculpts. If the crocodile was proportioned more like the anubis warrior it would be exactly what I'm looking for.


I bet it’s the equivalent of Bloodfields for cyber forge, so I would say it’ll be 32mm.

Mark Croker

This month's figures look ok, doubt they're not much use to me and I doubt that they will see a print bed. Gridwars looks pretty good though it depends on the price, food might get priority unfortunately.


I was a bit disappointed in cyberforge because of the lack luster weapon designs but by the looks of that sniper rifle it seems like you guys are addressing that. I'll definitely be keeping a closer eye on this new kickstarter


I think these look good, liking the different themes. I'd be more into the CyberForge/Grid Wars stuff if you did more Shadowrun/Starfinder characters. Not much use for all the Corpo stuff personally.


Shouldn't it be GirdWars: Age of Reflux? Different Gerd, I guess. ;)


Ouch. Mixed reviews for this month’s theme. Instead of losing Patreons, any chance of unlocking past ones?


ohhh cant wait to use that big skellie scarab in the back

Frank Lee

These designs look great. Really like the hero minis.


Modular ?? :D


Nice. I really like egyptian theme. I think that inecto-skelly need some kind of a weapon. That blades look to short to reach anything further than his legs. And that sobek-like creature looks like mirrored and kitbashed turtle from previous month. That's quite sad. But other ones looks really great! I am waiting for more 🙂


This is really similar to an Archvillain games patreon release from last year. I know im the grumpy odd-one-out, but really hoping for more original releases in 2021. Barbarians, Vampire Hunters and Arabian Nights all a bit stale (along with this). Swamps was great though! :)

Thiago Lopes

Really like the hero mini.


Love the Egyptian theme! All of these miniatures look fantastic. The female adventurer and the necromancer miniatures have tons of character! More of this please. Don't change a thing, your monthly releases are top quality, focus on familiar/popular themes, and yet are still always unique.


You’re not the grumpy one out, a lot of the comments agree with you.


The crocodile seems a bit bulky, but I am loving the other sculptures. The idea of Arabian Nights starting the adventuring and leading into Cursed Sands is an awesome idea.


I absolutely love all these miniatures ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙


Love the female explorer/tomb raider, crazed sorcerer and the shabby knight from the previous preview, makes me want to start yet another Frostgrave (Sandgrave?) warband... Anubis and the Scarab Golem are nice, but I'm less sold on Swole Sobek (Swolbek?).

Daniel Henry

Those gridwars sculpts have more attention to details and textures than any CyberForge stuff does. Feels like the effort has gone into it to make money on the kickstarter but you are overextending yourself on Cyberforge making more sculpts but at a lesser quality.


Yes, the adventurers are wonderful. I'd love to see more characters with this sort of flavor. Always a fan of Anubis. Scarab Golem is very interesting. But I agree that the Croc is too wide and bulky for my taste - I don't see myself printing him. I've been very happy with the subscription so far. Thanks for a great job.


Cursed Sands looks amazing! It'll be a great complement to the Arabian Nights set.


I always love an Egyptian theme. The adventurers in the set are really dynamic and have a lot of character. Although, the Queen, Anubis, Sobek and the Scarab Golem are all quite static; this is ok for the Queen, but really detracts from the potential of the others. Additionally, the head on Anubis looks a bit 'derpy' because of the skeletal nose when the rest of his head isn't skeletal. Sobek is too wide and chunky which makes him look slothful instead of strong and imposing.


Please please please do another Cursed Sand/similar release later down the line! I need more tomb king proxys and desert themed RPG pieces in my life


Keep up the print-your-self games! I love having a built in way to use my printed minis.


Nice! I'm hoping the priest will be suitable for my army from the Arabian release.


Will there be another preview? february is just around the corner, in just over a week...