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Hello everyone!
We are here to announce the October Contests results and give you a small update on the upcoming schedule!

Contest Winners - Plastic Addicts

This month we have received a lot of great works. Thank you for sharing your passion and expressing it in such a creative way. We are very proud that our miniatures spark such great works.

And this has been a very creative edition of the contest! This month was especially hard for the jury because there was more than one diorama that we wanted to award the first place. So, we decided to do just that! There are two winners this month and both receive the Photon Anycubic 3D Printer! Take a look for yourselves. 

1st place WINNER! - RC3D
Reward: Anycubic Photon 3D Printer

1st place WINNER! - Franz Altermeier
Reward: Anycubic Photon 3D Printer

3rd Place - Xero Wing
Reward: Anycubic Resin

Congratulations! Contact us through PM to claim your Rewards!

Also, congratulations to everyone who admitted their entry. It takes a lot to pour your heart into the art and show it to others. We hope to see you in the next edition that is already running!

Contest Winners - Resin Junkies

We have randomly picked five winners. If you are looking for a chance to win too, it is very simple! Each month post at least one picture of a printed miniature in either the Facebook or discord group! The more you print the more resin you can win!  Share your printing results to win more printing material!

  • LP Passarelli Wilson
  • Chris Sheen
  • Taylor Tal
  • Talarius
  • Zephyr

Congratulations! Please contact us here on Patreon via PM to claim your rewards!

New Contests Rules are coming!
As we have announced earlier, in December we will introduce new rules for our monthly competitions. We want to keep in interesting, make it more simple, but also leave out unnecessary ambiguities. New year will be exciting! See you soon!

MMF Updated

We are closely working with MMF to reorganize your loyalty rewards. It may take a few more days to get each and every last one of them in the right place but you can be sure that all your items are accounted for. Thank you for your patience while we transition to this more organized system.


That's all for today. You can expect the first preview of the next enchanting line of miniatures right after the weekend!

TF Team




Congrats absolutely nice work for the winners!


Congrats to all