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Hello everyone!

We have some quick news, extras, and updates for you today!

Barbarians Preview

Today we want to show you the most savage release yet! This new collection features a whole range of brutal warriors. Feel the rage and raid with the Barbarians in November!

Halloween Special

We have a very special bonus for you to celebrate Halloween. You can download it, print it, and use it to spook up your miniatures. Get a special set of Halloween bases today!

You can download it here: DOWNLOAD 

Loyalty Reward

The Root of Doom is here! And he will become the Loyalty Reward for 9 months patronage! You can expect to receive the reward straight to your MMF Library at the beginning of November.

Thank you so much for the amazing support you are bringing. All these great models would not be released without your help, suggestions, and passion for 3D printing. We are set on bringing you more amazing miniatures in the future and more fantastic rewards that will match your support!


Happy Printing! TF Team



Marie Rowland

holy shit!!!! what a release!

Adam M

That witch model is amazing!



Piotr Puchała

What an Treeman! Guys, please sculpt some sylvan elves to accompany this monster!



Brian Clymer

These Barbarians look AMAZING! I can't wait to finally work with magnets for the hands/weapons!

Antonio Miguel Martorell Ferriol

Damm! i need to reduce expenses in patreons and everytime it's more dificult to choose wich one to left behind :(




Love it all - especially the female giant caring for her baby - something that is all to often ignored in gaming :)


For the Loyalty Program, will that become available when I hit 9 months, or is that if I hit 9 months during November?


They look amazing. I hope the modular characters arms/weapons "fit" better than they did on the chaos dwarf month's releases. Those didn't fit together as cool as the renders looked, ended up with a lot of stiff T poses :|

Ben Schmidt

Awesome! That one barbarian holding the tiny shield just looks a bit awkward... like “what’s this puny thing I’m holding here.”


Really gorgeous!! The Drakkar, too...


Bramblehive on steroids! AWESOME! And that giant! Awful viking-like. Love!


I will have to print all of them!!

Christoffer Robin Nøklestad

Is that a freaking giant with the front of a boat as his shoulder guard, and, and, and🤯🤯 Amazing as always!👍


Super cool! So many good things in here.


wooohaa, your content are getting better and better not tryied yet Bloodfields but this compatible stuff rocks as nuts, awesome just awesome!!!


This is simply an amazing line up, maybe your best yet, great work!

Erik Waring

I just printed out 4 viking huts of much lower quality. I wish I had known these were coming. Oh well, more huts it is!


I expected so much from this set. I am a fan of the Vikings. But when I see all these horned helmets, I am extremely disappointed. Too bad, I would have no pleasure in printing them. sniff... Vikings never had horned helmets


The models look amazing! very good job.


Just the troll feeding her baby... Epicly beautiful.


The female troll is unique! Awesome! I never had a miniature like that and I have thousands of them!

LP Wilson

I can't wait these are amazing!!! Could do with more lady barbarians like that amazing sculpt on the shield. Keep it up!!


Outstanding as always

Ne Obliviscaris

Holy shit is right! This is incredible!!!

preston neill

More moose people please!


November is looking awesome. Happy to cruise into my 3rd month of support. Nice to see you upping the ante with alternative weapons! Hope this is a reoccuring theme from now on. That giant is epic and several top tier minis again this month. Hope I have time to print these!

Abdul Rahman Khan

These are so freaking amazing! Love Norse related things and these are really really awesome! And I really love the Halloween bases!


still waiting for 6 month loyalty, let's see if the 9 month shows up...


Try sending them a direct message that you are missing it. They rarely answer comment directly but are pretty quick in getting back to DMs


I won’t get mad if we can have a little of fan service on the following releases, not all the release but every once in a while a figure. Lol

Robert Liebert-Hereth

So for the 9 month, will I be able to get that once I hit 9 months (in 2021)? Or does it change and I'm out of luck? Cause I love that model


These look lovely!!!!


Wow! And now we have modular weapons! You guys continually outdo yourselves! More trolls, please!!


Very cool. Any chance of the helmets on the shield bearers being available? Would love to add a bunch of troops wearing those as a unit with the shield bearer/rider.


Wow just wow the tribal barbaric feel of these is astounding . always love the reveals, never a let down with you guys thank you


Looks amazing!


I don't even really love Viking barbarian stuff, but this is all so amazing. I can't wait to print it.


every 3 months you will get the reward. the one in November you will get when you reach 9 months of membership. You will never miss out as the figures are fixed for each 3 months. I hope I have made it clear.

John Sheffield

I want to see the story of the troll family, narrated by Attenborough. That's a diorama waiting for happen.


oh wow! some incredible sculpts


This is simply fantastic. Would like this post a second time if it was possible.


Great work. More trolls please


Awesome, sheer awesome

Micah Raymond Maloney

*sighs* Even from the last preview I wasn't feeling this month's theme, and this clinches it. I'm literally backing it solely for the sake of the moose person and the loyalty program. Maybe I can modify some of the others after printing for kitbash potential, but... I sort of wish I could have just invested it into a previous month before I had joined instead of this. As I said before, it's good quality, but... so overdone. I prefer less used cultural designs, or stuff that blends elements from different cultures, or makes something more unique. This concept just doesn't work with any of the sorts of games that I run, and right now, I can't even see how I would kitbash more than one of them to make it usable.

Adam Ampulski

To each his own. They can't please everyone all the time. I love this one

James Bunker

I still haven’t gotten my second one and I’ve been with you guys since ja heart.


Been around for 9 months and still haven't gotten the 2nd loyalty reward. In good news though this next set looks sweet.


Contact them, there seems to have been an issue with the 6 month reward, lots of people didn’t get it. I just dropped them a message in Patreon and it was in my MyMini folder the next day.


My friends already make fun of me for having all the different giant variations I can find. Why not add another one to the mix. Super excited to add these minis to the mix.


Beautiful work, as usual 😉... But PLEASE! If you're going to make them modular, think about ball joints, they give SO MUCH MORE positions possible!! 😍😍😍 With ball joints there are three benefits : 1. It's easier for us to get a nice positioning, instead of looking for the exact border fit ; 2.it will allow us to get various positions, giving us also more variety ; 3.(this is a bit awkward to say, but it's still a point) we can mix them with others patreons, allowing us to get another level on the variety... Please, think about it!!

Mario da Silva

It is not ok to give us just a variation of a model most of us already have as a loyalty reward.. this should be something special!!


I agree. I love that they are trying make them more modular but ball joints are the way to go for modularity. I hope they decide to make that change

Scott M.

Didn't think I'd wake up and see a breast-feeding troll/ogre/whatever-that-thing-is today... Hahaha.


Thanks for the pumpkin bases!! Love 'em :)


I want them all now!!!!!

War Mammoth

Thanks for pumpkins and nice job on Nov. You have exceeded expectations again! Nice job on the 9-month loyalty model!

Daniel Williams

Just signed up in time for the Vampire Hunters! Saw the Barbarians and they all look awesome!


Just. Read through all the comments and you all must be much, much better printers than I - for me, I look at these prints and think great here are a bunch more files I will struggle with printing. I did just fine from April to August with printing Titan Forge STL’s. I’d have the occasional pancake, or fail but they were rare. Then came the Amazon’s - turned into a 50/50 proposition (I don’t mention the Pirate Ogres because I haven’t attempted any of them, resin cost $$$ and failed prints cost time & $$$ so I was cautious). Then came the Vampire Hunters and I wanted to print them all - multiple failed prints later and I moved on to other pre-supported STL’s to see if it was me, or the support settings. I printed almost every mini from Iain Lovecraft’s “Asian Adventure” KS - 90% success rate with those. I am currently working on the “Hold My Dwarf” KS and have printed 34 consecutive Dwarf STL’s with no errors. Not wanting to rant, so please don’t take it that way - I LOVE the Titan Forge sculpts, it’s just really frustrating when you can’t get them to reliably print.


Dispite them being pre supported I always go onto the file and check/ add some more heavy supports then run it through the file validator. It's quicker than supporting it myself but so far little to no fails. Hope this helps.


Did people actually get the 6 month reward?

Gary Krieger

Will have to say the yeti that is nursing is the most unusable miniature I’ve seen on Patreon’s in a long time. Can’t imagine ever printing it for games. Perhaps I’m in some display, but no.


Believe it or not, it's actually useful for a quest out of Rime of the Frostmaiden, where the players encounter a mother yeti and its baby on Kelvin's Cairn. I was thinking of printing it off for that encounter.

Rob Leonard

Are the Halloween bases gone? Link isn't working.


yeah i just noticed them too =/


I haven't been checking here, so I missed the bases as well. If everything is going to the MMF downloads, then why wouldn't these have gone there as well?


Wow I missed the Halloween Bases too


Does anyone have experience using the Pre-supported files and shrinking them down to 88% so they are 28mm scale? Does that cause the supports to fail because they become too thin?


Aww I missed those bases too! Perhaps in the future if they could also be part of the MyMiniFactory set up so we don't miss things like this in the future? They're so awesome looking