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Hello everyone!

We want to provide you with smooth file delivery and we will be testing a new system of file distribution along with the current one. Try it out this month!

Why is a new method needed?

1. In the last months, we have received many reports of problems with Sync. Their servers seem to be overloaded and with the growing number of Patrons and growing size of monthly packages, the problems will only get bigger.

2. We want you to always have access to your own files, even if you forget to download a release, lose your data, run out of disc space, etc. In such cases, you can always contact us to get a re-download link, but we want to make it even easier.

How to get files with the new method?

This is very simple! Log into your MMF ( MyMiniFactory ) account or create a new one. Your August Monthly Release should sit in your personal Library (if you were a Patron at the time)  and September Monthly Release will be added soon.

Important! Your MMF account has to use the same e-mail as your Patreon account in order for it to work. If you do not have an MMF account yet, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to create one.

How does the test work?

Right now we are testing this system of file delivery for the first time and looking for potential problems. This month, if someone joins the Patreon later in the month, they will not have instant access to their files on MMF. We are adding new Patrons manually every 24 hours (morning CET). 

We are working on a method that will do it automatically, but for now, if you have just joined the Patreon, or do not have an MMF account yet, you can always get the files the old way - by using a link to Sync (you will find the link in the Release Post),

What's next?

In the future, we are planning to add all your previously acquired monthly releases to your private MMF Libraries, so that you have all your models in one place. 

If this solution works we will also be able to provide you with the newly pre-supported files for the old models you already have.

Although this new file distribution system is not fully implemented yet we are excited about the opportunities it provides. We want to make the file delivery quick, unproblematic, and comfortable so that you can focus on printing and your hobby!


Try to get your files the new way this month, let us know if works and help us improve it!

Happy Printing,
TF Team


Jason Dickerson

This is excellent. I wish more patreons would go this route. Thanks for going down this road.




I like this, would love to get others like this.

Jefferson Thacker

Thank you! I've been BEGGING creators to go this rout. Its what other industries do and it makes my life so much easier.

Byron Rodriguez

Love this idea! Hope it works out


This is a fantastic idea!


So bloody good! Thank you


Exactly what I needed! My ISP has been (more than) spotty lately and it took me 3 weeks to get both sets downloaded for the last set.

Alex A

Good idea!


sorry for being ignorant but what is an MMF account?


This is the best solution! I was thinking about this possibility since you sent the loyalty model via mmf. I hope it works for you as much as it'll work for us :)


Yeeeeeesssss. I was hoping patreons started doing this. Fantastic.


Awesome! This is exactly what I was hoping more Patreons would do. I bought a 2TB external hard drive to keep files on and in the past year it's halfway through. It would be so much better this way!


Currently, I am only seeing the July release and no others in MMF. Will this be a phased approach?


I see the July release, but not the 2 months you mentioned.


Great! I suggested MMF as a solution earlier and glad you had the same idea.


You should probably actually say what "MMF" is somewhere in this message for people who are not familiar with MyMiniFactory.


Great plan! That makes it so much easier to access them!

Yokel OMigosh

Very glad to see this!


I just check my "shared with me" and I see the July chaos dwarves release. So happy with this new approach. I certainly hope AG and CometLord follows suit.


I just enter with my google account to MMF, how can i get the July and August Release there?


Awesome news!

Patrick horrigan

dude. incredible. i love you guys for this, i am in constant fear of crashing and losing everything. simply beautiful solution, it really shows a level of care for your supporters.


Ok as expected ;) we had a little problem and now the proper August release is connected with August supporters but it will be uploaded in about an hour.


Woah! That’s some next level brilliance! How it should be done !

Simon Crouch

This is excellent, thank you.

Gary Krieger

August is not showing up in my MMF account. just saw your previous comment Titan-Forge and will check back within the hour.


I got mine. Thanks!


Seems to work great. My files were there.


I can see August, but not September, in the "Objects shraed with me", but it says it is under review, and there are no files in it yet. I will check back. This is pretty great news, because I was unable to get Titan-Forge, or Cyber-Forge Sync files this month. Will Cyber-Forge be following suit, and will August be available for that as well?


I have the August release in my list but there are no files in it

Patrick horrigan

weird, i got the tavern but not the dwarves in there. im sure itll all work out as time goes on, but i agree wholeheartedly hoping this is the future


I do not see it in mine. Should it be listed under Objects share with me or under campaigns?

Paul Wysocki

This is fantastic!!!

Joseph Fredona

No September files in my account, also is cyber forge doing the same ?


Oh thank god, my HDD died and this saves me having to bug you guys about downloading old stuff ever again


August shows up in mine. No files though. Says in review. If this works it will be awesome. A way better version of doing things. This means we can re download the files later if we misplace them or hard drive fails or whatever?

Tom Boucher

yay! so far I see July there as I mentioned on Discord, but thought I'd put this here too. I had a goof in my email though, fixed it, and july showed up.


So my MMF account uses a different email, what are my options?


This is amazing! I just suggested this on another Patreon yesterday and am stoked to see it's possible. What a great system, thanks!


This is great. I do hope it doednt require too much management on your part though.


This is fantastic! I can see July and August in my Library now, but with no files (assuming that will be sorted once things get finalized.) This will make things so much easier, and as an added bonus it will free up a lot of my hard drive space too!


I'm no seeing any files after logging in with my same email


I love this idea!!!


YES. This is what I've been wanting. Having to click a link at the end of the month to get the most recent files RIGHT BEFORE THEY EXPIRED was making patroning a campaign feel like a chore rather than a joy. Especially once I got up to backing a half dozen campaigns. Actually collecting the rewards after their final update, before they expired, with several artists being late to release or putting out last minute fixes to pre-supported versions or, or, or... Making it where I just have a license to the latest version and there's nothing I have to keep up with if I'm away from my computer at the end of the month or whatever, this is EXACTLY what I've been wanting.


I have August and July, no September


MMF Sounds like a great option. Thank you.


I see it my August in my Objects Shared with Me. No files yet but it looks promising.


I’m so hyped for this and hope it all works out and is achievable for you guys with out to much hassle

House Hendoe

A welcome and long awaited change!


Just logged in and not seeing anything. Hope it gets fixed soon. Really excited for this to work.


Either its not working and/or the instructions aren't quite right: "Your August Monthly Release should sit in your personal Library" - There is no "personal library" in MMF. There is a "My Library" and then in that I can see "Objects Shared with Me". In Objects Shared with me I can see several loyalty rewards from Titan Forge (which I can't say I recall being notified about?) but no August or September release.


I have mine there, they download pretty smoothly too.


This is great. It's in "My Library" under "Objects Shared with Me," and the August release is still under review. September release isn't there yet, but the July release was. I really like MMF as a platform; it's *typically* pretty stable, especially for single-file releases.

Kristin Chernoff

July and August are sitting in my MMF library. Perfect.


I have August and July, nice!. Says under review, but looks promising!


wow this is amazing. Honestly this should be the standard for others. Really excited to see this continue. I tested and worked for me.


so happy with this idea!


i created an account under my email and the library is empty.. :,(


Nothing for August or September so far.


i have august no September yet.


Works great got mine already, thank you!


This is a great way to manage this. Thank you I have August and July. They will be files shared with me FYI


I have July and August already. This is a great idea. Thank you for trying it this way.


I have nothing yet and I don't have the new loyalty reward yet either.

Lisa Kellogg

I only have my loyalty rewards no monthly releases.


I would be SO excited if this works. Managing files every month is my least favorite part and is the number one reason I consider dropping patreons is the hassle of downloading and organizing files.


Shows the last two months for me like a charm - thank you for doing this Sync was getting terrible

Christoffer Robin Nøklestad

Great news! Thank you! I really hope this will be a smoother experience than sync🙏


August and July, no September


Yeah nothing here either :(


Outstanding news! Thank you, I really did not enjoy sync. Just logged on and saw the past couple of months files. Much more user friendly. Cheers.

Dick Teh

What if my MMF account I used for my blood fields can’t seems to get the files, I need to login with face book then I can see the files, but it’s a different account same email? Can I still port over my stuff to that account?


This is a fantastic idea! I just looked and saw that my MMF account had a different email address than the one I use for Patreon, so I changed it on MMF. Much thanks for keeping ahead of the curve with multiple avenues to deliver these files!

Chris N

I love this idea. Please make it work. This will make everything SO much easier. I've already had to beg for a re-download link once....


July and August are there for me. No September, if that's supposed to be there too.


Hope this works, I was considering unsubbing, because dealing with requesting links to downloads that I forgot to use or loose was a turn off in a my mind. I love humblebundle for this, my sub is just on auto, there and I randomly log in to get my stuff when I remember.


Out F*#!ing Standing! I wish all my patreons would do this!


I just found July and August as well


Never mind, it was under the OBJECTS SHARED WITH ME . Awesome! MMF and Patreon are the same email, but I do not see anything in the inbox from Titanforge for last month - any help?

Josh Austin

Its not in the inbox. It's in the Library section, under Shared with Me


Worked for me. Thanks!

Alan Cardy

Yes, have the last two months in there and look forward to having Septembers in there.


This is going to get confusing, I backed the Kickstarter and it uses a different email address than my patreon so now I'm going to have 2 MMF accounts LOL


Honestly, very awesome and much needed. I almost said something about "can you distribute right through MMF I guess that answers that question! ;)


Excellent news!!

Simon Crouch

OK, < mine does not work. I'm probably to blame, let me know how to fix it, :)


Oooo yes excited for this! Sync is absolutely horrible


I hope more creators decide to do this.


Just signed up on MMF. looking forward to this.


where are the tradition DL links? I have the same email with MMF and there is nothing from TitanForge in any of the sections


Can I like this most 20x over? If i click the heart off and on, will you FEEEL the excitement? Seriously, can't thank you enough for this move and I sincerely hope this works well and the relationship with MMF only gets stronger! This issue of not being able to download or worried about backups has been a big stress.. and this test is just in time for me as im about to leave for a big work trip that is only going to give me 2days on either end of the (normal availability window) to HOPE i get files (under the previous methods).


That's a great idea! With your huge release and many files it's nice to know there is an only back up. I will try it as soon as I can!


I can't access any of the models any more. I haven't been getting anything for months. I'm just handing over cash and getting zip.


Huge thanks for doing this. This will make it so I don't have to do monthly Pateron "maintenance" by squirreling away expiring files onto a cloud drive


Finally! I was getting to the point where I was dreading the end of each month as I know I was going to have to struggle with Sync, re-trying over and over, manually tinkering with my file collections. Honestly, I love all the creators I support on patreon, but the download situation is a disaster. I want access to these files forever, from a reliable service that hosts them. This sounds like the solution that always should have been. Yay.


Awesome choice already can see and access August and July . Thank you for working on a solution for us this is great.

Leath Ar Nak

This just shows that you're not only producing the best files in the community but also are the most forward thinking. Thank you so much for taking the lead!

Michael Strauss

Right now I have just the July content in my library. Nothing from August (or September yet)

Rodney Sanders

This is an outstanding move. Not seeing anything in my account yet but it is new so hopefully all will get worked out. Just bought a 6TB hardrive trying to keep up with storing all my files lol. This makes me much happier.


Fantastic idea! I look forward to downloading this month's release via MMF :)


I only see my July content as well.

Harry Morris

This is great, I truly appreciate it. However please consider a relaxing the requirement to have the same email for patreon and MMF. That simply doesn't work in my case.


i cant find the files either, i have no clue how my mini factory is working


I See only my Bloodfields content -.- because my Account here runs over Facebook... Other with my Email.

Woodrow Arrington

This is the most amazing move ever! So happy to hear this! Thank you!


So far it works but I only got my july set


This is brilliant!


I only got the July set, I mean I got it 3 times today so I appreciate you ensuring I have it.

Ryley Dempsey-Spearing

this is actaully the best feature i have been wanting this for so long now! thank you and hopefully it becomes an industry standard


Very good idea. Like the others patrons, I only have July release for now and the loyalty reward


yep for now july and loyalty reward only

patrick frani

Love this new update, synch was putting me off big time hence I cancelled most of my patreon but decided to stick with Titan, thank goodness for this update. Thanks guys 🙂


I like the idea and I have created the MMF account with the same email address and my patreon account but I have nothing available to me (i should have July and August and then September and my loyalty reward when they are available). really appreciate you guys looking for better ways to get us the minis


Great idea - currently not seeing anything but i am a patreon only since august. guess its still in progress ? :)

Luca Rio

Wow, really like that move. So at least when its in our library we can download it whenever we want. And also a good thing, if you need to update a file I believe. Really like the Idea! Hope its the same for Cyberforge too.

David Holden

YES! The be been waiting for this! Great move.

Scot Naylor

Cant find my link


Its great - but so far only July's release


this does seem better - I seem to only have the may loyalty reward and july's release (missing second loyalty, august and septembers) I guess there are teething problems. much better delivery system than sync though


Génial super idée !!!

void stalker

was hoping you would do this, as i love the idea of always having them even if my hard drive fails. for those who can't find it, make sure you check under the "objects shared with you" tab. on another note it seems i only have the July releases.

Scot Naylor

Can't find the link and nothing in MMF?? - help


Obviously I don’t know what the MMF backend is like but I’ve always wondered why no one distributed their files that way. Just seems the most obvious process.


I have a MMF account with the same email and don't have anything in there :(

Levi Brooks

I saw a shared link earlier today but now it's gone.


Can't find the link and nothing in MMF?? - help

Levi Brooks

you signed up with the same email?


I can see July and August releases (plus 2 loyalty rewards) but not yet september release


Open a new one and wait for the future "merge accounts" option...


How is "my library" different than "your personnal library"? The "my" implies it's yours...


Not yet: MMF team is working on a "merge accounts" option.


MMF team is working on a "merge accounts" option (I've got 3 and it's getting tiresome...).


no august or september realeases for me in MMF ? how can you link my patreon and MMF account just by my email ?


Hi Titan Forge I checked every tab and nothing in my library here :( hope it will update with the September release :)


I can only see my loyalty rewards... : /

Anthony Gascoigne

A very sensible idea, hopefully MMF is up to the task. I’ve just checked MMF and the July and August releases are both in My Library under the “Objects Shared with Me” Tab. I notice they are a zip of the full month. In an ideal world I’d be able to get to individual files, especially if there’s being an update to one - that aside, this is a great start. Also the size of the zip looks like you’ve used compression - that’s a major problem with Sync, the zip it gives for a folder looks to have no, or very very little, compression. When September is available I will use MMF and feedback. Again, really brilliant news - looking forward to getting some pre-supported versions of older releases.


If you can't find it go to "My Library / Objects shared with me". I found the August release there.

Willer Niekerk

Hi! I just signed up for a MMF account using the same email as my patreon account but nothing has appeared in my library. Is there something I need to do to link both accounts?


Nothing showing in my MMF yet, I am surprised they're using MMF to be fare after the mess with the 6 month rewards.


Well it's not really obvious on the MMF website but I found the files. It's in "My Library > Objects shared with me" and not with the other purchases. But maybe it'll take some time to show on everyone's account..


Hi September release is not yet online, so it will appear on MMF 24h after we will publish release post.


It worked great for Bloodfields, And I see the July and August releases in the "Objects shared with me" part of my Library. :P My digital Pile of shame keeps growing.


Like! 😁👍

Florian O'Neill Jols

Excellent! Really such a great idea. This will make it so much easier to keep everithing in one place without the hassle. Thank you!


I created an account today but nothing shows up there yet. I dont even have the "objects shared with me" option under my library.


Seems like a great idea! I now see the August and July releases in my library. So good to know I can still get them if my hard drive crashes. :)


Works fine! <3

Rigg Veda

I see August and July, and the fidelity rewards for may, but I still don't have access to the last fidelity reward... I private meseeged you a while ago and you have not answered me... so sad... :(


Like others already wrote, September is missing, I can see my 3months present, July and August

Milo Keeble

I can't see last month's, so I don't think it's worked for me?


I joined last month and can't see anything.


I didn't get the files


Have July and August. Sept isn't released yet, right?


This is awesome! It's bright and early here, so this was great news to start the day :)


Great idea, but i have issues too, i have the same 3 month reward two times (hydra) and july - august packs, i hope you can solve it, but it's a great idea, and thanks.


I have nothing

Matthew Williams

Oh my God. This is perfect. Plus I don't have to freak out so much about losing the files at some point in the future.

Drew Smith

This is fantastic. I really appreciate having the previous months available. Lol. It helps my anxiety over what I did or didn't save :) Will this be implemented for Cyberforge patreon as well?


I have my August ok, but no September. Maybe tie it into the payment system. That manages to deduct the money from my account at the right time.


I can confirm it's working here and that's amazing. I would live this for Cyberforge too!

John M

You do realize they are not directly connected? Patreon bills on the first of the month, and then the Creator releases based on finalized patrons. We are actually lucky with Titan Forge, as they have theirs done prior to the start of each month, and release it within the day. Many Creators are releasing through out the month that months release. So chill, and have some patience.


August is present, September missing. As others.


i have august, sept is not showing yet.


nothing shows up for me (no august nor september)

Ian Jurgensen

Nothing in my library either. I've had other issues with MMF and things that were supposed to go to my library not going there - loyalty rewards and whatnot for other patreons...


I think that the move to MMF is a good idea, however I don't have either the files from August or the files from September available on my MMF library.


Like this idea, very simple. Like others, I have July and August but no September yet.


There is no September in mine either.


Using same email for both Patreon and Myminifactory and August isn't showing up either


Nothing showing up for me.

Rachit Modi

This was long overdue and MMF delivery is much faster/better than Sync. Keep up the great work.


I found them. You need to go to your account >> Objects Shared With Me. Then you will see the items.


I'm still missing June and Sept but I'm glad for the switch


I'm missing Sep files and the 2nd loyalty reward but see Aug and July.


I've been invited to July release 3 times, but yet to be invited to the September release


I still cannot find them. I searched for Objects Shared With Me.


Created a new account at MMF, same email as Patreon and my library is empty.


I've found July and August in my MMF library. I'm assuming they're cycling through.


my library is empty too .... :(


I have August and July - No September


Same, MMF only has the Loyalty Reward so far


Wow !!!! This is wonderful !!!! But I can´t find anything in my library, I can´t even finde the "Objects Shared With Me" option


Nothing in my library


Created a new account at MMF, same email as Patreon and my library is empty.


Have you checked the subcategory "Objects shared with me" ?


Yes! Thank you so much.


Yes! I absolutely love this change. Sync was extremely awful and I really like MMF's interface. Thanks for this change!


worked smoothly, love having all the models in one place month to month


Had to go in and change my mini factory email to match even though the loyalty used to work on old email, but now i dont get Septembers patreon yet, Sync for me was ok, just had to enter the password then close the window and reopen for it to work. Also noticed i dont have the August set in my mini factory either.

Lidless Eye Hobbies

Hrm, totally empty Library and I have the same MMF account I've had with my one primary email also used for this. I have August but not this month.

Ryan Smith

I have July and August- is there an estimated drop date for September?


I'm stoked that you guys are switching to MMF. Ignore the nay-sayers, this will be great for allowing access to prints after the end of the month. I'm always worried that if I download a release at the beginning of the month, and then it gets updated in the middle, and I miss out, then I'll miss those models if I don't message the creator. With this set up, I'll never have to worry, they'll always be on MMF. Thank you for this.


This sounds amazing. I have always been a little bit anxious regarding the files laying on my hard drive.

Tyler Hurst

I'm so happy you're switching to MMF. My storage space on my computer is suffering.

Tyler Hurst

When should I expect to receive the September release then?


I appreciate the MMF delivery system. thank you


Looks great! Excited for the September drop. Thanks for this.


I love the idea and MMF delivery, and it worked just fine for me.


nothing in my MMF account double checked the email it is the same for patron and MMF.

Dawn Jackson

I have noting in my library. I just signed up for MMF using the same email and everything..


This is great - means I do not need to stress so much making sure I remember to download each months release, and then upload them to my cloud storage to ensure they do not get lost if I lose the hard drives data for some reason :)


This is great news. I jsut checked and already have July and August in MMF

Christopher Barnes

TitanForgeMiniatures has invited you to July Release- Titan Forge Miniature -(Sons of Kashan Vra), redeem the files! Am I being trolled?


What happens if my Patreon email and MMF are not the same?

Christopher Barnes

The August release appears in my “Objects shared with me” nothing for this month...

Christopher Barnes

I do not see the (Sons of Kashan Vra) even when I hit redeem...

Christopher Barnes

I know it's all new so no rush, I'm just trying to let you all know.


Add me to the people that have nothing from August and September. I have the loyalty rewards but not the releases.

Ralph Chilton

Amazing! Thanks, I have them.


I also have nothing in the library (shared) - possible explanation: On both platforms I logged in with Google. Patreon used @gmail.com while myminifactory entered me with @googlemail.com. I now changed the mail in myminifactory to also be @gmail.com, so maybe I will be entered with the next actualisation. Anyone else experiencing the same? Could that be the problem?


Very glad to hear this, other Patreons I backed with this made life much easier.

Steven McStoots

I am not seeing either of the last two months on MMF.


Works great!


nothing yet for me as well.


Have both, absolutely fantastic to have it always available to download/update.


Nothing yet for me either. I have gotten other things through MMF. I see the august and july sets but not sept in my MMF library.


I didn't get an email, and I don't see it in my MMF account

Ralph Chilton

Check under 'Objects Shared with Me' on the menu


I've got both July and August thank you! will you let us know on here as soon as files are available on MMF?


Just note that you guys may need to check the "objects shared with me" section on your page.. the MMF message you get directs you to an empty space I've noticed and they loyalty messages come through, but the previous month ones had no message.. they just showed up. So double check all your "inboxes" in MMF

Stephen Rider

Works fine for me, once you find them under "shared with me"


I'm not seeing the September release. I don't have it shared with me yet. I'm also missing some of the loyalty rewards as well


Still missing my release as well.


This transition scares me to death. I still haven't received any of my Bloodfields Kickstarter, and it was distributed through MMF. I may not be able to continue as a Patreon.

Josh Helton

I had to update my email address through Patreon to make it the same. Will the full list be processed again, or just new users from here out? I have been subbed through July and August.


I created a MMF account with the same mail as the current one on Patreon, and i am not seeing anything (patron since July), and i don't find the "Shared with me" item 8-/


I only see the August Release


Great news! Any word on MMF updating to download monthly bundles in an organized fashion rather than a heap of files in 1 puzzle of a folder?


I can't see any releases in MMF :(


Library, Objects shared with me.


Was the Sept release already sent to MMF, can't see anything on the shared with me folder?


am I the only one refreshing the MMF folder every 5 mins hoping the september release to show up like if it was Christmas? previous months and loyalty are in already.. can't see the time to print the first pirate..


My emails are the same for Patreon and MMF, but there is nothing in my MMF library except items that I have purchased on MMF. When will the older monthly packages be added there?


Please continue to use Sync as well as this method, because many of us folks have used a different email for our MMF account or signed up using Google/FB and -- even after changing the email in settings there -- can't actually link the email we've used for Patreon meaning we will not be getting these through there. Signing up using a new account is quite a hassle, as the majority of us already have heaps of purchases in our original MMF accounts.


MIne were in the section titled "Objects Shared With Me". I don't think September release has dropped yet.


Nothing as of yet...


Got my Tavern and Dwarves! Much better download option!


Just became a new patreon...Im so confused where to get the September files


I do not see any downloads... :/


I have july and august on MMF :)


Take it easy its a beta test.


nothing yet fro a new patreon.

Benoit Michaux

Nothing here too. I'm patient. No problem. :)


nothing in my account yet


Joined yesterday, not received anything even im connected with the same mail


I think this is a great decision, looking forward to seeing it fully implemented


Oh man I’m so excited about that Warlock! Literally refreshing MMF constantly 🤣


I can't see last months release in my library.

Dick Teh

Can please share the stuff to my accounts again? I have deleted the account created by Facebook. Hopefully this will consolidate everything to my account with Blood Fields


If you haven't already you would be better sending the message via Patreon messages. They might not see it here


I now have Augusts release in my MMF folder but nothing for September. When should we be receiving them? I need me some pirates!!!


Do we have any idea when the files will be in everyone's MMF account? I'm a new member this month but have nothing in my "shared with me" section of the library on my account yet.


Nothing in my MMF account or able to download of here..At least the old way we wot the files the beginning of the month..


Great idea, i like having access to the past months of downloads. Checking MMF everyday for the Sept release. Keep it up Titan-Forge!

Siena Siena

Still nothing in my MMF account.


Thank you for this great step... I like the connection with MMF. ATM I get July, August and Loyalty Reward,... I think September will be take a little bit more time :)


It appears from some of the comments here that the files for this month's, (September) release are being put on supporters MMF accounts in waves. What is, (if any) the schedule for making the files available? For example, is it being done by region, alphabetically, oldest supporters to newest? Do we need to send specific information about our MMF accounts to Titan Forge here on their Patreon page? I'm just curious as to how efficient this delivery system is going to be as it seems some people had the files for September and August's release at the start of the month while others only had August's and others such as myself have neither August nor September's releases yet.


No stress, as I understood it, the file is placed on Patreon and on mmf. Since you have to do all of this manually, it will take a while for it to settle in. That's why it says beta test above :-)


The ogres are not yet released right?


August and July are available, but still no Sept. Any suggestions?


My MMF account is not seeing my TF stuff - please let me know if you can help. Emails are the same


Pretty sure they said yesterday, once the announcement is made then MMF will update after 24 hours :)


This is great news, I can already see releases from July and August, I started in June and do not have that one, not sure if intended. Hopefully this goes well and it's also applied to the cyber stuff. Good job


this is a great idea. I still don't see anything yet in my MMF account though.


I think it's a great idea as well but I don't see this in my account though.


This is a very welcome feature, thank you! So far the files haven’t appeared in my library, though. Is this being done in waves?

Julian Schuetze

I've received loyalty figure from Titanforge on MMF so I know the accounts are linked, but I don't see September's release. I really wish it would have been specified if it was in waves or if it should be in everyone's right now because I don't know if I'm just being an impatient jerk or if there's a bug where I didn't get it XD


Will this work if you Log in Via Facebook to MyMiniFactory or do I need an account?


It says in the post above it'll be about a day for it to all sync up.


Thank you very much! That's much better than sync. My patreon and my MMF emails are different, however I got an email from MMF to link this release (exactly like the loyalty ones...).


Looks like it is working...


It works... however it takes roughly... 8 hours to download. That is insane

Jeff Strand

I think we gave MMF the hug of death


Can confirm that MMF isn't the fastest, but I do like that should I have a computer wipe I have some sort of back up


For those that don't see the files in MMF. I found mine under the "Objects shared with me" tab.


Very exciting hear. The biggest hassles in the mini collection have been (at least for me) presupport (which is a must) and managing storage. Dropbox, Google Drive, Sync, etc. all are a chore. Loving the "always there" nature of MMF. Cheers to working out any kinks!


works way better than sync has for the last couple of months, files downloaded on first attempt


Much better. And it doesn't expire, right? This saves me a lot of space in my computer.

Guy Grundell

Will the Titans of adventure packs be on there? Im trying to download them from Sync and its just not happening :-(


Still haven't received the tier 2 loyalty reward. Who do I email about that?


did you try downloading them individually? i couldnt download them using download all, but they worked fine when i downloaded individual files


LOVING this...You just get better and better...Thank You!


Best idea ever! I do most of my printing in the winter months, and totally forgot about downloading my files the last few months. I cannot wait to start printing again!