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Hello everyone! We have launched a project that reaches for the stars. The new science-fiction, cyberpunk Patreon is now live! Check out the huge Welcome Pack and the First Release!


There is an Early Bird bonus for the cosmic pioneers! Join now to get the 7$ subscription. After 48hrs, the price will go back to 10$. 

There is a limit of early bird subscriptions but we will be gradually raising it so that every Titan Forge patron has an opportunity to get one during the first 48hrs.

We have just finished setting it all up and it took quite a while to put everything together. We are very eager to hear what you think about the new Cyber Forge. And if you won't get all the answers about the Cyber Forge today, Michał ("Alien") will be back with you in the morning.

A whole new galaxy of minis awaits! Join us at Cyber Forge!

Happy Printing!
TF Team




My heart rate spiked so high, I didn't read the post and thought the early tier was limited so I clicked as fast as I could😂


Could not but join. Their product is great.

Rick Brasche

told myself no more figures patreons...darn you guys lol. so im in the early bird on that one too

Steve Hanff

looks great can’t wait to se what else you will come up with

Simon Crouch

So two patreons? Is there an option where you could choose between the two each month. In the case of, I don't know, dwarves a person has no use for?

Wil Sisney

I don't play sci-fi rpgs at my table, so I didn't think I would back this other Patreon. One look at the models changed my mind! I love this stuff! These are the models I want to print and paint just for myself!

Axel Schudak

Not for me. While I do like SF as much as Fantasy, you won't bring me to enlist at two patreons by the same company. Make this ONE show and set up different tiers for "all" access or just "one pack" or whatver, but this fragmentation is not my way.

Tyler Hurst

So happy to have gotten an early backer slot. Great work guys, love all of the models you guys put out and can't wait to see your creativity shine here.


Are you planning merchant tier??


Can you make more visible to non-Patrons? I saw posts elsewhere otherwise I might not have subbed based on this alone, I don’t like being forced to decide based on things I can’t see.


Yeah, honestly. I would love to switch form one to the other. Even if it was a permanent switch


Already signed up!!!


You are right Kel i don't know why all patreons creators dont show your releases althought someome hasnt its patreon then how can someone see youe releases ? I find stupid this but ll patreons creators do same.


I'm loving all those miniatures. I can't wait until Cyber Forge gets their version of Bloodfields.


I'm sticking to fantasy and it'll get too expensive if I'm to support more peeps here on Patreon :D But good on ya for expanding your business.


Is there any dual support package at all?


Everything is visible in the about tab when you click show more but tomorrow we will add an open post with pictures with easy access for non-patreons


For the first 48h you can join CyberForge for $7, then it will be $10. This is our way of making some kind of a dual package


Thank you for your support! It is $7 for the next 48h but if not now maybe some day you will come to the dark side ;)


Can't find the tracks for the battle walker...

Michael Orona

Are these going to be 40K focused? I love all the models BUT the 40K inspired. I want sci-fi minis, but nothing related to Warhammer. Will this have at least half the models not space marines-types?


I signed up and there's just one squad of Space Marines - I was puzzled too, as to why they were in there; they don't really fit, in my mind. But the rest of the minis look great. More Big Corp characters please!


Will these models be going up for individual sale later?


Will there be any plans to put these on myminifactory? I'm pretty much maxed out on my patreon budget but would still like to occasionally buy some models as funds allow.


Is there any llan to have space marine heads without numbers. I like them very much but they feel kinda odd if they all have the same 2 numbers on there.


Okay. I waited a few till i decided to actually write a feedback. At first i did not wanted to bother getting stomped on by fanboys. But i know you guys listen to critique if brought forward in a proper manner. First off i want to say that you all do great work, both Titan and Cyber Forge. You do great quality for great value. However i stopped supporting Titanforge for this month and probably next month, because there is just nothing you offer the next months that i actually need at any of my tables. The sad part is that is is not even worth my resin as shelf candy at this point. I know those got voted on, so i have to swallow it up. As for Cyberforge i see that you probably wanted to test the waters and show off a little of everything and see how people react and go forth from there, because it looks to me as if you tried everything a little and none quite right. Let me break up my critique on this first release of Cyber Forge a little more: Space Marine proxies: Let's be clear, there are literally a dozens other patreons and free creators doing 40k stuff, that show that they have a much better feel for that special sauce that is grim dark. I don't see myself needing and thus printing those. Starcraft style troopers: I don't even. No idea what i could use them for. They look good, but i don't see any use for them. Too chonky for cyberpunk or traveller. Cyberpunk Characters: Again not bad, not too overdrawn, which was my initial concern, but none of those say: "print me" to me. There is like only one female character in it, and it's a friggin geisha. Perhaps consider a 50/50 split of male and female characters on the next release. Terrain: The 40K style terrain is honestly complete chaff. Nicely done, but as said above, there are dozens out there doing this already. The Cyberpunk terrain looks really below your usual standard i have to say. Bases: The bases are as always a great add on and i always can use more base topper designs. But i won't pick up this patreon based on bases alone. I just checked the Cyberforge Patreon again and saw that you already ran out of early bird slots. So whatever I write will probably be completely irellevant, as you clearly do enough things right for other people, which is great. It's just not for me. But to put this into context: Before the corona crisis i supported a lot of patreons, looking more for style than actual usage. You guys win out in the style department and i really enjoyed your stint into cyberpunk here on Titan Forge. But now with my finances cut shorter i have to really look what patreons i support and the question usually is: can i see myself needing those minis in my roleplay or wargames anytime soon? and sadly the answer for both titan forge and cyber forge is currently: no - i do not. Titan Forge is voted on in advance so i can't blame you guys for doing what the crowd wants most. I actually like that approach. But clearly my needs do not align with the wants of the community right now. As for cyberforge. I don't know. For me it misses this final spark that makes me go: alright i need those. Plus i'm honestly afraid that once you do polls there, that the 40k crowd will take that one over too, or at least force you to split up ressources to please both, which is bad either way. Sorry for the long post, but i thought that i owed you going into depth about my feelings regarding this. I remain your humble fan


Well put, I've been feeling this way as well. For Sci-Fi i'd like to see a good selection of heroes, There are scant few RPG style Sci Fi heroes and tonnes for Fantasy (Assuming you don't want to go 40k) Where's the star wars style Sci-Fi or FireFly? A Cowboy Style Sci-Fi series would be awesome.

Patrick horrigan

absolutely loving these designs, any chance we could get empty hands for the cyber force models? maybe just one with a closed fist and one open hand? we could do a mirrored flip on our own if we want left vs right

chris king

I concur. More swappable hands and heads would be nice in general . Love to be able to take the punk's head for my own projects.


I absolutely agree with Kalle Paulsen above. Grim Dark SciFi is overpresent, and with Cyberpunk2077 around the corner with all that attention it will bring to cyberpunk roleplaying and boardgaming it seems wise to focus on that for a while. Heck, I got the Cyberpunk RPG from back in the days dug up because of that and am about to start a new Shadowrun round after like 15 years of absence from that genre. I hope to see more than 'just' characters. I can see a ton of cyberpunk items like cars and bikes, openlock storefronts and corperate buildings. I see drones and robots, ATM terminals etc. Really hope you get into that genre more. After all, your stuff is why I decided on printing rather than building my own.


I, unfortunately, missed the early bird because of summer holiday here in Norway. Would love to get on this as well, as I think the quality you put up, is among the best here on Patreon. But, maxed out the patreon already, but would love to support the scifi as well. IS there a possibility to join the "early pledgers"?