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Hello! This is the poll for the Bloodfields Kickstarter - 120K Stretch Goal! 

As an incoming stretch goal we will be adding a new warband for free to every pledge. It is up to you to decide what will be the warband's theme! 

We have collected all your entries and suggestions. We just have to say: they were amazing! From among them we have picked out the ones that we liked the most, the ones we have an artistic vision for, the ones that were suggested a lot, and the ones that fit into our release schedule. If an option has been suggested multiple times and you do not see it on the list, it likely means that we have already started working on such a line beforehand. You will see it released on Patreon in a while and it will be, of course, incorporated into Bloodfields then. We are hosting the poll right here as the future of Bloodfields will be connected with Patreon and affect its future releases. You can view the Bloodfields campaign here.


The poll allows you to pick more than one option. It's up to you to decide if you want to pick just the one option that is closest to your heart or tick all the ones that you like and would like to see released. The poll will end in 48 hours. There will be 1 Winner.

The theme options for the new Warband are:

African (African culture and fauna) 

Antique (Greek and Roman history and mythology)

Arabian (Mythos of the Middle East)

Atlantis (Merfolks, Tritons, Sea Monsters) 

Celestial (Angels, Archons) 

Constructs (Automatons, Warforged, Clockworks) 

Dragonborn (Draconic, Dragonblood) 

Mushroom Folk (Battle Fungi) 

Reptilian (Lizardman, Nagas, Snakes) 

Werewolf (Lycans, Shapeshifters)

Western (Fantasy Wild West) 


Tomás López López

This creates me an internal conflict because I love the atlantis theme but in the other side I would love to se a set of celestials agains the actual existing demons

Nicholas carreau

Please at so.e point do all of these. I expect, obviously time.... but all of these ideas are intensely cool


Is the poll here only and not in the KS?


Woo Clockworks.,


I'd love to see African and Western. Plenty of creators out there doing all of the rest, but have seen almost nothing for African and very little for Weird West.


One of the hardest decisions..


I think this is an open poll, so the KS only people can vote, but they just have to make an account.


I would really enjoy some ancient Egyptian miniatures. Egyptian gods Anubis, Rae ect. A Pyramid or 2 the sphinx. Ect


Weird west....nothing else out there!

Tony Shade

Come on Arabian!!!! Not enough of that in tabletop gaming


I agree with Dave Wierd West as its not got that much other than Wild West Exodus


Anything but constructs 😭




Why is Constructs getting so much votes? We already have the Metalbeard Dwarves.

Greg Kourakos

I'd love to see fantasy western or really good werewolves!


Western!!!! I’d also be happy with Antique!


Okay, I have no idea what mushroom folk are, but I voted for them because they sound amazing. Any pics anywhere?

House Hendoe

The Great Minotaur Empire will have its day. *Raises Axe But for now I'll concede to Atlantis and Lycans.


Werewolves will be my choice everytime.


Western or werewolves.


Western werewolves

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

So many good choices but how can I not go with the shrooms?


Yeah but, they are not Automatons or Clockwork beings. Should be interesting to see some ancient robot type figures.


Tough choice. Wonder the antique theme is losing, they prepared the scenery pieces on the KS :D Imagining spartan type army and greek gods on Titan Forge style. And maybe some Titans

Karsten Krahe

Anything but Constructs.


Sadly steampunks stuff wins anytime it’s against anything else


yay, we need some lizard people out there, not just for that game, they are sadly missing on any table.


Weird West for me!


everything is good for me !


I would really like to see your take on mushroomfolk or other plant-based creatures.


Antique or Atlantis are the only two speaking to me. I really don't want to paint anymore steel golems (construct)


Really hopeing for werewolf/ shifters loved the take on that out of the April release. And honestly there are a lot of good choices just some that dont apply to my table style but all is good if the KS gains some speed from this


Please no construct 🤣 thanks btw for giving us the opportunity to vote !


All of them!!!!!!!!


I hope african theme to have an original army


Let's goo werewolves!!! Closing in on Constructs :) Really loving this KS, keep up the great job!

Obscurities in Miniature

A lot of fun ideas here. It seems like it would be fun to pair the various racial types with some of the classes/ genres/ themes. Then you can have Werewolf Gunslingers, Arabian Dragonborn, African Constructs... end up with some fun and unique stuff rather than the same old tired fantasy tropes that every other company does.


Wow opinion is massively mixed! If I'm honest, all of these are great ideas!


Werewolves OR Shapeshifters -- it would be cool to see a bunch of different were-creatures included. And throw in Mystique!


honestly all of these sounds awesome but im very curious what you talented people will do with mushroom folk


Cmon mushroom folk. I won't be able to find quality myconids anywhere else.


I've been wanting to do a Clash of the Titans ancient Greek campaign so a set of that would be awesome.


I need me some printable Draconians! (Winged dragonborn)


I'd love to see your take on a WereBear!


How have folks not gotten their fill of “constructs”. So tired of those guys


African all the way. There is already an EXTREMELY limited amount of models. You can't just paint dark brown skin on any model, the features won't look right. I would love the opportunity the African set would provide.


I favor the Antique warband. The arabian warband and the celestials are also very interesting. The Wild West Warband Soul es interesting, nur in my opinion it doesn't match the Bloodfields-Fantasy-Theme with the Dwarves, Elves... In the end all of them are ok, except for constructs and the Underwater-Stuff (Atlantis). Of course Atlanteans before the island was flooded could be nice.


I’m sorry guys, but it looks like it’s a tie all the way down. Gotta make all of them now.


I'm loving this head to head between dragonborn and western 😂


Ancient Greek all the way! Put some nasty in there like Ceberus and some centaur and satyr!


Not enough ethnic diversity in miniatures. African, please. BIG TIME.


I voted African also, they would be great :-D

Sam Kay





Not only the facial features, but also the overall aesthetic and equipment. Maybe even war elephants or camels.






Can we combine some? As in Middle Eastern Atlantis or Western Werewolves?


Werewolves would be my absolute last choice.


Fun with Fungi...something completely different... they don't even need to be humanoid shaped...

Joseph Fredona

Some good choices ....hard to decide


I voted mushroom folk but cannot see that winning now booooo. Everyone knows werewolves, could have seen some really cool spore infected creatures! But oh well, whatever wins will look amazing no doubt.


In the end vote for sure on your favorite but I was just thinking, if you are on their Patreon as a supporter, I wouldn’t be surprised if all these become minis they do. They are great ideas and I mean ideas are money so why wouldn’t you want to capitalize on it


Wow shrooms made it to the list! Heck yeah


I would honestly say to use were-creatures/shapeshifters from various mythologies. Wolves, bears, the wendigo, etc


Hard to select one ... Antique may be first ... and ... who knows ... ;D

Ross Connell

Constructs all the way!

Bill Dennis

werewolves really? there's a million werewolf models out there already guys. vote for something that there's not a lot of out there.


I think that some people are voting werewolves because it seems to be the only option that stands a chance against constructs. I think that's really annoying because I think that all of the other options are more unique.


Ummm, how can there be over 4000 votes when there are only 2100 backers, just saying something seems fishy. lol. Is there not a way to tie a vote back to a backer?


I would love some crossovers here: African dragonborn, western werewolves, Arabian constructs, etc. So many cool ideas!

Daniel Henry

Not only do werewolves already exist as minis but theyre not very good lorewise for a whole faction. Not much variety.

Sean Abel

It bothers me how many people vote for the SAME things in all the Patreons and other miniature areas when asked. I value each artist take on the subjects. Still, over this last year every Patreon and some that I do not support any longer, I am a member of the artist have all done werewolves, constructs, demons, undead, elves, minotaurs. Fantasy is a large open-source maybe try some NEW monsters in your games! I am not attempting to be mean just I do not wish to see talented artists all making the same thing all year at different times.


Boo no werewolves, I think it’s too cliche let’s do something more creative.


Arabian and African are my first two choices, we get humanoids, and mythological creatures and there are many sources to get inspired. I also voted for dragonborn, but I would love to see winged dragonborn and with tails, more in line with Dragonlance's draconians!


Haha I voted for Werewolves just because everyone is salty about it.


If I am bold I would suggest winner as stretchgoal and runner up as paid addon


So if the werewolves r gonna win, what about Wild West Werewolves...


It's always the same. If there are werewolf's, vampires, dwarves, elves etc. People always will vote for that and ignore more innovative concepts


The April patreon release had amazing ideas for a few of these options. I could even see a yeti warband(based on one of the options voted on for the April release)


I like the idea of centaurs and satyrs. But Cerberus seems a little too...evil(?) For that grouping. But then again I would have said gorgons, so yeah... Medusa would fit with Cerberus though

chris king

And thus the internet proves once again why democracy results in most people unhappy with the results they are forced to live with


Do constructs bleed, if not how would they please the gods?


I suppose it depends. If the game is played for blood of the /opponents/, then constructs make perfect sense. The god who created that realm gets to keep all their own creatures for their blood, while simultaneously denying the other gods their blood if they fall in battle. However I get the feeling the god would discourage the creation of constructs in the first place, as it means wars waged in their realm will have at least some non-bloodied fallen, which in turn denies them of their tribute.


Werewolves have to be the least imaginative option here. What a shame.


Yay!!! We are surrounded by tards!!!!


let's mix the two winers and see what happen, mechanimals : https://i.pinimg.com/564x/31/d1/7e/31d17eda4fd621b612769bc108c0998d.jpg


Dragon Born are in some way reptilians so Dragon Born + Reptilians is the winning option so far, isn't it... xD

Mihovil Skelin

i agree, werewolves are so overdone. just like dragons, almost every patreon has several dragon sculpts.


Well, were wolves aren't the most interesting option, but they are the most predictable one. As it turns out if someone runs a survey like this it will almost always generate the option most central to pop culture. Lots of people have heard of werewolves and are fond of werewolves so people will collectively pick werewolves over a bunch of more niche options. This is not all bad. The company wants to sell more models/files, so it makes sense to appeal to the middle. The problem comes when the first order if fulfilled (i.e. werewolves are produced ) and the survey is run again. Assuming the choices are the same, the results will be the same, and people will pick the werewolves again and again and again.


I hope they do this survey again but subtract the were wolf option I would like to see the Atlantis option happen


Wil the Werewolves category be specifically wolves, or just lycanthrope creatures in general? Some of the other were creatures in D&D are fairly compelling lore-wise and would make for different strengthed units (wererat assassin, werebear shaman, wereboar berserker), and you could play with transformation mechanics to get different abilities/control when they are in human, hybrid, or transformed shapes.

Greg Kourakos

Werewolves COULD be interesting if the poses and sculpts beautiful enough, some with weapons and armor, some more feral and large and bestial, maybe a model halfway thru the change would be cool, I have nothing like that...

Greg Kourakos

Also since it's high fantasy why not a werewolf riding a giant wolf?


Would love to see more of the historic human options. There's a ton of fantasy .stl's out there but I haven't seen a lot of historic stuff.


they have been done by everyone and there dog theirs absolutely nothing new or interesting


The Kickstarter campaign update mentions once the overall theme is selected, we can then make suggestions for the 6 units making up the faction... So there will be a chance to influence that outcome.

Greg Kourakos

so if oyu dictated it would make more people happy? I'm confused hehehe

Greg Kourakos

who would put the wining entry back in another poll (plus even if they did, it wouldn't win again, I think your reasoning is a bit flawed), this gets them out of the way, and opens up a less mainstream poll winner next time :)

Greg Kourakos

because to most people humans are boring, that's the point of fantasy, to get things that DON'T exist...


Goddamn furries XD


Oh hell. Were-Elephants. There. A pack of swarming rabid were-elephants wreaking havoc on the unsuspecting onlookers. Can't say it's been done before, and it's not a clock.


Go constructs go!


thinking of changing my vote to constructs, because constructs are stupid, but werewolves are ultra stupid!!!!


Not sure if you all are aware but you can vote for multiple options, you dont have to pick just one.


So we won't do cyber here but will do an entirely different project here. Just my opinion but I don't care to see updates about another thing to buy. Just do these votes on your Kickstarter? Isn't that what it's for, for that community of supporters?


Interesting that 3rd behind these 2 loser categories, and in front of all the other bs is classical.... Roman and Greek gods are great, but perhaps if they hadn't omitted Egyptian gods it would have pushed it over the top!!!


Unfortunately, Kickstarter doesn't have a nice integrated voting thing like Patreon does. Otherwise, yes, that would make more sense.


I'm biased here as a huge fan of the Shadows of Brimstone board game... go Western, go Western


Everyone has werewolves, some really nifty constructs are a niche that soooo needs to be filled! We're only a vote behind, cmon somebody!


Werepeople for the win

Game kNight

Holy cow, Constructs and Werewolves are equal :D


Werewolves, reptilian and Dragonborn are boring. You can find it everywhere


( Steampunk ) constructs from titanforge would be epic


I want a battle of werewolves vs vampires in Bloomfield


Bloodfield *


Yay we get crappy werewolves! I get to save lots of money on resin!!!!!!!


Ok... I wasn't too thrilled about werewolves being in the lead before, but, that is a classic pairing, so maybe they're not such a bad thing.


Wow, how original...werewolves at least no one else has done that lately...


Is there any way to get you guys to do a western set as no one else is doing it?


I guess we’ve just prioritised and roadmapped a year of Patreon releases for the Titan Forge team 😂


Wish it wasn't werewolves. But I'm glad it's not more machine miniatures. I cant do anything with that


So glad its werewolves, the other options would be cool bt my fiancé is just getting into wargaming and she has her heart set on a werewolf army, its usually really hard to find anything close to a decent werewolf model. i hope you guys nail it.

Brandon Blewett

It’s been said a lot, but Western Werewolves would be absolutely amazing and it will be a huge missed opportunity if it doesn’t get done.


I couldn't find it, but how were those who didn't need the extra sets going about getting them? I remember seeing the process somewhere.


when will we see the werewolves ?


I know that it's a weird idea and probably most of you won't like it, but, looking at top 3, what about...? - Roman werewolves (Legionaries and some werewolves as slaves or even some kind of werewolf praetorians) and... Greek construcs (Antique greek ppl were creator of sciencie, some greek soldiers (like spartans) and some stone construcs with greek setting). I think all this would be awesome, different and have a lot of personality