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Hello everyone!

We would like to thank everyone who decided to back our efforts on Kickstarter. As a result of your support, the campaign is heading in a great direction. In the end, it will translate into more monthly content available on the Patreon.

Today in the campaign we have added a new stretch goal that will possibly add a new line of minis for free to every pledge. The theme of this line is decided by the backers, so if you are one, make sure to leave a suggestion here or in the campaign. And if you are not, you can still share your idea, as the line will likely be extended on Patreon in the future!

Let us know about your ideas and if more miniatures at the same price are something that speaks to you, check out the Kickstarter and enter the Bloodfields today!

Link to campaign

Cheers! TF Team




It is going strong. glad to be a backer in it too. from my take - the stretch goals are a bit far from each other not the one with the warband since 30k for 6 models it is the norm for stl campaigns to be spaced at 5k apart.

Joy Doner

I think an Egyptian or Deep Sea theme would be great!


I think the game would do with some more counters, some magical effects as templates - all for the printers of course


Western! Weird west! An awesome female Gunslinger! A rugged cowboy centaur! Hats! Spurs!


fillers in between major stretch goals - just for flair but to keep a campaign alive - I have backed so many projects on kickstarter that some of the best campaigns were managing to keep the people 30days in the comments. remember that these can be future patrons in patreons


Gypsy/Evil Traveling Carnival. Not knowing where the game is going, I'm thinking this would lend itself to lots of "Road" Scenarios" and such.

Wulf Tyrson

Would love to see something Roman or Greek to go with the new ancient terrain set. Maybe something a bit more beefy then traditional Romans, like in Ryse son of Rome. I don't think there are many minis of that style out there.


as soon as the email arrived I immediately became a backer with great enthusiasm given your incredible work on Patreon. Regarding the suggestions I say "mercenaries" which would allow you to add races and professions of all kinds and to us to have various and colorful warbands :)


Also a backer Same here, stretch goals are way too far apart, you'll cut off a large number of people who are looking for something more achievable In terms of warbands, it would be awesome to see a ghost style one

Game kNight

Beastmen, with Minotaurs!

Antonio Scalas - Fuin Arðon

There are so many options still open that I would hardly vote for one. I am partial for trolls or any viking themed band, but I would be happy with basically everything. More miniatures at the same price always sounds cool, of course. Just one request, would it be possible to have detail images also for the unlocked freebies? Right now only the starter and the add-ons have them.


Gnolls, werewolf, witch hunters, egyptian gods... whats gonna be the extra models for the amazon for those we are patreon and have the 2 models that are un the warband


Necromancers, would be a cool mechanic to have units that could "reinforce" if not prioritized.


I'm really glad to be a backer, but they goals seem very far apart imo. As warbands weird west, corrupted carnival, elemental giants would all be cool


More smaller units in demons/devils/imps etc.


I would love to see a Naga range, water lizards with some cool minions. Similar to the ones in world of warcraft, but a bit more agressive looking.


Greek army and/or greek mythology creatures, dark elves and/or high elves, and half dragon race would be my suggestions


I would like to see Egyptian or Pirates. I really love the Idea and also your campaign but have to say that the gap between the goals is very big. Maybe think about it.

Beren Gl

Greek mythology is very good idea


Vikings or Pictish warriors would be cool. Liking the stuff so far! 😁

Brent Mayhew

A troupe of evil jesters one fashioned after each of the 7 deadly sins could be Interesting and fun to paint. They could be pretty cool mechanics wise aswell. have sloth on his arse behind some sort of ranged weapon,Lust could be a debuff mage, pride could be a bard/ buff mage gluttony a fighter/tank, greed could be some sort of objective claimer/ holder, wrath a berserker and envy well I'm not sure


Pirates, goblinoids (bugbear, goblin, hobgoblin), or Greek themes would be awesome


This would be great!... depending on the mechanics of the game, Envy could use an ability of an opposing fighter?


I just thought of a crazy team. Make a patreon released team called “the adventuring party”. Make some sort of challenge or vote to determine 5-6 patrons to each choose a race and class to form a new team


Why the jump from $20k between stretch goals to $30k? Greek mythology theme would be fun.


30k stets? O.o


Would love to see a fun halflings set (halflings slinging food/rocks, wielding butcher knives and farming equip , etc). Dark elves, Fey, Dragonborn/Lizardfolk, Satyrs/other Greek mythological creatures, and Egyptian tombs/myth would also be cool.


4th warband : Minotaures or Nagas

Daniel Henry

A really well designed Naga army is long overdue. A cool aquatic agile snake/lizard species that uses huge creatures from the deep, and water magics to wage war? Yes please!

Brandon Blewett

I second the idea of doing Greek or Roman. That’s something I don’t already have.


Already posted on the KS comments but will put it here too. I would like to see a gnome force of mixed miners, wizards and earth elementals.


We believe that making small SG 5k apart is not a way to go. For most of our SG we want to offer way more content/rules/functionality than just 'a mini', 'set of stairs', 'additional pose' or other things that are used to fill in the gaps between proper SGs. In our opinion, the most important part is to offer a good product for an accessible price. We think that we did pretty well with the quality/price ratio for this project and SG are only an addition to a really good base. Now when we know that you are into Bloodfields we will create NEW extra warbands, models, etc. but it is simply impossible to make it with small SG.

Nick Adegite

Clockwork would be interesting to see


arabian nights turban, saber, dschinn and flying carpets. Give us something unique. 😁


lycan/were-creatures a travelling freak/sideshow




Another backer here throwing ideas out there - what about: ratmen / skaven, halflings, mutated humans and elves, deseased folk, gypsy warriors, spanish inquisition, peasants, swordsman of the world / fencers, pugilists / fist fighters.


Greek mythology or Warrior Angels!!!!!


Werewolves or were creatures. I'll throw a vote towards the Celestials.


Greek or Roman


Goblins with mechanical golems and similar mechanical weaponry :) i hesitated at first but joined just in time for early bird. Like the concept


Undead Vikings


Something I dont see a lot of and would LOVE would be a warband of Kitsune and/or fox folk ^.^


Ratmen, turtle folk, birdfolk (kenku). Gnome, halfling, catfolk. Less explored stuff than trolls , orc , ogre, goblib same crap over and over


I like the idea of Scottish warriors, we could need more skirts in skirmish games.


A mercenary army / warband. Each warrior from a different race and class. Think 'The Dirty Dozen' only in a fantasy setting. If they ever scaled up to army size each member of the warband could command a unit of similar class. Would be great to see different races working together (for profit or course) rather than the traditional, one race against another. It's all about the character of the miniatures and bringing them to life as a disparate but whole unit. They don't give a damn what race they fight for as long as they are paying well.


I think the game is missing a cute/comedic faction like goblins in Warhammer. I would like something like that, maybe a whole fantasy race of a bunch of rocket-raccoon type creatures?


Werewolves or dryads?

Jay Peake

I'd love to see a naga warband or a crusader knights set even a davey Jones locker type of cursed underwater pirate crew.

Tucker Loper

Greek themed or Middle Eastern - would be even cooler to mix races and themes ie: Middle Eastern Elves or Greek Hobgoblins. Something new!


Fog monster support in the terrain


yeah that would be cool, the'd tie in with the desert mage from the spellblades too


especially if you get to kit them out differently, in a similar manner to Mordheim. Dunno if that is part of the game though.


I’d like to see Ratfolk that don’t fall into the Skaven cliche. A cohesive and intelligent race ready to take the battle to the Bloodfields! I know the elf warband kinda already has the woodland/nature theme but I think it would be cool to have something like that for Ratfolk. Or go in another direction and show off their intelligence and have them be skilled inventors and magic users and have them create constructs made with tech and magic.


One fantasy mecha/golem faction please, a la Warmachine.


I had to drop out because in hadn't accounted on tax not being included on the frosthaven Kickstarter so that's my mad money for the next few months -_- best of luck though


Kids playing make believe, maybe different races all playing together. Or your jr high d&d group dressed up as their characters.


Kids playing make believe, maybe different races all playing together. Or your jr high d&d group dressed up as their characters.


I'd be down for some goblins with a humorous angle or some elementals.


I think a sort of middle easten mercenary band would be cool, cataphracts, djin and armoured corsairs. Could go either Turkish or Byzantine. Maybe even a mix of races


I wish you could post art in the comments. I want a faction like this: https://twitter.com/abigbat/status/1102955997658861573?s=20




Some sort of dark religious cult, Eldritch worshippers etc


I would love a spider themed Warband 1 - Massive armour plated spider with huge mandibles (Tank) 2 - Spitting Spider (Ranged) 3 - Gaunt Male humanoid with extra spider leg like arms (Mage) 4 - Beautiful female torso sprouting from spider body (Spider Queen) 5 - Winged Spider 6 - Warrior / Assassin humanoid spider


I would like monkeys with weapons.

Felix Flauta

My suggestions- Gunslingers like the Dark Tower. You could have Lefty, the Kid, The Jokester, and the woman with the Bladed Plates. I like the idea of kids in adventurer costumes, but I'm not sure how you would make that fit some of the Dark Fantasy you've got going on in this universe. They'd be smaller and more difficult to show off detail with.I guess they could be homeless vagrants or the apprentice guild and you could have an oversized wizard hat and robe kid, someone draggin a sword through the ground, multiple kids holding up a shield. Mouse Guard. I'm particular to the design Jordan Petersen gave his Mouse rangers. Large heads, pointed noses. Bow mouse guard, staff mouseguard, a black axe mouse guard with executioner hood, a rabbit mount for another. The scale would be odd though. Fantasy Buffy slayers. Girls with wooden stabbing implements of various type. Maybe one has a crossbow that fires stakes, another one has double stakes like daggers. Another one has a spear. There's a watcher/support dude in the mix. Maybe add a traitor vampire. Large pieces could be like a pet dragon or something. Fantasy Guerilla fighters. A halfling armed with explosives, a zen mystic swordsmen, a hulking barbarian of some kind.


Some magitech faction, like steampunk, but less steam and more arcane contraption


you have devils, so how about some angels or celestials to fight them? would also love Gnols or dark elves


I've seen Ratfolk mentioned, but how about Rodent-folk. It could be rat, mouse, rabbit, bat, hamster, guinea pig, etc.


Anthropomorphic insects or dinosaurs!


I'd like to see a Naga warband


Give me Lovecraftian horrors from the deep seas and/or beyond thr stars or give me death.


Maybe it is just me, but an army of red pandas, t̶r̶a̶s̶h̶ ̶p̶a̶n̶d̶a̶s̶racoons and small foxes anthros would be pretty cool. You could throw in some of what Joseph suggested for the main unit or future expansions.


Yaaas. Critter Kingdom. Redwall-ish animal faction. Anthro animals.


Lizardfolk, Tabaxi, Deep Sea, or Tengu would be cool to see!

Felix Flauta

Went looking and didnt see very much in the way of female Angel's out there...I'll let them figure out the rest

David Wilks

I would love to see lycanthrope. You see werewolves and the occasional pig but where are the bears and other animals.

David Wilks

Also wouldn't mind seeing an elite group of people wielding the weapon in the link below. I have grown fond of it and could base a team around it (but thats me being selfish) https://brewskis-dnd-homebrewery.tumblr.com/post/176452506193/hexenjager/amp


Desert raiders, alla the Desert mage from Spellblades

Patrick horrigan

Vikings, your metalbeards were so badass id love to see what you do with them, dark elves, do i need to deliberate, and Lizardmen!!!!!!!!


Celestials might be cool


i would like to see a warforged warand, or even possibly goblins or kobolds (I NEED A GOBLIN BARD IN MY LIFE ) lol


I would love either an aerial based group or anthropomorphic animals...or the two together, like Aarakocra!



LTZ - Lewtz

Minotaur/Rhino people


Are all stl files gonna be online when the timer goes down to 0?


Egyptian gods and their undead servants


Also a backer by the way, I went back and looked at the suggestions and it looks like there are quite a few for Egyptian, and also Greek and Roman mythology. Can’t go wrong with classics, ... or you could go with one of the randos, cause I’m sure we all were hoping for lizard chimp men fighting with garden tools that live inside of baked goods trying to start a revolution from the dyadic nurse overlords of chaos.


Egyptian undead or some viking theme.....


I would also say Egyptian, mighty worriers with animal heads.


Egyptian or Mayan themed would definitely be cool, using animal heads and what-not to represent the different characters.


As a baker too, i will appreciate a mythological theme, with roman, greek or egyptian gods and servants, monsters and beast...


Let’s say specifically Anubis, Ra, Bastet, and Horus, or Osiris, their servants could be undead or mummified high priests and undead worshippers, throw in a kickass Sphinx or 2, maybe their croc god, and man you guys are laid back, looking like champs, sipping on some tasty beverages as the sun sets on your greatest release yet!!! Cheers!


Cool stuff, but always sad, Kickstarter only supports credit card which are pretty uncommon where i live...


I am on board with this one. I absolutely love Egyptian themes.


i have to ask,,, why this is... as it sparked my curiosity i had to research this and it shows 53% of Germans in 2017 have credit cards. Are they just not used as often? if its an issue of not having debt..do what i do, soon as payment is charged to credit card i pay it off within the next 7 days


I posted some ideas back on Kickstarter, but I'll add: - "Island of Dr Moreau" Mages and Monsters, or the Merlane from that old issue of Dragon magazine (#237) - a warband featuring a powerful mage/mage and apprentice and weird "mixed" monsters like the Owlbear, Landsharks/Bulettes, Cockatrice and Chimera, and some altered humans/homonculi/flesh golems... - An Undead Chinese-style Emperor, his ghostly court and an army of Clay Golems to do his bidding


On a roll: - Witches loosely inspired by Russian Folklore and Hellboy, witches with different powers, walking houses, sacrifice ovens, cauldrons vomiting vile creatures, familiars, stixes and enthralled servants with crude masks, flaming skulls and supernatural knights (thanks Baba Yaga), animated puppets/stick-figures, maybe some warped nature spirits and Green-man/Horned God type creatures.¨ - A Jinn-ruled Arabian Nights inspired kingdom, featuring Arabian Ghuls, Rocs, giant sea monsters, troops on flying carpets, dangerous ape beasts, Jinn of all sorts (ifrit, jann, marid, but going back to older versons than the elemental-themed ones of D&D) - Moon-beasts and their Men of Leng slaves from Lovecraft's Dreamlands ... and so many more ideas to come...


Hmmm. Or... maybe something cool, like... Egyptian gods!?!


I second the folklore witches and Arabian Nights themed forces. Very uncommon on the market but very recognizable concepts


I mean we all love a good party of Druidic feral butterfly leopards, and how can you go wrong with the next great line of elven squirrel fish men. Don’t get me started on how much we need goblin porpoises! But maybe... just this one time... we could forgo the newly established rando tropes, and take a stab at something that has held our imagination for like one and a half bazillion years... like oh I don’t know, Egyptian gods maybe.... If they could just make it on the ballot maybe...


Some ghost dudes like nighthaunts would be awesome.


1) A horde of animated discarded things (inspired by a Yokai: http://yokai.com/chirizukakaiou/). Chirizuka kaiou could have animated an army of all the stuff that the other warbands have discarded, like broken armor, pots, weapons, chairs, brooms, whatever. Maybe even a bridge that goblin sappers destroyed. 2) Vengeful Fey--tired of merely defending their natural habitats, they seek out and destroy the warbands that tend to abuse their environments. They might be enemies of things like Orcs and Dwarves, but friendly towards Elves and neutral towards Humans. They can wield elemental magic (water, wind, lightning) and focus on destruction. Examples: Dryads, Satyrs, Nymphs, Sprites, Boguns, Sirines, Lunar Ravagers.


I think one of three themes would be amazing to include as a fourth warband. 1. Viking themed group 2 middle east themed (like the one spellblade model) 3. Egyptian themed Though these would be pretty much a human theme(or even snakes and djinns as far as the middle east theme goes) But if we were to look to other races as well... Elves could have some sort of dark theme, a race of beastmen taking aspects of different animals... Snake person, cheetah, rhino, etc. There are MANY good ideas out there provided by us patrons as well as the non patron backers.


Oh! Hey Egyptian themed, now that could be a cool idea!!! But definitely wouldn’t have to be human themed, we have jackal gods, and falcon gods, and lioness gods, and crocodile gods, oh and an ibis god, ... big monster Sphinx guardians, wow... that could be a cool idea!


Cultists of the Old West. We were talking in the facebook group and it seems like a lot of people want Lovecraftian themed and western themed models so I figured why not both?!


so you have vampires why not a take on werewolves i think in game terms bringing that rivalry to the board would be epic and your guys models are always great so you can do alot with it. i can't wait to play this game.


The new stretchgoals structure is more appealing to the kickstarter campaign (I suggested it out in the beginning but I dont want to look as a know it all - but am keeping my fingers crossed for loads of new backers). It will attract those backers who are accustomed to these kind of 3d campaigns which will be livening the comments section. Some great ideas come out of these chats just like the ones in patreon. Good luck for many goals to unleash. I might also be bold to suggest as well of the sci-fi plans you have in mind to capture an even wider community.


oh and if you add a couple of more paid addons like different army packs or terrain packs won't hurt but actually bigger source of income that could increase the stretchgoals - my 2cents but have been on kickstarter backing stuff since 2013 and have been accustomed to the backer - "I will give you more money for addons if you give me more meaty stretch goals"


So I became a kick starter supporter when are the files available to download?