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Hi all!

We are so glad that you are here with us! Your support led to another big milestone and snow-balled so fast that we had a little delay with releasing the celebratory reward set right away! It is all ready now so we are proud to present the 2nd instalment of Titans of Adventure. Featuring the Gnome Mage, Human Rouge, Half-orc Barbarian and Dragonborn Warrior! As always, they come in a regular and a pre-supported version.

Download them right away and gather your team of heroes for the next adventure!

Link: Titans of Adventure set 2 and 1 DOWNLOAD
Password : FirstStep

The miniatures from the first and second Titans of Adventure (ToA) sets will also be joining the Welcome Pack to help to keep the Patreon growing, so we can create more bonus miniatures for all Patrons! In Welcome Pack, there will be a maximum of 3 ToA sets at a time. This means that when we release the 4th set, the 1st one will be rotating out (leaving) the Welcome Pack. You might know the rotation system from other systems, i.a. card games. This should give both the current and new Patrons a lot of time to download and print all the ToA models, as well as give a nice legacy vibe to the old sets.

For the future, the 'Titans of Adventure' and 'Board Game Assets' collections will be staying with us for good and expanding on a permanent basis! We have a lot of fun planning and creating them and they seem like a great addition that many of you are fond of. The new sets will be released cyclically as soon as they are ready. The exact frequency is hard to specify but we will do our best to ensure that every month brings something new!

TF Crew




YES! These look amazing!


Now I want you to do a Dragonborn month. That model is amazing!


Ooo nice. That dragonborn looks awesome! Love them all 😊👍🤘

Pietro Ferrari

Now I want a bard with bagpipes 😂


Awesome, thank you


Absolutely loving the mage


Gateway timeout :) 5000 Patrons at home, downloading like crazy


I was really hoping for a 70% MMF discount code for 5k patrons.


wow! i can not wait to get these painted this weekend!


More Dragonborn please! Love to see what you do with a Goliath too. Would also love to see some uncommon class/race combos: elven warlocks, half orc cleric, gnome barbarian, halfling paladin...

Fabien de Serres

I love that you have added more female characters! It would be awesome to have the female version of some of your past models, like the battle mage (the Gandalf-type with the axe). I feel like fantasy models are mainly male, and it can be hard to find interesting female minis, unless they wear very little clothes/armor.

Fabien de Serres

More broadly, I enjoy your adventurers minis so much. Monsters are not so difficult to find, and end up seeing limited table time, whereas adventurers are used every session. I wish you could continue exploring this line of work. I think something like single-race groups of adventurers (male or female) would be interesting to TTRPG patrons.


Love the wizard


Awesome! Love them all!


They look amazing!


I love you guys so much! Thank you for the amazing work! Can't wait to get them printing.


amazing work as always!


Fantastic guys, super exciting stuff of great quality, I think we are all in this for the long haul!


Can't seem to get into the folder at the moment, as soon as I click on Submit after typing the password, it just sits there waiting :D But i've got time.


These are awesome!!! I really like this line I think the models are amazing!


Thanks a lot ! Congrats !


These are awesome, Great work as always!!


seriously 500 mb?!?!


Thank you for the pre-supported models. I am JUST getting into resin printing and while I absolutely plan to learn how to effectively add supports, your pre-done models make it easy to hit the ground running!

Ridvan Topagac

Thank you ... great models!


Love the dragonborn!




Exciting stuff! Thanks! looking forward to painting these :)


Great minis - but did you purposefully misspell rogue?! :D


dang, steve beat me to it, I was going to ask if the human had to be painted red.


I really wanted to print the pre-supported Dragonborn but I've only got an FDM printer and the supports are too narrow to be printed (0.4mm nozzle). Are the pre-supported models only for resin printers?


These are great! Can't wait till set 1 gets added to the welcome bundle <3


With these being added to the Welcome kit - is there any chance the original models already in the welcome kit will get the pre-supported treatment? Great models, btw!

Hiro Protagonistak

These are great, an army of Titan style orks and dragonborn would be sick.


These are so Awesome!


Thanks very much I am so looking forward to printing these wonderful minatures out :)


These are seriously great looking. Thank you for being so freakishly awesome! :D Currently we have just the 1st set, right? The barbarian, Fury, the monk and the slayer...?


I receive msg "Password incorrect" while trying to download :(

Chris Bishop

Awesome set crew! I love the idea of continuing to create an adventure set. Figures that fit traditional race and classes in uncommon combinations. Keep up the great work.


Ensure you don't accidentally have an extra space if you're copy/pasting.

Abdul Rahman Khan

Hey folks, got a password incorrect. Not sure how that can happen as I copy pasted it.


remove the space from the end. it worked fine for me, copy and pasted

Greg Kourakos

Are there bases for these I didn't see any in any of the folders?


So great, thank you!


Thank you for these extras!

chris king

it would be great if we got some customizable options with these. That dragonborn would be perfect for me except my character doesnt use a shield...


For the next "Board Game Assets" wave miniatures for Gloomhaven would be great. Of course you can't do all monster miniatures at once but one or two of the more exotic of them would be great. For example I mean the Sun Demon for example.


Hi guys can anyone help I'm quite New to this, I've tried printing the female rogue twice with my photon zero at default settings and the left arm prints out completely flat with the supports broken, how do I go about fixing this? Thanks!


How do you achieve this kind of supports on chitubox? I'm curious.


These are so aweseome. The Dragonborn is perfect for the Hoard Of The Dragonqueen villain. Thanks for that !

Travis Hull

With the exception of the paladin from the first set, all of the women models in these sets are proportioned and dressed like they're in a pin up calendar. Any chance of getting some a little less breast-y in the next set?


That was my immediate thought! The Cyanwrath mob, gonna be printing him first!


I've just finished a print of the 4 minis and I got the exact same issue with the pre-supported files (+ the ponytail on the orc female flat also). I'm afraid we have now choice but create our own supports for this mini. The arm is almost perpendicular to the plate, so it needs stronger supports in order to be able to lean on during print process. The actual supports are too weak to offer enough resistance when each layer is pulled out of the screen.


I'm a bit puzzled at what angle the rogue is meant to be printed at. I'm printing the dragonborn tail separate to help with that one but the cape is everywhere. Glorious, but everywhere.


are the presupported models working ok? Last time didnt work for me

Travis Hull

I just printed the rogue scaled down to 88% and it worked just fine.

Yokel OMigosh

Question: only the Dwarf Priest from set1 was presupported, right? As a preview? This set2 is the first one fully presupported?


the password isn't working for me does anyone know how to fix this?


I'm having the same issue. Copied & pasted. Typed it out. Neither worked.


whats the password? That one is not working for me


Hi, are the bases included? or are the from the welcome package?

Michael Brown

New Patron here. It says the first set is added to welcome pack but I don't see it. Am I missing it or did I miss out?


I asked in a message and the response is that the bases are from the welcome package. chucking it in here for people with similar questions :)


you should be able to still download this with the link


Thank you for the pre-supported models but your thin supports are far, far too thin and fail often. Please take this onboard.


No way! There's plenty of frumpy-looking characters out there. These make a nice change. Don't be a square.

Water is Life

Now I need to know what the Titans set 1 was.


Hi there my password is also not working- thanks!

Michael Brown

I got the second set, but cannot find the first for download. It says that set one will be added to welcome pack, but its not there.


password is not working for me either

Tony Shade

Like they are saying.

Juan Tran

8026 This link has been deleted by the owner.


I just joined today, and I am getting the same link for each package I've tried downloading. Very frustrating.


i cant download the files

Silver Version

I was just in the process of downloading these when they expired. :(


I've been a patron for awhile and always wait until the end of the month to do all of my patreon downloads, but this link isn't working. can you resend/repost new link?


something for 6000+ patreons ? :D

Dan Lee

Edit: Found another answer, they are from the welcome set.Did this set come with bases? If not which bases were used?