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Hello everyone, we have some essential organizational announcements that we would like to address. 

Contest Prizes 

Because of the current global situation, our National Post and our contracted shipping provider have suspended international shipping. The prizes from the March Contests will, therefore, be sent as soon as those provisions are lifted. 

We do not know how long this situation will last and do not want to delay the shipping of next month's prizes again. That's why we have decided that the incoming April Edition and May Edition of Resin Junkies and Plastic Addicts contests will be merged. 

The number of prizes merges too, of course! This means that at the end of May, we will choose 2 dioramas that will win a 3D printer, and 10 random patrons who will have published a picture of any miniature will receive the resin bottles. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that the extra time will result in inspiring artistic projects!  Good luck!

Merchant Tier 

We receive a lot of questions about the Merchant Tier and we sadly announce that, for now, the Merchant Tier for production and reselling of Titan Forge miniatures is suspended. 

We have encountered a lot of legal issues regarding the transfer of Intellectual Property rights under Polish Law. We are still consulting a legal advisor, as a lot of articles are ambiguous. However, we do not feel comfortable proceeding with Merchant Tier at this moment. 

What other Patreons are doing, merely disclosing the miniatures for commercial use, is not legally safe for either of sides. Despite the goal and intent of the agreement being transparent, we have to sort out and prepare binding contracts and licenses before going forward with this part of our Patreon service. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

As always, Happy Printing!
TF Team

P.S. Contest results from March will be posted later today. 



Matt Fu

I 100% agree about the Merchant tier and how other patreons are doing it. The problem is the current trends on Patreon cause legal issues for both sides as they are just vague disclosures. I've thought about setting up a platform for this reason so that artists can allow patreons to sell while having a solid contract to sell solely through that platform. As it currently stands it is very difficult to impossible to track who is using a license correctly and who isn't.

jay shires

The problem is small business owners who have now invested in files, time placing supports and materials for test prints based on the previous post giving the conditions for commercial sales. I hope this is only temporary and a solution is found to their liking.

Matt Fu

Yeah that is a prime example of why not having a legal contract hurts both sides. Under current conditions there is nothing stopping the creator from pulling the rug out for any reason.


In all honesty I back the Commercial Tier to several but really it's not necessary if someone prints on commission using an NDA if they're handed the file like what Staples does and other sources that change it from one media format to another. The photo industry is a prime example of it.


Btw did you all ever plan on putting the rest of your X-Terra minis STL's online for sale? I got some of the resin ones from your Kickstarters and saw you put some of the demon's in the month before I joined's Patreon bundle and was curious.


Take your time on sort out what legalities you guys need to; if it's meant to be, it'll pan out. Don't let patron pressure or 'other patreons' influence how you handle YOUR IP - it's your business and if you had massive losses in the long term due to hasty decisions to please the masses, we would all lose in the end. Let's be honest, waiting a few months isn't going to hurt anyone on the Patron-end, you're simply looking at a chance to supply more options than we originally signed up for.


Has there been any new developments with the merchant contracts?