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We are excited to announce that  the Vampires will awake this May! Get ready for a total darkness or at least a twilight. 
We will be going forward with the idea of Vampires as the inner circle ruling over the infamous Gravehaunt Hills. Their thirst for blood and power leads to a plot to summon unspeakable evil. Joining the vampires will be the undead, minions and beasts of the night.
Next month we will be choosing from among Ogre Pirates, Dragon Empire 2.0 and the Amazons. Due to starting another brand new Vampire line and the size of March Release there will be three options in April Poll. The fourth option will come back later as we have many cool ideas flowing.

See you in the next poll!
Cheers, TF Crew




Yes 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼 Add The DayWalker 😏


I would have preferred one of the other themes but that's democracy 😉


I was hoping the Ogres would have won. There are lots of different type of vampires out there. But I look forward to seeing what yours look like


Love the floating vampire, now if he was wearing trousers instead of armour he would do for settings from medieval to SiFi ;)


Looks cool but the forehead of the floating guy seems massive. Maybe it's the angle of the photo lol

Rocketman Props

Nice! These are actually making me excited to see the whole set. Ideally there are more without weapons so they can be used in Blood Bowl easily.


Aww man was really hoping ogres would have happened...ah well sculpt looks awesome!


Dragon Empire 2.0, is that a full cyberpunk release?

Christofer K.

Yay! :D Sooo looking forward to the Vampires, AND I get to vote for the Ogre Pirates next month 😁


Tragic... Sculpts look great but vampires are tired


So stoked!!


Looking wicked! Might print these bigger as statues ;)


I feel like that first picture looks like everyone idiot daredevil cousin named Bruce.


Not my preferred choice, but I must admit the teasers already look fantastic! Great work guys.


Oh my God, I love this!!


Great stuff guys, keep them rolling in!

Alan Fernanddes

I'm kinda confused... Does that mean there won't be an april release?


all the sculpts look great, i figure if i just hang around I will get the others as well


Looks amazing can't wait!

Tom Drew

Wow! Looks awesome.


was more a fan of the amazons but the vampires looks cool too. Are there plans for future polls to have science fiction/cyberpunk themes too ?

Tucker Loper

Yeah! Now I can start a newer Vampire Counts army!

Tucker Loper

No its another Fantasy Japanese release to go with this month, and Decembers releases.

altsien .

I'm a fan of having helmets on models with armor, any chance of that for the vampires?

Alan Crooks

The levitating vampire.... amazing idea...


IMO, just do the next 3 months Ogre Pirates, Dragon Empire 2.0 and the Amazons. Then move onto another vote. That way you can cycle through all of those wonderful lines.


Strange looking dragon empire

Axel Schudak

Just want to share that I will drop out of any month that will exclusively have Vampire or other Undead stuff. I have absolutely no need for them. Will return for any other content.


If you drop out you won’t get the loyalty rewards for subbing for a season. Something to consider.

Patrick horrigan

Those vampires look sweet and I'm pumped to see zombies and night beasts, my vote for april is still great pirates that just sounds too cool


I would love to see Aztec warriors/gods/animals from their mythology. Just sayin.


what about some knights/horses¿


I'm looking forward to getting my hands on that flying vampire. To make him actually fly. That'd be pretty cool, right?

James Bunker

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for something really monstrous and bestial.




Absolutely no interest in this vampire crap. What a shame.

Christophe Garlaschi

Also thinking Vampires are a bit tired at the moment, but....maybe we could see a Vamp in different styles in the polls (DE Vampire, Amazon Vampire, Ogre Pirate Vampire)?


I haven't had my resin printer very long (since Jan) so I don't have a massive back-catalogue of vampire minis to fall back on as many commenters on here seem to. I guess that's the thing with attracting so many new users, so quickly - lots of us don't have the history that the "old timers" have, or quite so many minis in an archive that people who jump from one creator to another have. I'm delighted that May will be vampires and can't wait to get my hands on the flying vampire in the preview image. Whatever the subject, the quality of your miniatures is always superb.


Vampires are freaking AWESOME!!!