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Hi, Patreon did his part and we can finally say, "the Future is now".

March Madness comes to Titan Forge Patreon today! We have 2 new lines and a brand new stretch goal unlocked for those of you that are here for a while. If you have joined today make sure to check Welcome Pack and The Skeleton Key Amazons. You can download all files here:

**All links to this release have expired and were deleted at the end of the month as per our subscription rules. If you were a Patron that month and missed the download opportunity, contact us! We will check your subscription status and send you a private download link.**

Our first Sci-Fi line is ready for you to dive into the digital world. On top of the set of miniatures, you get a modular terrain system and a lot of bits for your games. Stay connected to us if you want to see what can you make out of it. We will post our small Cyber-diorama really soon. Maybe it will be inspiration for you. 

To most of you, we do not need to introduce our Dragon Empire line. It is wave 1.5 so you can be sure that there is more to come. Our Asian Themed models are something that we are really proud of and as long as you are interested in them we will explore the mystic lands of the far east in search of more ideas for models. Also, 1.5 means that 2.0 is pretty close...

If you are into RPG and you know a little bit about Patreon creators you may be aware of Team Superhydra. They release free content for D&D players and the result of our collaboration with them is 'The Skeleton Key'. It is a free adventure that you can use our models for and push it to the next level. We made sure to keep our Patreons on the 1st place so the biggest guy on the picture is available only for you!

Titans of Adventure will be a part of our patreon that will provide you with unique characters for your RPGs. There are many platforms that offer customizable models and we know that it is fun to create a character that has race, items, and weapons that you need but for us they lack a bit of depth and details. Our approach will be a bit different. We will choose characters from your suggestions and create them to be the most unique options available for 3d printing.  At this point, Titans will be stretch goal based but if there will be enough interest in them we will move them to a month to month basis. 

And as always there is also content from Welcome Package. 

Models from this Monthly Release, as always, are scaled to 32mm (heroic scale). Keep in mind that our regular resin releases from the Titan-Forge store are 28mm. If you would like to make them fit together you will need to scale down those files to 88%. 

If you have joined recently and you have missed some cool models that you want to print you can still get them on our MyMiniFactory profile. Models from each line will be available there after we release them on Patreon. We have a special 50% discount for our Patreons. 

Discount code for this month is:  HornOfPlenty

The first edition of our loyalty program starts in February and is really simple. If you are with us for 3 straight months (February, March, April) you will receive a huge, special, unique, awesome, fantasy model and we will pour our hearts and souls into it. It will be something that other people will envy you because it won't be available anywhere else to get. Not on Patreon, not on MyMiniFactory or any other page. Stay with us and prepare yourself for something EPIC. 

If you want to print and sell our minis make sure to check THIS post for details on how we can work together!

March Contests.

Winners from February will be announced in the next 7 days.  

Starting now you can comment with pictures in two new channels on Discord. Channels will be named by the contest and month. Also in the next 24h, we will add a post for the same purpose in our Facebook Printing Group.

For those that are not up to date with the contests here are the rules:

In order to take part in this contest, you need to post a picture of our model.
The only rule is: At least one Titan Forge model (not terrain) must be in the picture. We will randomly draw 5 winners. 1L of a brand new Anycubic UV resin will be delivered to each of them (we ship worldwide). Prints can be right from the printer, painted, unpainted, cast in gold, part of a unit or diorama, can be small, can be huge. It is all up to you.  

In order to take part in this contest, you need to post a picture of a diorama made with our terrain pieces. Again, there is only one rule but a little more demanding: Most of Terrain used for that diorama must be from our Patreon. We will CHOOSE 1 winner. A brand new Anycubic Photon will be delivered to that person (we ship worldwide). Dioramas can be made out of plastic, resin, metal or anything you can print with. It can be painted, unpainted, can be a WIP or a finished product. It all will have an impact on our decision but the most important factor is WOW. We will choose one that has the most WOW in our opinion. WOW can come out of many aspects - paint job, feeling of grandeur, cool idea, fresh idea, something that we have never seen. There are many ways to impress us so do your best and don't be afraid to join! 

To all new Patrons, we encourage you to join:
- Discord channel
- FB group

Happy Printing!
Titan Forge Crew



Mike Gonzalez

Amazing work. Thank, y'all.

Natalie Baker

I'm not sure what it is, but I'm absolutely loving that dwarf in the sci-fi section.




Great stuff! :D


Incredible! i love this patreon so much


Love the Cyberpunk - not enough of this genre in miniatures are out there yet! And Dragon Empire 1.5 is the same! Loving it for a L5R campaign! I hope there's many more of each of these in the future!


Holy content batman! What a helluva month!


I love anything that's not standard fantasy, so much of that to go around. So Dragon Empire, Cyberpunk, and the Mayan amazons are all great!


Woot! Street samurai

Strange Universe

Is anyone els ehaving trouble unzipping the amazons file? It makes all the folders but winrar throws up errors for all the files and nothing copies. I even tried going straight into the archive4 and copying/executing files and it does nothing. Downloaded it three times (which at 1gb, is hella frustrating)


Amazing, guys!


Started printing the modular terrain and wondering if there is going to be an issue with the walls. I see they have round pegs with a flat “tab “ sticking out. The floors and walls only have round holes. Am I missing something? I printed 4 floor tiles and have a few walls in the printer now, hoping it makes more sense when I have the physical pieces. The floor tiles look great so far!


This is astonishing amounts of quality content!


Out of this world. Thank you very much.


LOooooove the Cyberpunk soo much, espacially all teh terrein Modular stuff - thx a lot! - hope to see a Sci-fi theme again,.. maybe every other month ;)


<3 more sci-fi!

Kar Lox

What a release! Amazing, thank you, I’d say keep your cyberpunk line going its super cool.

Kar Lox

Try downloading a new version of winrar, happened to me with other files too.

Ondrej Masin

Love the Dragon empire so much. I will make them my next AOS army. Hammerhal suddenly became Dragonhal.


This release literally leaves me stunned. So much quality in such a tight bundle. I can honestly say that this is the best PPM for quality on the market. NEVER MIND THESE ARE MY FAVORITE MODELS IVE EVER BOUGHT. Ga damn those Dragon Empire releases. They just keep getting better and better. Keep it up, you have a patron for life. If 1.5 is an indicator, then 2.0 is gonna blow our minds yet again.


OMG yes! Totally agree with Steven, just keep it going!


Anyone else getting gateway timeouts when trying to download the first two links?


I'm getting the 504 gateway time-out on the March release download. Was able to snag everything else, though.


Whatever their issue was it seems to be resolved now, just snagged march at 50MB/sec.


Was the zip archive good? Mine said it was corrupt, I'm downloading it again right now


Downloaded the March release - but the zip file wouldn't open, said it was corrupt. Tried to download again and got an error message "7502 Server error - not enough space" (??).... On my third attempt to download got the 504 Gateway Time-out error.... Not being pushy and I'm fine to wait for the files, just letting you know that it's giving a ton of errors and issues right now so you might want to look into it


The bases from the March Release are corrupted

Ian Hunter

An amazing release! Is it possible to get the pilot reclining for the cockpit?


Are you getting issues with all of them? I think mine are ok https://imgur.com/OkyGwGe


I can't seem to find bases for the Amazons models. Are there bases for the models? If not does anyone have suggestions for flying bases for the Pterosaur's riders and the Kongs?

Tucker Loper

Happy birthday to MEEEEEEEEE! So Pumped to get these on the printer, and even more pumped to enter the Resin and Plastic Addicts giveaway for this month! Exciting work, peeps!


Thank you so much for all this content. I am going to have to get a second printer! haha


I'd love to see a modular unit of those enforcers. very cool design but sad i cant have a variety of parts

Kamron Duncan

The March release file wont unzip, had no trouble downloading but im getting a error code 79 saying incorrect file type


Anyone encountered problem when try to print Scum Duelist? I am not able to see the model


Can I still do the loyalty program if I wasn't a backer in feb? So, March, April, May? I didn't know about this in Feb :-(


Not gonna lie, the Cyberpunk brought me here but doing some good, rarer class/race combos (Fallen + Scourge Assimar, Goliaths, all Genasi, and Firbolgs, or things like dragonborn rangers, half-orc wizards, tiefling clerics, stuff you don't see often) in the Titans of Adventure lines will keep me paying. I really want to see some good, but less common, race/class combos.


Awesome value, Those Cyberpunk minis hit me right in the feels!


I just noticed the large base for the CED seems to be missing from the bases (at least I cant find it).


Question: How do you add plates to miniatures when printing? Do you print them separately then use a glue or do you add the plate and then a miniature in the slicer software and print them like a single miniature?

Rodney Sanders

Here is hoping Joel! I joined on the 2nd of March I think. Wish I'd joined a couple days sooner.

Rodney Sanders

The Cyberpunk and Dragon Empire is what convinced me to jump on here. Give me more Necromunda models and more dragons lol. Would be great to see more Variety in the RPG sections for sure also.


Your choice on method tbeh -- both should work. Printing bases separately is a good idea for paining, as it allows you to decorate that separately, if you don't plan on doing that then using the slicer to put them together will save some effort.

Scott Hurd

Having issues with the Blockade.stl from the Cyberpunk Modular Terrain. Is it just me?


I'm just printing the cyberpunk models and I can't find the pilot for the CED. Is she supposed to be included? Also, blockade.stl doesn't work for me either.


buenas,estoy teniendo problemas con la descarga de titans of adventures,no puedo descargarme el archivo,como podrian ayudarme


pilot is in the CED folder (CED_Pilot) for me, CED is one that im most excited to print and paint


Found my way here from Black Magic Craft, Guess I'll add you to my Patreons! So many minis, no such thing as too many minis


Like Arron above me I found my wiay here via Black Magic Craft and his excellent video and had to sign u right away. Really looking foward to my Photon arriving so I can print out some of these amazing looking minis and hope to get more insight from others here on best settings and tips etc :) Marc


Found my way from Black Magic Craft. You have some fantastic mini! Very glade to have join. :-)

Micah Raymond Maloney

Found my way here via Black Magic Craft and see the loyalty program is February, March, and April. If I'm still with in May is it possible whatever that reward is will be available then, or is that a one-time thing for that specific set?

Hiro Protagonistak

Another BMC guy hope you send him some good stuff.


Found my way here via Black Magic Craft. I wasn't at all interested in dwarves, but cyberpunk and dragon empire stuff hooked me. I really hope to see more of both.


My friend, this cyberpunk series was fantastic, could you think of doing part 2? This kind of mini is so complicated to find ... Cyber ​​Shaman, Yakuza ganster with weapons, the RPG shadowrun is a great reference for other works of this type. Thanks for the excellent work!


Became a patron after seeing Black Magic Craft's video. The Dragon Empire models are great - are you planning on doing a bundle of the February (1.0) release, like you did for the March 1.5 release? (I'm planning on buying them all thanks to the 3,666 patrons discount - awesome, by the way - but future backers may want to be able to get them in one go).


Man they looks awesome. I love Cyberpunk and scifi. Same as Nathan I watched the Black Magic Craft video and came straight to here.


Just joined up, absolutely love the models and have been having a blast printing them out. I just started on the CED Battle Suit. ---- Not sure if this is the type of ask you guys fulfill, but I was wondering if you guys could do a version of the CED pilot that is actually piloting in the cockpit? I thought it would be awesome to make the cockpit out of translucent resin so that you could look through and see the pilot inside. She could even be positioned like shes hitting holographic controls or something.


Jeremy from BMC sent me over here!


Are there any specific games the Dragon Empire or Cyberpunk set can be used with? They look cool for L5R/Starfinder, but it would be nice if there was a board game/wargame they could be used with as well.


I played a game called Sixth World, I believe, which was a lot of fun. I could see the cyberpunk elements there. I think it was an offshoot of Shadowrun?


I was actually looking for WWII minis and generally avoiding the gazillion fantasy minis. There's some great stuff out there but honestly, how many Beholders do we need? :) Anyway, when I saw the Cyberpunk and Dragon Empire releases, I didn't go any further - these make perfect models for the Fistful of Lead rules! Would love to have bought everything on the MyMiniFactory store. I know I said I was avoiding the fantasy minis but those dwarves, are so awesome. However, I'm limited budget, so I just pimped out the Dragon Empire with the models I'm most likely going to use and will get the dwarves later. Looking forward the the Cyberpunk range expanding! :)


Love it! I'll be back when you do more Sci-fi!


I'm with ya about the "the gazillion Fantasy" patreons, and boy does the community tend to get pitchforks and torches when an artist tries to do something else.


Absolutely blown away by the quantity and the quality of the sculpts! I can't tell you how happy I am with the Cyberpunk Age sculpts. I'd leave a better comment, but I have to get some of these on my printer right now.....


Hi guys, I'm new to both the patreon and 3d printing. D o i need to add supports to these STL's before I can print them? Thanks!


Do I have to get this pack entirely downloaded before the end of the month? Or will joining before then be enough to secure the pack?


I'm hoping access to them is ongoing or I have just spent £10 to rush flat out in 90mins without access to my home pc :/


am i missing something, I am not seeing a link to download the march Dragon empire 1.5 figures


Disregard, I found them


were these updated since the release earlier this month?


Hello, the link to March release seems to not work anymore. Is there a way to recover the files? PC was stuck during the download and the files seems corrupted on my hard drive.


Hello, joined yesterday and the link for March does not work. Thanks.


Add me to the list of people that cannot download the "March Release". I just joined as was not aware that things get date locked.


Hi please write DM to us here and we will help you.


Same - not able to download March Release - I sent you all a DM about it. Thanks.

Jonathan Delahaye

Hi, the march release itself gives me a "400 Link does not exist" I am able to access all the other files, just this one doesn't work, doesn't even give me the chance to enter the password. DMing doesn't seem to work. I can click send 700 times and the message box just stays on the screen. In two different browsers.


Hi, I also am having the same problem. I have been unable to download the March Release.


March release link is definitely not working - is it possible to get a reupload?


Also can't seem to message you guys.


March link is not working for me either.


march link isn`t working


Guys, love the mini's, but seriously, please fix the link, or at least reply to your DM's!


The links only work for the corresponding month they are released. After that they can be bought on MyMiniFactory.com


The links only work for the corresponding month they are released. After that they can be bought on MyMiniFactory.com


Raistling. I joined back on March 19 for the March release but did not download them. I did not receive a notice that said the link was only valid for the month. Is there a way I can recover them without paying again.

Fan of the arts

The link for the march release does not work for me


New to the whol patreon thing... Still a chance to get these?


The march link still isn't working.


Just finished up painting the Samurai! He looks awesome! I'm glad i found your patreon! You do really. really.. REALLY nice work. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!


March isnt available to me even though im a patreon member?


hi i can't download the March Release :400 Link does not exist


How can we bough the march Release STL


So march didnt let me download it. Ive been getting the 400 error since march.


If you were subbed during March, send a message to the page


oh i just hate myself that i didnt follow this patreon ealier!!!! <3 :(((