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We have read all your comments and messages and we think that we need to clarify everything very precisely so there are no doubts about this offer.

Other Companies and our Company
First of all, we need to explain that we are not the same as a big part of patreon creators is. When the team is limited and the artist is the centerpiece/CEO of the project it is way easier to simply let patreons print and sell his work. For us, it is a bit more difficult. At this point, our main income is from the resin miniatures and boardgames sales. We have a lot of people for production, packing, delivery, etc. We need to think about those sales and people and we won't do anything that would endanger that. Allowing uncontrolled crowd (and that is created by Patreon merchant tiers) to print and sell is not something that we will accept because we want to, and need to have some kind of supervision on our resellers. The most important thing for us is to know by name people that will use our work for money.

Printers and Making money
We have divided 3d printing people into 3 tiers:
1. Hobby Tier - Those are people that sell their prints to their gaming group, friends and family and they are making just a few extra prints per month so they manage to cover their patreon costs. They do not have a webstore, do not go and show their prints to local stores to make money but more to show-off what they did. Making money is not their goal when it comes to supporting our Patreon. If you are in this group this license thing is NOT for you. We are completely fine with selling single prints ocasionally to people you know with the basic patreon tier. Let's be real - it is impossible, and never will be possible to control every patreon. If you sell minis just to add a few $ to your hobby budget that is OK, we are nerds and geeks as well and we understand it completely.
2. Startup Tier - Those are people that have some experience with 3d printing and more and more people around ask if they could print this and that for money. They decided to try to make a part-time job/extra income out of it. If you are in this tier this license thing is FOR YOU. We are happy to help you with everything, we will provide you with the renders, pictures, and all other stuff that we create for our platforms. We started the same way and we support all people that try to make a living out of something they love. In return, we want to be sure that you will try your best to make it happen and you won't leave it after a few weeks. That is what the RETURNABLE License Fee if for. Also as we said before we will take a percentage of your sales so you won't have any monthly cost just because you sell our minis. You make money - we make money, you don't - we don't.
3. Pro Tier - Those are people that already have companies/webstores/shops and are looking for another product for their store. If you are this tier this license thing is FOR YOU. We know that when you start to sell bigger quantities and you move out of the startup phase monthly costs start to pile up. Rent, salaries, taxes are a pain in the ass so the most important thing for you is the profit you can make. We understand that completely. We know that there are only a few other artists that create as awesome models as we do (sounds a bit narcissistic :P) and as long as you are focused on selling a lot of our products we are open to negotiate PERCENTAGE after the first month.

How this would work
As mentioned before we would create contracts for everyone that wants to work with us. Details would be discussed and negotiated individually but the main terms are:

LICENSE FEE - If you decide to work with us we will charge you $120 to start. This money goes for the administration costs and will be a small insurance if, in the end, you decide not to work with us or you won't be able to create any profit. As I wrote before this is a refundable fee and the condition to get that refund is to make a sales that will result in $250 cut for us by the end od 2020.

PERCENTAGE - For the first month it is 20%. At the end of every month, we will discuss the goals to work on better terms for you.  We do not have any expectations or numbers in mind at this point because we have no experience with this kind of licensing. Some people already declared that they want to work with us. We will check sales results for all of them after 1st month and we will figure out our discount system.

PATREON - Still the only way to get current files will be to support us on Patreon. The main reason is that we are doing tweaks and changes almost always until the last day before release so there is no way we can offer early access for resellers at this point.

PAST RELEASES - Distributors will have access to the lines they have missed on Patreon. The price for each set will be around $30 but this is yet to be determined. We won't give access to those lines for the regular $10 because that price is reserved only for active patreons and always will be but still we will make a better deal than buying all models separately on MMF.

SALE PLACES - You need to declare where your sales will take place. Those can be multiple but we need to have a full list of stores and websites where our products are available. Ofc if you decide to go to an event or expand to another platform just drop us an e-mail so we can update our documents.

That is how this will work for 2020. If you are interested drop me an e-mail at r.lakomiak@titan-forge.com. 

For all of you that already reached out to me, please give me a few days to create all the documents that we need so we could move forward with setting this up asap. 

If you still think that it is not fair especially comparing this to other Patreons we have an additional quick explanation. We do not agree with the model other creators approved. It does not have any tools, terms, documents that any serious cooperation between entities should always have. It is simple to manage but it creates a huge window for piracy and theft. We work with a lot of other companies in different areas and we won't discard what we believe is needed to work with respect to each other here. The biggest difference between us and other creators is that we do not look at this as another simple patreon functionality tier but as direct cooperation between us and you. That is the only way it will work for us and we can discuss numbers and percentages but using other companies as examples of something that we should follow makes no sense at this point. 

Also for the quality, we can agree that other artists are on the same level and sentences like "Have you seen this model, that this guy did? It is fkn amazing/awesome/ridiculous" are a daily thing at our office but as for the quantity, we do not agree in the end. At this point we have a LOT of content we release every month and we will also move into additional areas (and I am not even mentioning double releases :) ). For us, it is important to provide the best monthly 'content to price' ratio we can, and I believe that we are on the right track. This huge amount of content that our resellers will get access to, in our opinion makes a really good deal out of what we offer.

We are looking forward to your comments!




I do wonder how many of the negative comments about the licencing structure were from people with no intention of taking up your offer anyway? This all seems not just reasonable, but advantageous to anyone wishing to make a profit *from someone else's work*. You guys have spent an inordinate amount of time addressing the issue(s) - hope all goes well. To anyone who disagrees with the pricing model - you don't *have to* sell someone else's work, there's no need to gripe about it online (especially not in their own patreon forum!). Great work guys, looking forward to the next releases....

Mike Michaels

Anybody who knows business knows that 20% is greedy and unsustainable. What is worse is that I see this as taking advantage of naive or amateur businesses who don't yet know any better. I can't in good conscious support this patreon any more.


Anybody who knows business knows 20% isn't much at all. Many industries operate on 20-40% margins, with them only charging 20% that leaves you 80% to cover all your other overhead. Resin is extremely cheap and is one of the only recurring costs someone selling minis would incur.


Great work guys! I’m 100% on the Hobby level for this but as a small business owner and an artist this is 100% fair. And a smart way to go about it. Congrats and I hope it works out well for you and the team. Keep up the great work!


That sounds really resonable! The 20% cut for the first month, thats up to negotiation for the following month, is a great way scare away merchants that tend to jump of. And for them its not even that punishing seeing how the license is refundable. Great strike between leeway for the merchants and security for you guys, yay you!

Benjamin Walter

The problem I see here is not the 20% in and of itself. It would be totally fine for me if the 20% would be after costs. So you have to pay for the patron itself, the extended license fee and extra on your sale on a highly competitive market with a very small margin


Good and reasonable thinking.

Mike Michaels

It's more likely the support is from those with no intention to pay the licensing fee.

Frederick A Williams

It actually shocks me that they are allowing anyone to sell their models as they offer resin models themselves for sale(unlike 99% of other patreons). They are protecting themselves, which they have the right to do. This is a free world, you don't like, fine, move on.


So they make it zero? Titan Forge do all the work, you pay your $20-$45 (as some are demanding) and churn out a few hundred minis as a sideline, then get bored and move onto something else. In the meantime, Titan Forge - who sell physical products themselves - are competing against other producers, of varying quality and reliability, to sell *their own designs*. To someone who is serious about producing miniatures, willing to spend the time and money investing in brokering a partnership, a few hundred dollars isn't a deal breaker. To someone whom it is, they probably don't want that working relationship anyway. They're not an entirely virtual company selling entirely virtual products; they make and sell the resin miniatures themselves - each sale someone else makes is one less for Titan Forge. It's not unreasonable for them to say "for each sale you cost us, we'd like to be recompensed for some of the profit we would otherwise have made because *it's our miniature* " is it?

Marco Colucci

To be onest I agree with Titan about the rights of fees for selling there art! For me there are no problem because I am not interested in selling, but one thing that I really unhappy is that there online shop and shipping the fisical models is really not helpful, because I bought end of December some models and I am still waiting to receive them! I mailed the online shop but they never answer me!


I have to agree with Josh. I put together a cost analysis using TF's retail store as a price point. When I take into account TF's cut, materials (resin, cleaners, electricity, etc), taxes, and so forth, then look at the time to process and finish the model (no paint or assembly), I end up at about $3.75 an hour. Stretching this into multiple models on a single run gets me up nearly $5.50 an hour based on my efficiency models. This does not take into account any months fees or marketing. Using the same parameters for my other model sources gets me $6.04 and $8.54 respectively, on average. The standard deviation on these is minimal as well. Overall I love the models, but being up against an unknown number of competitors and having a much higher processing time/higher cut makes this a no go for me from a retail. TF is free to offer any agreements they want and we can voice our opinions as the offeree. At the end of the day, both parties have to like the deal. I, personally, do not. I'll stay a backer for the great models and will have fun printing/painting when time allows, but I have to focus on better margins for myself.


I made my own calculation for you. Lets say you get an order for 3 heroes and I choose the best selling line and the best selling models on MMF for us. 3 minis are not something special and in our experience people tend to buy sets of minis in the same theme hence that lineup for the order: Income: Koi - Hori Mizu - $21,27 Ronin - $14,18 Senin Hi - $14,18 Total: $49,63 I have only Prusa Slicer on me to calculate it quickly but if we resize them to 87% so the size we sell them in our store and put them more or less on their back to have the best front details with autosupports it shows me 60% of build plate used, 2:23h and 17ml of Resin so lets count 25ml with loss for cleaning, $42 per 1000ml. FEP 20 (we are around 30-40 from each when we care about it) prints from one, 60% surface used $7 per one, LCD 50 prints at least at $45. Production Costs: Titan Forge - $9,93 Resin - $1,05 FEP - $0,21 LCD - $0,9 Extras like gloves, paper towels, IPA, Electricity - <$2 Total: $14,09 Income - Production/License Costs = $35,53 So if you are doing it on your own we get 9,93 and you get 35,53. Ok now you will say that there are other costs like labor, machines, rent... To be honest I do not know how to calculate them for you guys because every business model is different but for me as long as you are 1-man operation labor is income, machines are extremely cheap and you do not need much space to run it. If you have a way to calculate additional costs that are on top of the production please let me know because I am genuinly curious. Also margins are something that is being said and people say that it is around 30%. Is there someone here that could show us an example of how it is calculated in this area? :) Maybe I am simply missing something and maybe what we do with our resin minis is way different but retailers and distributors work on a 35-60% discount when buying in bulk. With 30% margin in retail we would not be able to offer our products anywhere else than through the direct sales because we would be losing money. Please do not take this comment the wrong way. We are really trying to figure out those %, costs and terms for 3d printing services and we are happy to talk to everyone here so both parties have a full picture.


If I had a shop area to work in, this makes sense. I literally do all my work at a kitchen table so I have to take into account setup and tear down time as well. I have timed this plus the time to process minis/terrain of various sizes with n>50 for a reasonable sample size. This is where I start looking at my per hour profits. There is also the taxes I have to pay in the US at both state and federal level which is a larger portion as well. Couple the taxes with your cut and we are already north of 50% gone before I start printing. I say this because I have agreement's in place with a few producers for a straight 10% cut (no Patreon or monthly fee) and their miniatures are much quicker to process. In many instances, no supports are needed and the details are fantastic. The one Patreon I do have a merchant agreement with is Artisan's Guild which has no per sale fee. Granted it is more per month than yours, but it again comes to the processing time. I imagine it would be possible to get your minis down to the same efficiency in processing through trial and error to optimize supports placement with quality impact. The issue really comes down to time and where to focus my efforts. At this point, the numbers do not make sense for me at my production level and staff (only the lonely for any foreseeable future). I really do appreciate the work you are putting into creating a business model that works with your Patreons though and taking the time to run the numbers and show what you are basing your percentages off of. It shows that you have put a lot of thought into what you are setting as terms.


Lobotomy was great, backed that one as well. Sweet minis!

Erik Watts

I just wanna throw this out there: if I were interested in printing your models for profit, you’re either getting $120 per year or you’re getting 20%. I wouldn’t be willing to do both. Just something to think of.

Michael Warren

I mean from all these comments it seems like there might not be that much competition out there. Lol.


Ok, guys. So I asked Mike Michaels to send me his calculation for a $50 order as I wanted to see how in his system costs and profits look like. He did that and what he provided was a calc sheet that had 2 small calculating errors (taxes and electricity were calculated in a wrong way). I took it, fixed it and also added a comparison to a patreon that charges $35 per month ($420 per year). After calculations of just the licensing costs difference, we are cheaper for most of the time till $1500 is annual sales. It is exactly what we aim for - to be cheaper for startups and charge more when people are making serious money out of our models. Make sure to check that link and ask if you have any questions or comment if it needs any adjustments. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kC15LgxJGBdTyqldXeBCNyoqgLw4kwFDbJ5TZbseNCU/edit?usp=sharing

Mike Michaels

I agree that this spreadsheet should give anybody potentially interested in this deal a clear picture of what they can expect, and enough information to decide if it is in their interest. Thanks for working this out.

Tony Shade

Hey guys. I’m not trying to sell, I am a high school teacher that runs his schools DnD club and print miniatures for them to use at my home since they can’t afford to buy their own. Though I am not trying to get a license to sell I did get excited that you were offering them a chance to buy previous sets that they had missed out on as a package and was wondering if it would be possible to do similarly a normal patron?


Those are available on MyMiniFactory to buy separately with 50% discount code. Check the February release post for details.

Michael Warren

Curious if there is any updates or news about licensing?


It is still work in progress in terms of contracts. I will send application forms to all people that reached out to me at r.lakomiak@titian-forge.com on Monday. Hopefully, by the end of next week, everything will be ready.

Videador Vid

I will be interested in the future to sell some prints, I still a noob in the 3D printing world but want to give the right deal to the sculptors. Please keep me updated :)


the 120 is refundable if you make a sales target tho. it seems more an insurance to not have any time wasters. so i will happily pay 120usd and then 20% of all sales. once you have made them 250usd you get back your 120. and thats it. seems super fair. the only thing would be for them to make the files available separately for license holders so you dont have to patreon on top. but as they have explained this is the only way "AT THE MOMENT".

Dammitt Daniel

Are there any Updates on this Deal? I have my website up and running but missing your Guys Awesome Miniatures!


i have a serious question how many resellers do you already have for your products Globally and inside of the EU more specifically? id like to know that i wouldnt be buying into a heavily saturated market Regards