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We have another free model for you. Photon Dragon is our first model that does not need supports and can be sliced right from the STL file. In the archive, on top of a one-piece version, you will find the second one with wings as a separate parts. For FDM it makes almost no big difference but Resin printers will print it way faster this way (you will have to put some supports under those wings though). Detached wings will allow you to print it much bigger. So how big can we get :)?

Photon Dragon was created in cooperation with Anycubic. We are still waiting for the discount code as there are some technical difficulties but hopefully, we will have that figured out by the end of this week. 

In the images section, you can find the first, full scale, test print. It was made with 0,4mm nozzle and 0,2mm layer size so many details are not visible but that green, mean Dragon is proof that you can print him without any supports, as intended.

Files are in the January release that you can download here:

 · January Release  - password:   AhhFreshMeat!  

Cheers TF Crew 




Very nice!


I am definitely printing this beast


Very cool, thank you!!!


These are the best kind of surprises! This looks amazing


Bad Ass


oooh, as soon as I receive some new FEP sheets I will prints this. Looks really awesome.


Have you done SLA with no supports? I'm looking through and a few of the scales and some of the claws would cause little islands that wouldn't print quite right. Unless i'm missing something


Sweat can't wait to print it


My Chitubox slicer is showing the whole version is too tall to print in one as suggested thats possible in the text above anyone else seeing this?


ahh so not resin? I have a Photon so thought it was meant to fit in that I'd likely scale it or do in parts anyway was just wondering. :-)

Felix Flauta

That poor rock...also downloaded thanks!

Felix Flauta

Would hollowing this model out make it top heavy with the wings?


wau , amazing , i love dragon and w40k . PLS more model dragon and maybe w40k for future ?


this actually brings me to something I was hoping to find a tutorial on, does anyone know of a good tutorial for taking complete minis and splitting parts off but so that they actually cut into the mini like the wings here? previously I've just been slicing parts off leaving two flat edges and then making square or cylinder holes in both parts, but that usually requires green stuff and aggro to put back together since I usually get at least slight warping. (I tend to use meshmixer or blender). Also the dragon looks great!




there are programs that actually have the option to key what you seperate, i believe "3D Printed Tabletop" (that's the youtube channel name) uses it in one of his vids at least, tho i can't recall in which one...


Zero supports my ass.


Awesome! Will try it on my FDM Printer, thanks for the extra model!


I don't understand, if you need to tilt it a little in resin printers how can it not have supports? I only got mine a couple of days ago and haven't had time to set it up yet.


Ooooh, shiney.


You can print it flat supportless, or print the 3 part version tilted to maximize size.


Hey guys, the PUBLIC link contains all the January files, not only the dragon. Sent the link to this post to a friend so he could download the dragon and he could download all the Demonic Kingdom models (which he loved by the way). In case you want to correct it!


Just printed this - it looks pretty awesome, even on my cheapo printer. More support free models please!


Khaki what PUBLIC link??

Kyle Howard

sadly not supportless but good modlle


Printed this without supports, and if I lost detail I couldn't tell you where

Robb Nunya

How big can it get? (Eyes the Anycubic Predator on my table...)


I couldn't seem to get the print to sit flat on the bed in Chitubox. Maybe its me but the flatten to face feature showed a lot of angular options on the base of the print...


Dangit, link expired on me again.


Cant get to link and its January 31 still please help...


Why is this link expired? It says I have until February 1st 00:00, which is not until now. I won't use a single model from Daemonic Kingdom from the January release, but this file made it worth it, and now I can't download it? Is there a way you could send this to me?


Seems to be a lot of frustration around the link expiring before it is "supposed to". Did you ever post what time zone you are in? I'm in MST and the the link expired before 9:00PM. I managed to get mostly everything, save this dragon. I'll except this mistake is on me if you did post the time zone; however I am not seeing it anywhere. Perhaps, this should be included in every post with a link going forward.


My apologies, it says UTC time, this one is on me ;) I won't make that mistake again. Thanks for the awesome models!


Is there a way I could get this model? Working and thought I had until 00 Feb 1


hi, i had no internet in home and i cant dowload the files :,(


I was out for work I was trying to download it now, but the link is gone is there the possibility to recover it in some way?


Hello, Same as the others, but i'll confess i just plain forgot 'till today. Any way we can get access to the dragon even if we're late fools ?


Hehe my USB Drive where I stored the downloads crashed today. December was still on Harddisk ... but yeah if your Backupmedium crashes ... time to improve my storage solution ... this expiring downloadlinks system seems to have some weaknesses.


I thought it was issues to, same boat as people who download on the last day.


Damn I missed grabbing this before the link stopped working.


I missed the Dragon as well. I understand some of the limitations that have to be dealt with sharing such large quantity of files. But it is unfortunate that there appears (at current) to be no way to get it if you missed it. Even if you are supporting the patreon during that month. This is perhaps something to consider some reasonable alternatives for that brief period.


dang I missed it too!

Ian Hunter

Is there any way that I can get the dragon. I got all the other files but this one.


Hope there is a reply to this sometime soon same problem with Takei Ken model also sadly. been away most of Jan came back on 30th but "link expired"


It says that it's unlocked, but "!400 link does not exist". Thats bad.


If you were our Supporter in January and missed some of the files just write to us PM here on Patreon and will give you new links.

Yessik Ziiiq

Hi, I missed this and was wondering if you'd be willing to repost it for me. I was a supporter January.