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If you are in need of a Grand Master Bowman you will like this bonus miniature for January. Takei Ken and his four-legged friend Tenko are available here:

Link : https://ln2.sync.com/dl/2eeea2550/na3pq2wd-nge7sv24-uphhziwe-aqfzswx5 

Password : AhhFreshMeat!

GooberTown Month - Poll

Battlemages and Spellblades are coming this April. That option was chosen by you over Barbarians, Pitfigters, and Townfolk. Let us remind you of Brent's idea:

Just because you know some magic doesn’t mean that you wear a robe, carry a stick, and sit in a tower. Some magicians know how to get stuff done on the battlefield. Heavy armor, strong sword arms, exploding potions, ensorcelled weapons, and vicious familiars are all part of what make this diverse sect of mages such powerful warriors. They may all have different magical gifts and different preferred weapons, but they are all extraordinarily dangerous.  Expect: warriors from many distant lands and many schools of magic. A brutal assortment of fighting styles, and some very large and deadly familiars. Now there will be a lot of talking and thinking about every single detail for this line. We know that it will be absolutely stunning but there should be some room for your ideas. Brent and Sławek will for sure take into consideration every comment you post so feel free to share your wildest dreams with us.

Plastic Addicts & Resin Junkies

You can post still post your entries for our monthly contests. You can do this through our Facebook or our dedicated Discord channels. Resin bottles and Printers are waiting for you. Make sure to check post with contests' rules.  



Lee Perry

Wooooah, he's super cool!!! Bravo! That's some intense detailing, can't wait to see how it comes out at scale :)


Nice. :-) Yes Battlemages won. :-)


Love the bowmaster mini, thanks for all your hard work my dudes and dudettes

Paul Stansel

I love the bowmaster, but wish he didn't have the dog ;)


Just why? Happy dog gives half of style to whole miniature.


Woah Takei Ken is amazing!!!!


Is there a possibility to have the dog as a separate file? I totally would love to print ana paint some!


The link expired? I didn't realize I had to download this one separately.


welp I was too late, hopefully this file makes it to the MMF page


Are there any plans for this figure to come to MMF?


Darn, I missed this post as well.


Is this model going to be available on MMF? I was abit late to the party lol


I missed this model too because I downloaded everything at the beginning of January :(


with this mini being a part of bloodfields, and a lot of us missed this link the first time it was posted, can we get fresh link or somthing?