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Quick post today with another model from next month Daemonic Kingdom release. This time we want to show you Lilith, demon warlock. We will add her in two posses, with and without stairs.

Also we would like to ask you too about models with "part of scenery" (stairs in this case)  integrated with them. Is it good or should we avoid that  in future designs ?

Sławek and Daniel




Can you add a bikini version? You know why ;). I would say about the terrain make it optional.

Alex Márk Jármer

In my personal opinion, if you can keep the two different pose (with & without) it could be good and makes basing somehow easier or less challenging for heroic or intimidating displays.


I think they both look great, but I probably would not print the stairs one.


Please include terrain pieces. As someone who likes to paint display models it makes thing easier when I don't have to sculpt a base by hand. Also, not many other patreons bother with this. I can only think of one that actually consistently makes bases at all and they are not very detailed or unique.


I'd also say: as long as it's not mandatory, having poses with a bit of scenery attached is really great! So as an option, like you did here, I think it's a really cool thing. I mean, it's more work for you, but I'd love to see more of these options in the future, especially on characters


I think a naked base is a lame base I think is awesome idea so many people leave there base untouched and it doesn't do the model justice i usually make them by hand my opinion it helps paint a scenery and the life of the character again in my opinion keep them coming I look forward to seeing them


Either way look forward to seeing what you release


I’m torn, I like the idea of integrated bases, but as I use figures in games I tend to do my own bases to match the rule system I’ll use the figure in


I like both types one looks more display and the other playable. :-) I think from the comments that the standing one would be better if the base was optional.


The staircase is cool and potentially useful as an option but I prefer there to be an option without as well. Looks awesome!


I like the ability to choose to use the scenic elements or not.


I too like the option of both. I typically use these in game and extra terrain may "distract". But would like the option . Maybe terrain had an integrated spot for the figure on a base?

Fabien de Serres

I LOVE the bases and the different poses. Just an idea (maybe you already thought about it) : since the upper body has the same pose and the same sculpt, it could be interesting to print the upper and lower body separately. I can imagine painting the upper part once and magnetize it to different lower parts depending on the setting.


I would prefer to be able to print everything without a base. I plan on using this model in Warhammer so base size may not match what is required by the rules.


Like the display bases for sure


I think both bases are awesome, but it would be nice if either was optional.


Wow, I don't have the words for this, I am blown away by this miniature. You just made my day :)


I like the idea very much... however I would like to suggest to have in a way which they work together but you can also print them apart with a different base if you are creative with positioning

PupPen and Paper

I love the stairs version. Can´t wait to field some demons


This is going to be great. My son needs this for his Star Eaters!


I'm down with it for some of the models, for sure. Alternate poses/weapons/heads might be a good alternative too. This thing looks sick!


Diorama type bases is an awesome idea. Love it.


I agree, sometimes extras, even if it is simple stairs, can add a lot to a model's look!


For me it will important that normal rank and file troops are not standing on barrels, stones, rocks etc....for charakters it is ok, allowing more heroic poses but not the infinity variants, sometimes half of releases are standing on obstacles...


Why should tabletop warriors allways search for standing one feet on a rock, or may be carry them with them all the times....only to have a heroic pose in the eye of the battle. ;-)))) But joke beside...


Diorama type base is fantastic for doing a display miniature or a little diorama, thats it. A good decision will be both variants, if that is from a commercial view possible..


I like base decorations because I'm not great at custom basing. That being said, precarious bases or very tall bases can make tabletop use harder so I would avoid making them too elaborate.


good demons, I am a going to love this


Base scenery... as long as it doesn't distract from the model itself (ie: is massive) then I think it adds to the effect.


I'm new here, great stuff. I'm always looking for ease of print so I prefer models that come in parts usually. Stairs and alternate poses could be interchangeable


Minimal scenery on the base is great. I don't usually add detail to bases unless I'm making a special model, so these bases coming with scenery make more of my models look special. That said, I've really enjoyed the bases included each month. I might use the more extreme ones on my own models but I prefer the base model to be lower in complexity.


Enough Christmas cheer!! Bring on January and the DEMONS!!!!