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Hey everyone!   

Yay!  Build delivered on time!  LOTS of bugs were found and fixed so I hope that they won’t bother us anymore.  If you find any, please tell me and I’ll slay them too.  Like usual, 2 posts down for the current build links and one down for the cheat password.        

The deets:  

-1 new scene in “walk outside (Veils)”.  

-3 new pics to the “touch her” part.  

-Added more expensive options to the personal training.  

-Hotkeys!  (The most asked for thing.)  

-Payton’s persuasion help lower the rep loss when buying army supply tokens.  

-Added a skip on the Dryad event.  (It used to take about 10 clicks even if you just wanted to skip it)  

-Remember actions in the battle screen.  (I still made them reset when you enter a new fight.  You guys can tell me if you like that or would prefer to always remember the latest action)  

-Fixed a bajillion bugs.    

Next week, I’ll write some more scenes for your enjoyment.  That’s the fun part, after all.  

Hope you all have a great week!
