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WIN:  https://mega.nz/#!jQlWBY5S!IfnNjXa_XozJUM3BpbPdLtfOHsvysad1OhMjCBr5xpI

MAC:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Sz-dr_HDkIRUNUd1UzT2xEZE0

LINUX:  https://mega.nz/#!iI0kgYpC!Uz16sN1-Dxp3YWM6hgjQXj3XdkMMOIBGvp0S800iEIk



On the WIN: link it is saying that the key is invalid and i am unable to download (Never Mind i didn't know there was two lines as it only shows one to me got it working now :) love your games keep up the amazing work)


Hehe. So many people have trouble with that double line thing. I wish I could display it better. And thanks!


I don't get the double line thing. ( i can't figure it out and can't try this version of the game ) ( by reading other comments for another version of the game i've figured it out but still it doesn't work )


You are copy pasting the whole link but it still doesn't work? For which platform?