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Hey everyone!   

The long awaited build is finally here!  Not only that, but I’m also releasing last month’s build as the new public build for everyone to enjoy.  

Get it here: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Pyorgara/416809/Soldiers-Life-V0.10!  

Like usual, 2 posts down for the current build links and one down for the cheat password.        

The deets:  

-1 new scene in Humiliation.  

-3 new scenes in the bunny portion of the outside walks.  

-1 new scene in the veils portion of the outside walks.  

-1 new scene in the pig portion of the outside walks.  

-The basics of the store are in.  You can upgrade your weapon and armor all the way to the max and you can buy the 3 aforementioned costumes.  

-4 new pics in the Humiliation portion.  

-4 new pics in the Touching portion.   

This week will be spent making an item screen because the next things you guys will be able to buy are customizable costumes for Vanora.  It will be purely for your own visual pleasure (She will continue acting like she’s wearing her captain outfit in the text and in the CG pics) but my lovely wife is designing some really fun and sexy ones.  If I finish early, I’ll write a few event for the sortie.  It’s been awhile since I added to that.   

Hope you all have a great week!




Kravenar Games

Just finished playing Corrupting the priestess, really good work, now going for Soldiers Life... keep up this amazing work! :D