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Hey everyone!     

Another month, another build!  Even with a pretty busy week, I managed to deliver this one on time.  Yay me!  Like usual, 2 posts down for the build links and one down for the cheat password.     

The deets:  

-4 new menial tasks.  (The last ones)  

-2 walking outside scenes.  

-2 blowjob scene.  

-2 sex scenes.   

-1 humiliation scene.  

-updated the credits (PM me if you donated 10$ or more and you’re not credited)  

-5 new pieces of art in the stocks     

Last month was pretty harsh with sickness and my day job being unrelenting but I think I did pretty well anyway.  This week will be spent making the basics of the shop.  I realized that I’ll need that much online before I can write more Vanora walks.  Look forward to buying costumes!     

Also, after much thinking, I decided to make the weekly updates only viewable by my 1$ and up patrons.  The build announcements will remain for everyone but the day to day stuff will be restricted to the people who are encouraging me.

Hope you all have a great week!




hey! thanks for this update! i'm a 5$ pledger and i don't have the DL link, is it normal?


The token system feels a little odd, considering the man implementing it is the father of your new captain. I get that he's trying to score points in a petty way, but he's also putting his daughter's life in danger by having her troops be under-equipped, and she doesn't even seem bothered. Plus, higher-level equipment can be a bit of a grind, since you need 6 or 7 tokens per upgrade. Easy enough to address both issues though. You could put in a scene where a sufficiently 'trained' Vanora can be made to petition her father. Have her claim that you're fighting dangerous battles and the men need equipment, citing either the war-effort as a whole, or her own safety. He can't just revoke the token system, that'd look bad on his part, but maybe a discount, or maybe Vanora just happens to "Acquire" a handful of tokens. Or with a more stubborn Vanora, confiscate her gear. (Captain's aren't allowed non-standard equipment?) and make her use what the troops are using, so she'd be directly affected by her father's bullshit rules. Sidenote: I'd love to see the duel-option fleshed out. At current, she only has one reaction to being asked to duel, and it's more fitting to a high SW. Presumably a low SW Vanora would expect to lose. Plus, a reaction to her actually losing would be nice. Anyway, great game, tons of fun, looking forwards to the future.


I like your token notes and I'll keep them in mind. That is all polish to be done later on, though. I am painting the broad strokes right now by writing the scenes and programming the basic stuff. Same for the dueling stuff. Glad you're having fun!