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Hey everyone! 

First off, I wrote some more this week.  I now have a total of 5 new scenes written.  Next week, I'll add the turn counter mechanic to the game.  Which will give you a number of action you can do in town before you have to go back out there.  That mechanic will be dictated by Payton's reputation.  The perks of being liked and all that.  Speaking of reputation, I played the game for a while at low rep and decided that the common complaint of 3 rep being too low was valid.  It's not impossible to come back from but it's slow.  I'll up the minimum to 4, at least until I add in the ways for Payton to gain reputation in town.

Secondly, my patreon is now charge upfront...  I think.  Earlier this week, I checked my edit screen to make sure I knew how to do the change for when today came and found that I did not have the charge upfront toggle.  I contacted the Patreon help people and they said it was just a glitch and they could turn it on for me.  I asked them to turn it on on the 15th and they said they'll try to get it for this date but it might just go on tomorrow.  The annoying thing is that I have no way of knowing if it's turned on or not since I can't see the toggle.  So, yeah...  Sorry about that.

Hope you guys have a great weekend!



Came across your April demo while browsing online, great game, donated


So, seeing as all your posts seem to be set to public... is there any point in pledging at the one dollar level beyond saying "Well Done" and hopefully being able to see a public release of the game at some point?


I am not a big fan of hiding things for no reason. If there's some news that I deem "patron only" then I'll hide it. Apart from that, the 1$ donation would be like giving me a thumbs up.