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Hey everyone!

I hope you all managed to have a nice holiday even though there's a plague going around.  I spent some quality time with my lovely wife and she confirmed that next month, she would be good to start helping on Breaking the princess.  ^_^

I did manage to finish the proclamations functions like I wanted.  I'll write a few this week to give you guys things to have fun with.  I will also hook up a lot of dangling treads, tying up the game together.  By the time I'm done, this game will be rolling.  

I also got some more art from Muplur.  News desk is almost fully illustrated!  Probably just one more month to go.  I'll then do a final playthrough to make sure everything is in order and then I can declare it done.  

Have a great week, guys!



Out of curiosity, do these include changes to her sprite when doing appearance blackmails? Or were the rest added and somehow my game needs to start over to see them?