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Hey everyone!

I am back!  That was a really nice week of vacation.  Played games I had on the back burner for a while, relaxed and spent time with my family.  My batteries are quite full.  I think that I'll start taking a yearly week of vacation in the start of summer too.  I usually start to feel the weight of having two jobs at that time.  It would improve my productivity immensely.  

It's nice to know that I enjoy this work as I started looking forward to get back on the horse at the end.  ^_^  I am currently playing News desk to find all the little places where it could be improved.  I have quite the list already (nobody is more judgy than a game's creator) and I'm only halfway through the game.  

I also have more art from Muplur to add to the next build.  

Have a great week!