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Hey everyone!  

My day job is still a  bitch but I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  At some point next week, I should be over the hump and resume development as usual.  

This week was pretty big, though.  I finally finished the last scene in the game.  All the main scenes are now done!  I've also been re-reading a lot of my older scenes as I need some references for writing the ending parts.  It's weird to read all of that back to back.  I'm getting turned on by my own writing.  Lol.   Which is kinda nice.  Means that I'm doing a good job in my own opinion.

Pale horse took some time out of his also busy schedule to make the art for the new card that had been added.  

My lovely wife has also started contributing by starting to make the talking puppets for Outskirts.  The first build will have some art to it.  ^_^

That's all for now.  Stay safe guys and have a great week!


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