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Hey everyone!   

How are you enjoying all that social distancing?  Me and my lovely wife are quite lucky as we can do our jobs from home but I know a lot of people aren't so blessed.  I wish you all luck while this fuckery passes.

As for the update, it's pretty much exactly like the last one.  Hehe.  I wrote 3 more scenes and worked some more on Outskirts.  The scenes are getting pretty hardcore but I'm making interesting escape clauses for the people who like more vanilla content.  ^_^

MUPLUR gave me 5 CGs for the build but also informed me that the virus hit his place pretty hard and he had to relocate, meaning that there might be delays for later builds.  More news on art is that a weeks ago, he also informed me that after News desk is done, I'll have to find another artist.  He enjoyed the extra income from our partnership but it cut too much into his own work for his game.  A feeling that I can understand as I hate when my day job encroaches on my project.

So, yeah.  I'm now looking for another artist for when Outskirts start.  If you're interested or want to direct me to certain artists that you know does commissions, I'm all ears.  I'll repeat this message when I do the public build post.

That's everything for me.  I hope you guys are all safe and have a great week!



I hope that at one point, your income will raise so much that you two can join in an actual joint venture.