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Hey everyone!

Another good week of work!  At this rate, I think I'll be able to deliver on the 5th like a big boy.   Lol.  I finished writing the new events.  There are 3 in total for now:  Interview a pop star, sport locker room after a victory and debate with another journalist.  All the events change depending if YOU go or if you send HER and they also change as you gain more glory or the more blackmailed SHE is.  

Nothing much to report on Outskirts this week except for that image up there.  I'll do more planning on it next month after I'm done with the making the build for News desk.

I'm going to start putting everything in the game, this week.  I'll also have card art for the new cards added in the past and a few new CGs for you guys.

Have a great week!



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