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Hey everybody!

Knee deep in writing right now.  I'm almost done with it.  Just one more scene to finish.  I did 2 Emily ones, 1 Tiffany solo and 1 Tiffany shared.  

After I'm done with the last scene, I'm going to do some coding.  I want to do some polish on the game.  My first thing to do will be that when you encounter an ally, you'll then be able to visit them whenever you like to pay their prices.  Will cut down on trying to chase them and then only find them when you're out of resource.  Hehe.

MUPLUR is doing good.  I already have a few CGs delivered with more on the way.  

As for the question I asked last week.  First of all, I completely derped.  I should have made it a vote thing.  Lol.   Oh well.  From the few answers, I decided that I'm going to start the planning next month.  I'll just take an hour here and there and start designing the game.  Do it at a relaxed pace.  When there's only a few details left to do on News desk, I'll start doing the coding for the the next game.  That way, I won't slow down my current project very much while still getting a leg up on my next game.

How does that sound?



That sounds splendid! :D