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Hey everyone!

One more build up for you guys!  This one is full of sexy scenes and events.  I even got carried away on one of the Cassandra scenes and it went in a 3 way story.  Save before checking out the new scenes if you want to see them all as I haven’t had the time to put the gallery mode yet.  

I did add the mechanism so that certain events will only show when you have so much glory, though.  As I advance in the game, there will be multiple levels of events and cards so that the game changes as you play it.

1 posts down for the cheat password. 

2 posts down for the 0.11 build links. 

3 posts down for the 0.10 build links. 

Look in the OP for the free 0.09 build links. 

The deets:

- Added 5 new Cassandra scenes.

- Added 13 new events for the town.

- Added a new card.

- Fixed a few bugs that had been reported.

- Made it so that the town events change as your glory climbs.

As for this week, I’m going to look into making a gallery work so that you can revisit previous sex scenes.  After that, I’m going to do some more writing.  I’m not sure if I’m going to go with more Cassandra or move on to her daughter.  I’ll see where my muse takes me.

For the art, MUPLUR is ready to continue working after taking a break last month.  Working on two games is probably hard but I’m glad he’s trucking along.

Have a great week!




It's me again, spitballing about balance. First off: Balance is MUCH better this time around. THe early game is a bit of a struggle, and the 20 card requirement makes it much harder to make an easy win deck. After reaching the tipping point, I still found myself playing multiple rounds in order to build some work/get blackmail/defeat Cassandra. This is owed, in part, to the tiered card system, preventing access to some other cards. That said, I feel like SEXUAL cards need a look. Stick in the wheels seems like the best bet right now in terms of actually defeating her, and honestly once your winning, there's no real point to lowering her glory (A la act like a bimbo) or her work. Personally I'd like to see some work ethic++ style cards but for sexual cards (Your Sexual cards cost x less, your sexual cards remove x additional influence)to get some synergy flowing. Things like Rumors feels unecesarry because, as I said, there's little to no point in lowering her glory after your consistently winning. The new Consider Your options i'm on the fence about. It's expensive, and with the new 20 card limit it's hard to abuse, even at ++. I personally didn't bother with it at all, so maybe someone else will have an opinion. I think right now, it's more scalpel time, as opposed to knife. Small balance changes to make cards more competitive against each other to fit a wider variety of playstyles. I think cards with a theme (Sexual, whore) should synergize. (Think how certain evergreen abilities are prevalent in colors in MTG. Haste for red, Trample for green, ect.) IE: A deck full of whore cards should be good at generating resources. A deck full of Sexual cards should be good at slowing down cassandra (Adding distractions? Disabling cards?) Anyways, just thoughts. As always, I absolutely love the game, keep up the great work! <3


Just started playing, real dig the gameplay. When will Cassandra's character pictures be added to the card deck game scenes? I feel like those parts of the game feel really empty without her there.


Thanks for the comment and your thoughts. In another build or two, I'm going to give the gameplay another check.


Pretty soon, actually. Either in the next build or the one after that.


I feel like you can already do that stuff Yllarius. There is the card that lowers influence by 2 per sexual card played that game. So I win by running bend over and flash her tits until that one card stacks to like -30 influence.