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-Mirror 1:  


-Mirror 2:  



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Whooo! Thanks for the build. I've found some fairly rough bugs though. First: The Draw card is wonky. Using it (Maybe if you can't draw enough cards) doesn't remove it from your hand sometimes. Sometimes when it does this, the cards drawn can't be used and will dissapear when attempting to do so, sometimes they can, allowing you to draw infinitely, energy permitting. Second: I *believe* it might be related to 1, but i've lost my turn end button. about 3/4ths into a fight and it simply disappeared, clicking the empty space does nothing, and I can still /do/ things, I just can't end the turn, thus forcing a reload. That's it for now though, good job, if I find anymore i'll let you know <3 EDIT: Actually I'm 90% certain now that the 'done' button dissapears if you try to 'draw' from an empty deck. If I had to guess, the 'Deck' doesn't refresh until turn start, and the 'done' button doesn't appear unless you've 'finished' drawing cards. If this is the case you can either have the deck refresh when the game attempts to draw a card from an empty deck, OR, have the game stop drawing cards if the deck is empty. I recommend the second, to prevent abuse of the new draw cards. In theory, the player COULD cycle his whole deck in a single turn, but that's it, otherwise if the deck continually refreshes, I believe you can just draw forever with the right setup.