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Should I find a way to give more victories to the player?

  • Yes, I want more small victories as you play along. 27
  • No, the feeling of the game is good like it is. 17
  • 2019-05-21
  • 44 votes
{'title': 'Should I find a way to give more victories to the player?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, I want more small victories as you play along.', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'No, the feeling of the game is good like it is.', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21, 13, 55, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 44}


The feel I am going for for this game is you have to claw your way up from the pits of hell.  Cassandra caught you with your pants down so now you have to hustle.  

But, on the other hand, I get that the player experience is also to be taken into account.  So, do you think I should make more game engine changes to give more of a feeling of small victories for the player?

And of course, keep in mind that more changes means more time spent on that.


John Musgrave

Though it feels very "grindy", I think I could win the game and never win a card battle. With high energy (from Gym and REST cards) and hitting the "Pay Blackmail to lower her glory" and "Schmooz" to buy glory, I can zero out her Glory total while steadily building my own Glory. The one thing that would make this approach less torturous would be if the player could PURGE all Influence during the card battle and not sit through her building up glory that I have to kill in town again. Getting the exact event you need in town are how I see the "small victories" working right now.


Hmm, I'd like to offer some advice if I could? This is, to me, a very dangerous question for a game dev to ask, particularly for a game so early in development (.08 seems pretty early to me ;D ). Players are incredibly, notoriously good at finding problems with games. Players are also incredibly, notoriously bad at fixing problems in games. You stated earlier that the feeling you wanted the players to have is that they got caught with their pants down and need to claw their way up from the pits of hell. Adding in small victories detracts from that theme and could end up hurting the game over all. I think Cassandra OUGHT to be powerful, smacking you around in the game as you desperately try to claw your way back into a game you weren't ready for. Being forced to go back to work every day knowing that she's gonna kick your butt up and down makes chipping away at her more and more satisfying the further into the game you get. Instead of asking players to answer a specific question about small victories, which seems destined to lose a lot of the nuance the above comments are trying to give ask the players what they like and dislike about the feelings the game gives them in the early game. For example: I really like the feeling of being totally outmatched and completely unable to win against a powerful opponent, but one that becomes slowly more and more manageable as I chip away at her from OUTSIDE the actual contest we're competing in. I dislike how the power shifts from early to mid game so quickly and to such an extreme. Once I get to a certain point she stops being a threat and the game simply becomes a grind to 1000 Glory. Perhaps, depending upon the answers you get and the feelings you want your game to evoke, the actual proper "fix" is to add in another character that acts as your friend. Chiding you in the early game for letting your guard down and telling you that you need to go after Cassandra outside of work if you want any chance at beating her, then when you finally turn things around and start winning they praise you for how far you've come and how well you turned the tables on such a formidable opponent, giving players that feeling of accomplishment from overcoming a difficult hurdle. That's pretty much what Dark Souls did after all. You beat a hard boss, feel good about it, and later talk to an NPC about how surprised they are you actually did it...and then how you'll never actually beat the NEXT challenge... I hope this makes sense, and I wish you luck in making fun content, removing annoying content, and the wisdom to tell the difference :)