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Hey everyone!

Good week of work.  I'm almost done with the end of day stuff already and my lovely wife will almost certainly be done with the sex scene CG for the next release.  

When I'll be done with the writing, I'll then go on to add in all the variable for the choices as there are a lot for that day and I want to have as much time as possible to test to make sure I get them all.  After that, I'll start the writting for the next day.

One thing I'd like to do with you guys is a little contest.  As some of you may have noticed, Mia's sister is nameless.  That's something I usually do for secondary characters in my games to not pull focus from the main ones.  But as my lovely wife noted to me, she's not only there often enough to be a main cast character but she has a drawn avatar so the poor girl deserve a name.  Give your suggestions in the comments and I'll chose a few of my favorites to make a vote on it next update.

And as always, have a great week!



Milly. The family just really likes the letter 'M'.


Hambone. Just because that would be hilarious.